Sean Penn Blasted, Calls For Military To Take ‘Command & Control’ From Trump

Sean Penn showed up on CNN as their “celebrity expert” during a COVID-19 town hall. The 59-year-old leftwing actor has a plan that involves the United States military. Penn, who is also a noted hater of the president, is calling for the military to take “command and control” of the Trump administration during this pandemic. Well, poor Sean got blasted by patriotic Americans.

Sean Penn (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Sean Penn never saw a murdering thug he didn’t like. The actor who was once married to Madonna is infamous for praising murderous dictators like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.

“Chavez is a fascinating guy. He’s done… incredible things for 80 percent of the people that are very poor there,” Penn said. He made frequent trips to see Chavez, who ordered the deaths of countless citizens. Penn also cozied up to El Chapo, the drug lord, who ordered a number of murders that rivaled Chavez. These types of men get adulation from Sean Penn while he only has contempt for President Trump.

In a 2018 op-ed for Time, Sean Penn blasted President Trump as an “enemy of Americans, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and every new child born. An enemy of mankind…. an enemy of the state.”

“I don’t think there’s a chance in hell that Donald Trump is going to win the presidency next time,” Penn said in September 2019. “And that’s because I’m getting a sense that it’s going be an exponential jump in young people who are going to say, ‘No thanks,’” Penn said in September 2019.

Well, there’s one prediction of Penn’s that never materialized. Bernie Sanders’s campaign is floundering thanks to all the “young people” who backed him but never made it to the polls.

That brings us to this bizarre appearance on CNN. We may never know why the executives at CNN thought Sean Penn was their go-to guy to speak on COVID-19. “Thursday on CNN, actor Sean Penn called for the U.S. military to have command and control of the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic,” Breitbart reports. 

“It’s really time to give the military the full breadth command and control of this operation,” Penn said. “And I think that it’s —any little activity that’s happened has happened far too late.”

“We are seeing things dribble out,” Penn adds. “Things like the defense production act being deployed. This is something most certainly I could talk quite a bit about what should have been done. Now the lives lost that have been lost, the amount of people that are sick, clearly what we have to do, and what the military does so well in terms of coordination, coordinating with health professionals, coordinating with hospitals, building hospitals. They can build a hospital in 25 minutes.”

Americans blasted Sean Penn for his ridiculous remarks. He has zero credibility. 

“Well, OF COURSE, Sean Penn wants to use the military. His inclination toward fascism is well documented. Also, when did Sean go get a degree in Virology, Microbiology, Community Health, or even Public Policy. Was that between films??” tweeted “@DBike18.”

“I know I’ll sleep better a night knowing we’ve finally heard from Sean Penn on pandemic/crisis management. He never met a 3rd world totalitarian he didn’t admire,” tweeted Brooks Cirks.

“Yep. And our lame MSM laps this crap up. We’ve got Hollywood poseurs like Jane Fonda and Harrison Ford explaining the ‘climate crisis’ and now Sean Penn in charge of military logistics. What’s next? J.Lo spearheading efforts to develop a COVID-19 vaccine?” tweeted Gary Lampier.

“According to Cooper Trump is not doing a good enough job so here’s Sean Penn……..? People that watch CNN for their news must be as dumb as the people that voted Trudeau in,” tweeted “Donrae.”

“Sean Penn is an expert for CNN. How low can you go? He calls for the military to take over the pandemic. Hmmm. Don’t think the military is elected. But, hey, it’s Sean, an actor,” tweeted Diane Weber Bederman.

Do you know what other dictatorship Sean Penn loves? Cuba. In fact, he really loves their healthcare system and hopes America adopts it. 

Penn writes that healthcare is “free” and “accessible” to every single Cuban. He was extremely upset when Fidel Castro died and Americans cheered:

We are as healthy as our planet, and man, that’s an alarming thing. Case in point: I just flipped on CNN. The president-elect is dancing, or tweeting actually, “Fidel is dead!” I can hear him singing it to the tune of “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead.”

Sean Penn is an actor. He learns lines and then is filmed repeating them. That’s his profession. The guy has serious issues with reality. He’s a rich celebrity who thinks socialism is the answer to mankind’s problems, and he’s oblivious to the fact that Americans have rejected everything he has to say.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.