Karla Fox is the Trump-supporting grandma who is being hailed a “hero” after she saw a picture of the Portland bomber on TV and promptly outed him to the feds. In fact, what makes this story so special is the relationship the 69-year-old patriot has with the bomber who is her 18-year-old grandson. However, Fox was immediately attacked by leftists, and the Trump-loving granny attacked them back. Don’t miss this.

It’s called tough love when you see a family member doing wrong and take action to ensure public safety. That’s exactly what Karla Fox was faced with doing while watching the news when she recognized the alleged bomber as her daughter’s son, 18-year-old Gabriel “Rico” Agard-Berryhill.
In the hours after the IED attack last Tuesday, social-media users analyzed videos showing a slim male, wearing a distinctive olive vest with the word “ICONS” printed on it, throwing something over the fence at the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse.
Seconds later, a large explosion erupts, covering the front door in flames. The man picks up something off the ground and sprints off-camera. Police said the concussion could be “heard and felt more than a block away.”
“Karla Fox saw footage of Tuesday night’s attack, and tweeted that her grandson was behind it. She had bought him the vest he was wearing during the alleged attack,” Daily Mail reports.
“This is my only grandson, I love him to death, and didn’t know he was going to do such a bad thing, I had been posting several things about the antifa and BLM, he knows I am against those riots bigtime…he chose his poison,” she tweeted.
This is my only grandson, I love him to death, and didn't know he was going to do such a bad thing, I had been posting several things about the antifa and BLM, he knows I am against those riots bigtime…he chose his poison https://t.co/AdVBgh9Kjy
— Author K J Hafdahl (@TRUMPSGIRL2020) July 29, 2020
In the meantime, Agard-Berryhill (who turned himself in) seemed to admit that he threw the device and also set a record for the use of the word “allegedly”:
“The device I’ve been accused of allegedly throwing was allegedly given to me by an unknown protestor with full face coverings. I was allegedly told that it was a strobe firework that wouldn’t damage the building or harm anyone around it. Law enforcement has not contacted me for any alleged crime as of right now.” He told police that what he was told to throw had “yellow cardboard packaging with blue stripes, was the size of a small ‘V8’ can, and had a green fuse.”
Criminal defense attorney and legal analyst Jonathon Turley, who gained fame when he supported the president during the impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill, notes that although the alleged bomber turned himself in, the primary witness against him will be his grandmother.
“Agard-Berryhill is not only looking at a federal charge of arson but he was on probation for a felony conviction when he was a minor after spending the past two years at Rogue Valley Youth Correctional Facility in southern Oregon,” Turley writes. “The primary witness against him is his grandmother, Karla Fox, 69, who is also a Trump supporter.”
The grandmother was immediately attacked by leftwing losers.
“[G]et off my heels you scumbags, how do you all survive anyway, where do you all live, what’s your phone numbers, does your mother know you’re out beating up elders? Shame on you,” she posted Sunday night.
get off my heels you scumbags, how do you all survive anyway, where do you all live, what's your phone numbers, does your mother know you're out beating up elders? Shame on you.
— Author K J Hafdahl (@TRUMPSGIRL2020) August 3, 2020
Based on this tweet, it appears the leftwing losers doxxed Karla Fox. They found where she lived and seem to be making threatening phone calls to the grandma. Instead of being deterred by the attacks, Fox is continuing to post rants against Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the leftist media.
“Just call them riots, that’s what they are,” Fox tweeted to the “Portland Police Bureau of Public Information” who keep calling the violence “protests.”
Two Arrests Made After Unlawful Assembly, But Second March Peaceful https://t.co/zWpYLiA8af
— Portland Police News (@PPBPIO) August 2, 2020
She even posted that “grammas” have a duty to report rioters who they recognize. “[M]ake sure you look at gramma’s old photos so you can ID them, [just saying].” she tweeted.
make sure you look at gramma's old photos so you can ID them, js https://t.co/anWLrzbgWf
— Author K J Hafdahl (@TRUMPSGIRL2020) August 2, 2020
Fox’s rave review of the vest is prominently quoted in the charging documents. She said that her grandson said that he was engaged in “peaceful protests.” He was shown protecting a naked woman during the protests.
Turley also points out that Agard-Berryhill might be charged with “destroying evidence.” Karla Fox posted a rave review of the “ICONS” vest online with the clothing site Hibbett: “I got this for my grandson who’s a protester downtown, he uses it every night and says it does the job.”
That is the review that Fox said her grandson later asked her to delete.
“That would seem an effort to destroy possibly incriminating evidence. It turned out that the grandmother was already going public with her identification,” Turley adds.
Late that same night, Agard-Berryhill told his probation officer he wanted to turn himself in. He was arrested by U.S. Marshals and booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center, according to the affidavit by a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent.
He’s charged with felony arson and faces a minimum of five years in prison if convicted. He was released without bail.
That’s part of the big problem down in Portland. These rioters are immediately set free to go right back out onto the streets. Here’s hoping that the federal agents the president has sent in are not releasing these clowns on bail. They need to be held at least until the violence is under control.
As for Karla Fox, it takes a very grounded person to recognize wrong is wrong, and attempting to blow up buildings will not be tolerated even if it’s your own grandson. “He chose his poison,” Fox wrote. Hopefully, this will be a turning point in her grandson’s life.