Trump Calls Out Veteran Antifa Agitator, Got Cops Arrested With Alleged Stunt

Martin Gugino, 75, is a veteran Antifa member with a long history of arrests, and he also posts “f*ck the police” on social media. He was allegedly caught attempting to “scan” police communication devices when a Buffalo officer pushed him away and he fell. Over 57 Buffalo police officers have resigned from the emergency response team in protest after two officers were arrested. Now, more details have come to light, and that’s when the president called out the Antifa member. You don’t want to miss this.

President Donald Trump, Martin Gugino with Buffalo police officers (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Martin Gugino is a 75-year-old professional agitator and Antifa provocateur who brags on his blog about the number of times he can get arrested and escape prosecution. This guy’s history of arrests goes back to the 1960s, and his blog reads like an anarchist’s handbook.

Gugino’s Twitter Account, which was quickly deleted, is also filled with anti-cop sentiments like “F*ck the police.” Thanks to conservative investigators who captured this screengrab dated June 3, 2020:

Last Thursday Gugino traveled from his home in Amherst, New York to Buffalo to agitate a protest crowd. During his effort, Gugino was allegedly attempting to capture the radio communications signature of Buffalo police officers.

In this slow-motion video, you will see Gugino using a phone as a capture scanner. You might have heard the term “skimming,” it’s essentially the same. Watch him use his right hand to first scan the mic of one officer (top left of the chest). Then Gugino moves his hand to the communications belt of the second officer.

“The capture of communications signals is a method of police tracking used by Antifa to monitor the location of police.” Conservative Treehouse reports. “In some cases, the more high tech capture software can even decipher communication encryption allowing the professional agitators to block (black-out), jam, or interfere with police communication. In addition, many police body-cams are Bluetooth enabled which allows syncing.”

Antifa’s activities are highly coordinated. As James O’Keefe has revealed in his undercover operations, these professionals even stage events to manipulate public opinion.

Prior to the event with the officers, Gugino was caught on video by protesters.

“I’m here to have fun,” the 75-year-old tells protesters holding a helmet.

“What’s so fun about this sh*t?” one black protester said. “I’m thinking he’s here to get punched in the face.”

Here’s the video:

Gugino claims he was approaching the officers to “return their helmet.” The only problem with this is the veteran agitator posted on Twitter that he was bringing his helmet due to the coronavirus.

Two days before the protest, one Twitter user wondered if those attending the protests in Washington, D.C. have “concerns” about “catching COVID?”

Gugino responds in a tweet saying he is taking “extra measures” and “a helmet with a clear face shield,” the same type he is caught carrying, serves as his protection.

When Gugino was pushed away by the officers, he fell and presumably hit his head. As a consequence of the shove, the two officers were suspended and the Buffalo authorities have arrested and charged the two police officers. In a show of support, the entire Buffalo police unit resigned from the Emergency Response Team.

On Friday, Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown admitted Gugino was a professional “agitator” who tried to work up the crowd and had been asked to leave the area “numerous times” by police.

“What we were informed of is that that individual was an agitator. He was trying to spark up the crowd of people,” Byron told reporters. “According to what has been reported to me, that individual was a key and major instigator of people engaging in those kinds of activities.”

President Donald Trump weighed and caused the leftwing media to go berserk. 

“Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75-year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to blackout the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?” tweeted the president.

The usual suspects of leftwing outrage claimed Trump was blasting a “poor old man” with ties to the organization “Catholic Social Worker.” Well, the Catholic Social Worker founded by Dorothy Day has long-held ties to communism and socialism. It’s a leftist group.

Why would 57 police officers resign in protest if they did not believe 100 percent that those officers were wrongfully arrested?

If there is one thing we do know about President Trump, when he tweets something, it usually turns out to be true. Who can forget when he called out Barack Obama in March 2017 on Twitter accusing him of “wiretapping?”

At that point, no one had heard anything about the Trump-Russia witch hunt. It was a bold proclamation, and he took a ton of heat for saying it. We will await more information in this case, but at this point, it is safe to say a deeper investigation into this matter is warranted.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.