Tom Arnold: Get Rifles To ‘Go Nose To Nose With Trump’s Misfits,’ Gets Torched

Far-left actor Tom Arnold thinks he is a tough gangster making threats against supporters of President Donald Trump. Arnold told “white liberal men” it was time they armed themselves with “daddy’s hunting rifle” so they could “go nose to nose with Trump’s gang of misfit tools.” Well, needless to say, poor Tommy got utterly torched. You’ll love this.

Tom Arnold (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Tom Arnold’s Hollywood career has been less than spectacular. Like many other failing leftwing actors, he spends his time trying to get back in the limelight. But poor Tommy boy went too far when he threatened Trump supporters with firearms.

Arnold took to Twitter over the weekend to announce it is time for “white liberal men” to borrow their dad’s hunting rifles “and go nose to nose with Trump’s gang of misfit tools” in the wake of the death of George Floyd, amid nationwide Black Lives Matter protests.

“2nd Amendment is for everyone including black men with long guns but it’s f*cking time for us white liberal men to stand up for our brothers & sisters,” tweeted Arnold. “Borrow our dad’s hunting rifles & go nose to nose with Trump’s gang of misfit tools.”

“Let’s do it [Rob Reiner],” added the actor, who tagged fellow actor Rob Reiner’s Twitter account at the end of his comments.

Even Rob Reiner, as deranged as he is about Trump, did not take Tom Arnold’s bait.

The 61-year-old former spouse of Roseanne Barr had been responding to another user’s tweet, which read, “Completely unmarked officers in riot gear holding protesters blocks away from the White House. No badges. No insignias. No name tags. Nothing. Refused to tell us who they’re with.”

Arnold’s tweet arrived amid nationwide protests — which have devolved into violent riots — over the death of George Floyd. The riots have included looting, buildings being set on fire, businesses destroyed, the White House going on lockdown, and people being beaten and killed.

When Arnold is not fantasizing about borrowing daddy’s rifle and confronting Trump supporters, the actor fantasizes about other acts of violence — specifically being committed against the president himself.

Last year, the Big Bully actor stated he was “looking forward to the day I’m standing over him wearing my bullet belt & safari khakis, my cartoon sized Daniel Boone buck knife in one hand his teeny tiny tail in the other.”

He also made an utter fool of himself when he claimed to possess the “Trump Russia pee-pee tapes.”

Americans utterly torched Tom Arnold for threatening them with “daddy’s hunting rifle.”

“Can you imagine all these liberal men running to their (probably already disappointed) fathers to borrow their guns to fight all these big mean Trump supporters? Their dads will probably take them out back and whoop the sense in them they should have done growing up but failed,” tweeted Mindy Robinson.

“Are you suggesting that people who do not possess basic firearm knowledge should attempt coordinate some kind of an attack? That should work out well…” tweeted “Blacklisted.”

“Where you gonna be when your idiots spill their blood in the streets @tomArnold? You gonna be out there in the trenches? Can’t argue? Can’t win? Go to violence, right? That’s your way?” tweeted “Crookophobic.”

“Say when Tommy! You and your gaggle of soy boy Antifa pukes don’t stand a chance!” tweeted Matt Dillon.

“@TomArnold Your merry band of knuckle-dragging toe-shavers are welcome to try. And please, we prefer #deplorable,” tweeted “Wooddox.”

“This moron must think this is some kind of game. Do these stupid liberals think they know how to shot from playing video games? They’d pee themselves!” tweeted Twitter user “Joel.”

Tom Arnold also has been accused of sexually harassing the pro-Trump social media stars Diamond and Silk, declaring his desire to “investigate every crack curve and crevice” of their intimate body parts in an unhinged tweet back in 2019.

“I’d like to investigate every crack curve and crevice of you two tons of fun’s heavenly bodies,” Arnold said responding to a tweet from the two women calling for him and Barbra Streisand to be “put under investigation” by authorities. “I’ll start with an intensive examination oral examination of your naughty bits. So take off all [your] clothes [and] get back your big booties buts back into Big Daddy’s hot tub. Don’t bring Streisand. Too freaky.”

Of course, Diamond and Silk trashed Arnold and accused the #MeToo movement of being the hypocrites they are for refusing to call out the D-list comedian.

“Is this tweet considered online sexual harassment or predatory behavior? Where is the #MeToo movement?@TomArnold, you may not have respect for yourself but you don’t get to disrespect Diamond and Silk!” they tweeted.

Tom Arnold is a disgusting human being. However, he does reflect the rash Hollywood crowd’s mentality. Arnold just vocalizes what they are too scared to say. You bet the unhinged leftwing celebrities would cheer at the thought of “armed white liberal men” taking on Trump supporters.

But most of them have a little more intelligence to know that wouldn’t end well for the “white liberal men.” They know it’s conservative American men who have always been the defenders of this nation.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.