Sheriff Investigating Photo Of BLM Supporter Kneeling On White Baby’s Neck, ID Uncovered

A recent photo surfaced on social media of what appears to be Black Lives Matter supporters holding down a white baby and kneeling on their neck. The photo was traced back to Ohio where the Clark County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call on Tuesday morning. You don’t want to miss what they found.

Black Lives Matter supporter kneeling on a white baby’s neck (Photo Credit: Vincent James/Facebook)
A picture of the post was sent into News Center 7 in Ohio on Tuesday, showing the man with his knee on the back of a child’s neck, who appears to be crying. A second person in the photo is holding the child’s hands behind their back.

The extremely disturbing photograph, which was captioned by the abusers as “Blm now mf” (Black Lives Matter now motherf***er) was also beginning to make the rounds on social media after being uncovered by Vincent James of Red Elephants.

“According to emergency scanner traffic, deputies, police, and medics were called to two different addresses Tuesday morning in Clark County as a part of the investigation,” News Center 7 reports.

Quickly, netizens uncovered the identity of the alleged abuser as Isaiah Jackson who resides in Ohio. Various reports confirm Jackson is not the father of the child but was dating the mother who was identified only by a first name: “Erin.”

The mother was contacted by friends who saw the disturbing photo of her child. 

“Erin” claimed in text messages that she did not know about the photo. She defended herself by saying, “I didn’t know it was taken. I would never let anyone hurt my child.” However, when other acquaintances pressed the mother, she became increasingly defensive and belligerent as these texts show:

The paternal grandmother of the child provided conservative outlets with these screenshots of Erin’s text messages. She also claimed the baby was now with her son, the father of the child.

“My son is beyond pissed. He took his boy to the ER to get checked out and everything came back good,” she wrote. “He better be glad nothing bad happened to my grandson and he better hide from all the people who will be coming for him when he gets out of jail.”

According to public records,  21-year-old Isiah Anthony Wayne Jackson was taken into custody by Clark County Sheriffs on July 21 for a “probation violation” as the investigation into the photo continues. At this point, there is no bail.

When asked how the family is doing, the grandmother said that they are okay, but none of them slept last night.

“All we could see was that picture in our head,” she explained. “We just want everyone involved charged for what they did. The guy hasn’t been charged for what he did yet. He did get charged for a probation violation.”

She said that the mother is not normally like this and that she suspects it is because of the people she has been hanging out with.

“When I saw the person holding his arms back it made me so much more upset,” she said. “The fact that he was crying, it makes my stomach hurt. He didn’t have anyone there to protect him or stop it.”

Clark County Major Chris Clark wrote in his statement: “We are looking into this case, however, it is still an active investigation. At this point, we are actively looking into it and we are VERY early on into this investigation.”

Most Americans will agree if this was a black child the mainstream media would be having fits and publicizing this case 24/7. This is also a great example of what type of individuals are drawn to the Black Lives Matter movement.

As we learn more and more about BLM promoting its Marxist agenda and the ruination of the nuclear family, only uneducated fringe lowlifes would be drawn to its cause. What more do we need to know? BLM should be recognized as a “terrorist organization,” not because of this disturbing incident, but because at its very core BLM’s goal is to destroy our American way of life.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.