Schiff As Intel Chairman Fabricates Info To Stop Trump Re-Election, GOP Livid

Adam Schiff is once again up to no good, and this time he is using his coveted position as Chairman of the Intel Committee to leak fabricated information, knowing it will hurt President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. In fact, Republicans like Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan are livid, claiming this is the new scheme to get rid of Trump. You don’t want to miss this.

Rep. Adam Schiff, President Donald Trump (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Adam Schiff is using his position as Intel Chairman to call classified briefings which are filled with lies to discredit President Trump. Schiff must think Trump supporters in congress and across the country are stupid. We have seen this movie before, and we won’t be fooled again.

It all started on February 13 when Schiff called his intel committee to attend a classified briefing. When they were all in attendance, Schiff introduced Shelby Pierson, who is supposedly the “top election security official” of the American intelligence community.

Pierson told them based on intelligence reports “Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected.” 

Now, remember this is a top-secret briefing. Those in attendance cannot discuss this with anyone. However, one week later The Washington Post and The New York Times published articles on the briefing citing “anonymous sources.”

However, the GOP Congressmen inside the briefing went to Trump’s newly appointed acting Director of National Intelligence Richard “Ric” Grenell and asked him to look into the matter, specifically Shelby Pierson, and ask her to produce the underlying intelligence within the briefing which proves her case.

Well, come to find out anonymous intelligence officials are now reporting to CNN that Pierson “overstepped” her position, was “misleading” in her briefing, and “mischaracterized” the underlying intelligence.

The Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with her work, that Pierson “has a reputation for being injudicious with her words and not appreciating the delicate work of corralling federal agencies, technology firms, and state election officials to collaborate on election security.”

Imagine that. They threw her under the bus. But that’s not all.

Clearly, Shelby Pierson was just taking orders from the bigger fish in the Democrat Party. Before Schiff called for a “top-secret briefing,” one would imagine he’d ask Pierson for her sources. However, Schiff was in on the scheme from the get-go and is the guy who leaked the fabricated info to the press.

Trey Gowdy, a Fox News contributor, said on Tuesday that he is urging top intelligence officials to stop delivering sensitive briefings to House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff because he is a “leaker.”

Gowdy said, “No one is above the law, except whoever leaks classified information out of Adam Schiff’s committee.” Gowdy made these comments on “Hannity,” in reaction to the recent reports saying the Intel Community has evidence Russia is helping Trump get re-elected.

“The intelligence committee needs to give some thought to stop briefing someone who has a history and an epidemic leaker,” Gowdy said. “Quit briefing him.”

President Trump himself said on Tuesday: “I want no help from any country and I have been given no help from any country.”

It’s the same old movie we all saw in 2016. 

This is the same scheme the Democrats and their deep state cohorts used in 2016. They make up claims out of whole cloth, like the Russian dossier. They leak the fabricated information to the media. The media report it as fact. Americans are duped into believing it’s true.

Rep. Devin Nunes, who was the first one to figure out the Democrats and the deep state rats were working together in 2016 fabricating evidence and obtaining illegal FISA warrants, tweeted a post by actor Randy Quaid: “Stop Making Sh*t Up, Schiff!”

“Republican lawmakers who were in the Pierson briefing noted that Trump has taken on Russia in numerous ways, one official present told The Associated Press. The White House has opposed Russia’s major proposed pipeline in Germany, provided deadly arms to Ukraine and accused Russia of violating key arms treaties, among other measures,” Fox News reports. 

What do we have here? Days after they smeared @realDonaldTrump and had every show declare this as fact to their viewers, now CNN says that oops there’s actually no evidence Russia is interfering to help Trump. @CNN & @MSNBC are not news, they exist to spread Schiff’s propaganda,” tweeted Robby Starbuck, a Cuban-American producer and director.

It pretty clear the Democrats will be sticking to the same old propaganda that has made MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow sound like a raving lunatic. Maddow claims daily: the Russians are interfering in our election to help Trump.

Maddow has devoted thousands of hours in the last three years spreading the “Russia loves Trump” narrative. She has a base of brainwashed Americans who tune in to hear her latest conspiracy theory of what Russian oligarch is tied to President Trump.

With elaborate charts filled with Eastern European oligarchs, Maddow takes her viewers into her own Trump Derangement Syndrome. Well, it’s like De Ja Vu, and if any of your loved ones start parroting the Russia and Trump talking points, make sure you give them a dose of reality, right away.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.