Trump Adviser Causes Chris Wallace To Meltdown Over Debate Performance On Live TV

Senior Trump Advisor Steve Cortes wasn’t playing games in his interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, who attempted to shame Cortes over the “rules of the debate.” However, Cortes had enough and called out Wallace for his horrendous performance as the debate moderator. That’s when poor Chris had a meltdown on live TV you don’t want to miss.

Chris Wallace, Steve Cortes (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Chris Wallace had clearly picked a side he favored for the presidential debate last Tuesday. It became evident soon after the debate started that Wallace was taking sides with Joe Biden. In fact, many claimed the president was debating both Biden and Wallace during the debate, which was called the “Tuesday night massacre.”

Actor James Woods summed up Wallace’s bias on Twitter. 

“Chris Wallace is shamelessly biased. It’s a beautiful demonstration of fake news in action. I’m actually glad it’s happening, because you can see it for yourself,” Woods tweeted.

Another tweet from Woods said: “President Trump crushed his opponent Chris Wallace head to head in the debate. There was also another fellow wandering around muttering to himself.”

Wallace shouted down Trump while he allowed Biden to get away with a “torrent of lies.”

“Instead, Biden let loose an unprecedented torrent of lies and insults, yelling ‘shut up’ when asked to articulate his views on the Supreme Court,” Breitbart reports. “Biden lies unnecessarily, habitually, and without hesitation. When caught lying, he responds with nasty personal attacks.”

Even more galling, Biden lies about things that he shouldn’t because they are easily checkable. There are publicly available facts that refute his data.

Several prominent journalists and political commentators took to social media on Tuesday to share their frustration with moderator Chris Wallace’s performance during the first of three presidential debates.

Richard Grenell, the former Acting Director of the United States National Intelligence, highlighted Wallace’s inability to “interrupt” Biden. “Chris Wallace doesn’t interrupt Joe Biden,” Grenell stated.

Andrew McCarthy, a columnist for the National Review, pointed out Wallace’s need to interrupt when Biden was “having trouble with Trump’s questioning.”

Gaston Mooney, president of Blaze Media, questioned Wallace’s competency.

“Chris Wallace is a hack…purposefully conflating mail-in ballots and absentee ballots,” Mooney wrote. “Either hack or incompetent. No other option.”

Even more galling was Wallace giving credence to the claim that Trump called white supremacists and neo-Nazis “very fine people.” That claim has been proven false by numerous publications including and the left-leaning PolitiFact.

Wallace knew this. Instead of citing the facts, the Fox News moderator spun the remark as Trump indeed supported white supremacists. It was one of the biggest displays of fake news by a man who purports to be sticking to the facts.

Chris Wallace is just another swamp creature, and Trump adviser Steve Cortes let him know it. 

On Sunday, Wallace went nuts on Cortes over the Trump family and their staffers not wearing masks during the debate. They were sitting in the audience and not moving around. It’s highly unlikely that had anything to do with the president contracting the virus.

It should be noted that both campaigns were on the “honor system” at the debate venue. In other words, the Cleveland Clinic, where the debate took place, did not test the GOP or Democrat campaign staffers but took their word for it that they had tested negative.

Maybe Chris should be upset with that fact. Instead, he attacked Cortes.

“Do they think that the health and safety rules for everybody else do not apply to them?” Wallace asked Cortes on “Fox News Sunday.”

“We also believe in some element of individual choice. People were distanced, and they had been tested,” Cortes responded.

“They weren’t distanced, and there were rules, and there was no freedom of choice. They broke the rules. Why did they break the rules?” Wallace pressed.

That’s when Steve Cortes had enough of Chris Wallace and his one-sided reporting. 

“The way you’re starting to harangue me now actually reminds me of what you did to the president. … He had to debate not just Joe Biden but you as well. You were not a neutral moderator then,” Cortes said, referring to the Democratic presidential nominee.

“Yes, the insufferable, arrogant and condescending guardian of the DC swamp gates is once again pearl-clutching, after being exposed as the insufferable leftist hack he is by the sunlight that is our president. Chris Wallace has a finger-pointing meltdown after Steve Cortes calls out his bulls**t,” the Conservative Treehouse reports. “Chris Wallace 2020 is Megyn Kelly 2015, sans testes.”

Wallace’s reputation is tarnished. 

“We all know how Wallace double-teamed President Donald Trump during Tuesday’s debate,” Breitbart’s John Nolte wrote. “No reason to get into all of that again. We all know how Wallace only asked questions of former Vice President Joe Biden that would allow him to look moderate and questions of Trump filled with misinformation about the ‘Very Fine People Hoax’ and the like — so what I’m talking about is what he said afterward, the straight-up lies he told afterward about how what happened at the debate was Trump’s fault.”

This is what the liar Chris Wallace said on Thursday: “Here’s what happened. You know, we began the first segment on the Supreme Court. They each got their two minutes, and they both obeyed in that particular case. And then, Biden started to answer a question and the president started interrupting him.”

“He bears the primary responsibility for what happened on Tuesday,” Wallace added.

“He is flat-out lying,” Nolte declared. “He’s flat-out looking into the camera, looking Fox News viewers in the eye, and lying.”

Chris Wallace had an opportunity to prove he is not a swamp creature, but he just couldn’t help himself. His clear-cut bias for the Democrat ticket was on display for all Americans to see, and he’s now a laughingstock who must be causing his poor father, 60 Minutes veteran journalist Mike Wallace, to turn over in his grave.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.