Fed Up Woman Schools Black Voters On Biden: Y’all Like 47 Years Of Bullsh*t?

A two-minute video is going viral all over social media. It features an African-American woman schooling black voters on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. “Y’all like 47 years of bullsh*t?” Or maybe you just like getting your a** whooped,” she begins. This woman is on fire. She can see through the liberal charade and understands that what they’re doing to the black community is criminal. You don’t want to miss this.

Joe Biden, African-American woman from viral video (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot, Twitter/Screenshots)

The African-American woman has not yet been identified, but her message is going viral. She’s raw, unfiltered, and angry. She is sick and tired of her own community being sell-outs to the Democrat plantation.

“The Democrats come around every 4 or so years, saying the same old tired BS, and once they secure the black vote, they shuffle off and focus on the stuff they really care about like illegal aliens, transgender, and solar-powered windmills,” Missy Crane reports on the video via WayneDupree.com. “Stuff that doesn’t help Black folks, and actually hurts them in the short and long run.”

She adds: “She’s really fantastic, and as I said, she gets it. Her entire rant is spot-on, but my favorite part is when she says to Black voters, ‘So, you can’t take another 4 years of someone actually doing something to help Black people, but you can take 47 years of someone doing nothing?'”

That’s powerful, raw, and true. It’s the exact message all Americans should hear loud and clear.

“What’s going on here?” the woman asks. “You can’t do basic math? You can’t take four more years of someone who has actually helped?! Do the research! The employment rate for black folks was at its highest within these last three years…the list goes on and on and I’m not gonna sit up here and play these games with you.”

“I could watch this lady put Democrats in their place all day long,” tweeted Robby Starbuck along with the viral video:

We get why she is so damn upset. This woman has done her due diligence in researching the facts and knows it’s President Donald Trump who has helped the black community. In fact, she’s angry over the fact that Joe Biden had 47 years to earn the vote of African-Americans and has done little or nothing to help them.

Americans echoed her sentiments on social media. 

“She speaks the truth yet the ones against Trump are blinded by their anger bc they listen to the lies being told. Instead of doing the research just like she said,” tweeted “Broken But Not Giving Up.”

“‘Do the research.’ she says. Adding you can’t take 4 yrs of @realDonaldTrump but you want Biden, who in 47-yrs has done nothing? Legit question. A black & #Latino awakening happening. All I ask, look at data. Not articles quoting anonymous sources proven wrong 4-straight yrs,” tweeted William Del Pilar.

“She nails it. Their anger with Trump keeps them from seeing any truth but that goes for all the left,” tweeted “SSL.”

“It’s not just his 47 years of NOTHINGNESS; it’s 47 years of being a corrupt POS and a racist SOB. Plus, he’s a traitor. Why any sane person would want to vote for that scumbag? Have all the [Democrats] gone mad? Are they blind? Do they wish to live under socialism? Trump is FORMIDABLE!” tweeted “Proudly Fighting Evilness.”

“I adore this woman. If we had teachers like her all across this nation, kids would be better educated & disciplined,” tweeted “Mean Wee Old Woman Deb.”

Trump’s “America First” message is for all Americans. This isn’t about “white vs black.” This is a plan for all Americans to prosper and to finally be put first.

“And this notion of placing Americans First absolutely terrifies Dems – because if all Americans are happy and prosperous, they lose power,” Missy Crane adds. “Democrats are a political party based on angst, fear, and victimhood –  and you can’t have ‘angst, fear, and victimhood’ if people are happy and doing good for themselves. Democrats just can’t have that.”

It’s time for all Americans to wake up and see what’s happening here and fight back. Our lives and our country depend on it.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.