Rosie Gets Throttled, Claims Patriots Will Rise Up To Boot Trump This November

Rosie O’Donnell believes her leftwing cohorts are the “real patriots” in America. In fact, the 58-year-old former comedian predicts that “the heart of the nation” will rise up and boot the president from office this November. Well, that’s when ole Rosie got throttled by the true American patriots. You’ll love this.

President Donald Trump, Rosie O’Donnell (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Far-left actress Rosie O’Donnell has predicted that voters will “rise to the occasion” in November’s presidential election and vote Donald Trump out of office by a landslide.

“I think November we’re gonna be a landslide and take him out, that’s what I have to believe,” O’Donnell said when asked about this year’s election during an appearance on Marc Maron’s podcast that aired on Monday. “I firmly believe that the heart of the nation is bigger than his mental illness and people will rise to the occasion and vote him out. That’s what I hope.”

During the interview, O’Donnell also spoke of the two times she met Trump and how she holds The Apprentice producer Mark Burnett personally responsible for his rise to power.

“I met him once, twice, once at his wedding, because when he was marrying Marla Maples, we had shared a mutual leading man,” she said. “And then I met him once at the celebrity, I mean at the Survivor finale. I was the host of the Survivor finale and he was in talking terms with Mark Burnett to see about doing The Apprentice.

Discussing Burnett’s influence, the hefty actress said she blames him “for the vast majority of the problems” America is facing and revealed she warned him about the perils of giving Trump such a platform.

“I feel Mark Burnett is directly, personally responsible,” the SMILF star said. “He was very kind and a great guy and I really liked him and then he did this ‘Apprentice.’ And I kept saying to him, ‘What the hell are you doing? What are you putting up this guy as Mr. [Successful]?’”

It is not the first time that O’Donnell has come out with bold predictions. Last year, the former co-host of The View stated her belief that Trump would be arrested before the 2020 presidential election took place.

Rosie predicted many times on her Twitter feed that Robert Mueller would arrest President Donald Trump and his adult children.

“I think he’ll be arrested,” O’Donnell said at the time. “I believe in America and I believe in our political system and I believe we will right the wrong of the tyranny of Donald Trump.”

Poor Rosie also claimed in March 2016 Hillary Clinton would win in a landslide saying: “He will never be president…he will never be president, that’s my comment.”

Well, Americans gave Rosie a big reality check about her 2020 prediction on social media. 

“She also predicted Hillary would win in a landslide.. BTW Wasn’t she one of the hollywierd ‘elites’ that promised to leave our country if Trump won. We’re still waiting,” tweeted “Angry Americans United,”

@Rosie O’Donnell Predicts Trump Will Lose in a Landslide WRONG. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE BEHIND THE PRESIDENT. WE DON’T LIKE OR TRUST HOLLYWOOD,” tweeted “Jim Acosta Not the Asshole from CNN.”

“Rosie O’Donnell is now a fake fortune teller! She needs a new crystal ball…one that says ‘Made in the U.S.A.’ and not made in CHINA!! —She predicts President Trump will lose in a landslide #Trump2020,” tweeted Destiny RN BSN.

“Hey Rosie, we’re still waiting for you to move out of the country,” tweeted “Vinmanlv.”

“Keep hoping because it will never happen. Enjoy 4 more years with a Patriot,” tweeted Jay Carvell.

I thought she was going to move out of the country 3 years ago. I can’t wait until November 4th. Maybe she will actually do it this time #TumpLandslide2020,” tweeted Pete Jones.

@Rosie#RosieODonnell I firmly believe that the [heart] of this nation is bigger than any liberal mental illness & ppl will rise AGAIN 2 the occasion & vote 4 @realDonaldTrump 4 another 4 yrs! #CountOnIt #MAGA2020,” tweeted Shelby Cat. 

Making matters worse for the hefty comedian, Rosie is teaming up with the disgraced former Trump fixer Michael Cohen. Poor Rosie’s Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is so advanced she actually sought out Cohen in prison.

The New York Post reported exclusively last month that O’Donnell is teaming up with incarcerated attorney Michael Cohen to work on his tell-all book that is believed to be highly critical of President Donald Trump.

Cohen is one of those people who were in the Trump orbit but he made the huge mistake of betraying his boss to get a reduction in prison time — for his own crimes that had zero to do with Trump. He’s been desperate to get funding to write his tell-all book and had no takers until the crazy O’Donnell showed up at his jail cell.

It really is hilarious. Rosie O’Donnell and Micheal Cohen writing a book about Trump. They really do make a pair suffering from TDS. Something tells us the book will be as big a flop as Rosie O’Donnell’s predictions.

Well, at least it will make for a historical account of what Trump Derangement Syndrome looked like during the president’s time in office. That’s the only silver lining we can see in poor Rosie O’Donnell’s future.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.