Twitter Cites ‘Hacked Info’ Policy To Defend Censorship, Backfires Big Time

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey released a statement on Wednesday to defend his social media company’s policy on censorship of a New York Post article on Hunter Biden. Dorsey claimed since the article was based on “hacked info,” it was Twitter’s policy to censor it. Well, this backfired big time on Friday morning. Don’t miss this.

Joe Biden (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

By now, most Americans who support President Donald Trump are well aware of the censorship of a New York Post article which accused Joe Biden of lying about meeting with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

The former vice president denied he ever met with anyone associated with Hunter Biden’s deal with Burisma and denies any wrongdoing by himself or his son when it comes to the Ukrainian energy company.

“I don’t know what he was doing. I know he was on the board,” Joe Biden told Axios. “I found out he was on the board after he was on the board. And that was it. … I trust my son.”

New allegations come to light. 

“Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company,” according to emails obtained by The Post.

Soon after the Post released the article, social media giants started censoring the report. Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey claimed it is his company’s policy to censor “hacked information.”

“Twitter came under intense fire on Wednesday when it censored a story from the New York Post about Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Twitter is claiming that the decision to blacklist the story off their platform was justified by a company policy against sharing information obtained by hacking,” Breitbart reports. 

In a statement made to the Daily Caller, a Twitter spokesperson said that the decision to restrict sharing of the story was motivated by the company’s “Hacked Materials Policy.”

“In line with our Hacked Materials Policy, as well as our approach to blocking URLs, we are taking action to block any links to or images of the material in question on Twitter,” the spokesperson said.

However, reporters at the New York Post claim that the information was not sourced through hacking. The information contained in the report was allegedly uncovered when a man failed to retrieve his laptop from a computer repair shop in Delaware.

Then, on Friday morning, Senators Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley stepped out of the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearing to make an announcement.

“This morning the story escalated and got even worse,” Senator Cruz said. “The New York Post broke a second story. In a series of emails that indicate more corruption, in this instance the Biden family receiving millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party government officials.”

“Just minutes ago, I tried to share that story on Twitter,” Cruz added. “This is election interference and we are 19 days out from the election. It has no precedent in the history of democracy. The Senate Judiciary Committee wants to know what the hell is going on.”

“Chairman Lindsey Graham and I have discussed this at length,” Cruz declared. “And the committee today will be noticing a markup for Tuesday to issue a subpoena for Jack Dorsey as the CEO of Twitter, to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next Friday to come before this committee and the American people and explain why Twitter is abusing its corporate power to silence the press and cover-up allegations of corruption.”

Cruz went on to say he did not know if these allegations were true or not. He added: “Those are questions Vice President Joe Biden should answer.”

But that’s not all. 

Soon after the Post story broke on Wednesday morning, the Biden campaign put a “lid” on the rest of the day, which means the Democrat candidate would not be available to answer questions from the press.

A few hours later, Twitter announced on its platform in bold letters: “Joe Biden did not push out a Ukrainian prosecutor for investigating his son, The Washington Post reports.” 

“However, according to The Washington Post, then-Vice President Biden played no role in pressuring Ukraine officials into firing the prosecutor, who also was not investigating the energy firm,” Twitter reports. 

That seems strange considering Joe Biden is caught on video claiming he did just that:

Dan Bongino exposed Washinton Post “fact-checker” Glenn Kessler, who wrote this rebuttal refuting the allegations in the New York Post articles.

Bongino found Kessler had previously been extremely misleading and had to correct himself publicly when he got exposed. In his Post piece refuting the allegations about Joe Biden meeting with the Burisma people, Kessler writes:

Andrew Bates, a campaign spokesman for Joe Biden, said a review of Biden’s schedules from 2015 finds no record of any such meeting. Officials who worked for Biden at the time told The Fact Checker that no such meeting took place.

Well, that doesn’t surprise most people. That’s not the type of meeting anyone would write down in their official schedule as vice president of the United States. Staffers who work for Biden would not be the best people to ask if this meeting took place.

In other words, Kessler’s allegations that this never happened are pretty weak and not based on any hard evidence. So, if that is what Twitter is basing its censorship on, Kessler proves nothing. The American people have a right to have the information to decide for themselves.

This type of censorship might just be the most dangerous thing facing America today. Americans should be given as much information as possible. We as citizens can make up our own minds about what is the truth and what are lies. That’s what made this country great. We can’t stand by as these social media giants turn this country into the new Soviet Union.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.