Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg were in rare form yesterday. Behar was blasting the president and those who have been a part of his team. She even went after Justice Brett Kavanaugh, claiming, “I have had kids who were murderers and pimps who behaved better than this.” Goldberg, sporting white hair, claimed the president has made America a “lawless country.” Well, Americans quickly made them really regret it.
Wednesday on The View, the shrews roundly criticized former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday. As Democrats aggressively grandstanded and grilled Lewandowski on the same questions he has answered in over 20 hours of prior testimony, he rightly refused to answer several questions and mocked many of the Trump-hating Congressmen.
Every co-host ranted against Lewandowski, but Behar had the nuttiest take. She admitted that listening to the hearing on the radio frustrated her and reminded her of the Kavanaugh hearings.
JOY BEHAR: I couldn’t stand watching it or listening to it on the radio hearing, it is the snarkiness of it. I’ve taught juvenile delinquents who were more respectful in a classroom than this guy!
ABBY HUNTSMAN: I thought the same thing.
BEHAR: –Than Kavanaugh, remember Kavanaugh? And others who are in this administration who working for Trump. I have had kids who were murderers and pimps who behave better than this! [applause]
HUNTSMAN: I thought the same thing, Joy.
Apparently, Behar saw nothing wrong with how rude and insulting Democrats always behave towards Trump campaign or administration officials during these hearings. Clearly seeing with rose-tinted glasses, Behar thought these hearings would only get more Americans supporting impeachment.
And when did Joy Behar ever teach juvenile delinquents who were pimps and murderers?
“I think that the American people are watching this, and maybe that’s the answer. Let’s just indict and show what they’re like. That’s why I believe maybe Nancy’s going to move towards impeachment soon. Put it on TV. Let’s see what it is!” Joy ranted like she was at a campaign rally.
That’s when Whoopi Goldberg said that we are in “basically a lawless country right now,” because the Trump administration and campaign thought it was “above the law.” This was Goldberg’s way of backing impeachment of the president.
“And if you don’t see it, it’s because your eyes are closed. Open your eyes!” she warned. Goldberg’s new look, with the snow-white dreadlocks, may be a result of still believing Trump colluded with Russia. Only real nutjobs can still make those accusations with a straight face.
Americans are fed up with Joy and Whoopi and their fact-challenged view of this country.
“Joy Behar: Is an absolute Psychopath. I believe that she has moved on to the realm where psychotropic meds will no longer be of benefit. The world of Low Life SCUM is her new domain,” said Twitter user “Pam 1943.”
Joy Behar: Is a absolute Psychopath. I believe that she has moved on to the realm where psychotropic meds will no longer be of benefit. The world of Low Life SCUM is her new domain.
— Palmer1943 (@nesnejr) September 18, 2019
“@WhoopiGoldberg Yes, Whoopi, we are a lawless country right now. You can thank the Democratic Party and the lawless Obama administration you support. You and your corrupt Hollywood friends do more to abet lawlessness than 99% of Americans. Shame on you!” tweeted Jim Thoma.
@WhoopiGoldberg Yes, Woopi, we are a lawless country right now. You can thank the Democratic Party and the lawless Obama administration you support. You and your corrupt Hollywood friends do more to abet lawlessness than 99% of Americans. Shame on you!
— Jim Thoma (@jimvonthoma) September 18, 2019
“And I’ve seen teenagers and high school drop outs smarter and more informed than YOU. The real question is…why is Joy Behar hanging out with murderers and pimps?” tweeted “Thievius.”
And I've seen teenagers and high school drop outs smarter and more informed than YOU.
The real question is…why is Joy Behar hanging out with murderers and pimps?
— Thievius 🇺🇸 (@DidntKnowJack) September 18, 2019
“This brainless Twit is an absolute joke. She truly needs medical help. Joy Behar Rages: Murderers, Pimps ‘Behave Better’ than Kavanaugh, Lewandowski!” tweeted “KFaragia.”
This brainless Twit is an absolute joke. She truly needs medical help. Joy Behar Rages: Murderers, Pimps 'Behave Better' than Kavanaugh, Lewandowski!
— KFaragia🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@kfaragia) September 18, 2019
Joy Behar is either entirely brainwashed, or she really does need mental help. For anyone to find Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee as something you’d compare to pimps and murderers, goes beyond all comprehension.
Did Behar miss the New York Times smear piece on the Supreme Court Justice that they had to correct? Where does she get her information? It’s probably CNN and MSNBC.
Whoopi then makes an allegation that Raw Story picked up to further the call for Trump’s impeachment. “Whoopi Goldberg drops the hammer on Trump impeachment: ‘We’re a lawless country right now — open your eyes,'” was their headline.
This goes back to winning the 2016 election. Goldberg is also brainwashed believing Hillary Clinton got robbed, and now that Robert Mueller was a dead end and couldn’t find a damn thing to “arrest Trump,” Whoopi thinks he is getting away with some yet to be discovered crimes.
This is what happens when you no longer have a mainstream media source who is devoted to just reporting the truth.
The outcome is clueless wonders like Behar and Goldberg with their brain dead lackeys: Abby Huntsman, Meghan McCain, and Sunny Hostin. Their show has become such a joke that it should be promoted with a serious warning to viewers: “Watch at your own risk. Not based on the truth, or reality. May cause a severe psychological disorder called Trump Derangement Syndrome.”