Amy Coney Barrett is already causing Democrats on Capitol Hill to have a meltdown. The Supreme Court nominee is visiting senators ahead of her confirmation hearings. The outrage has to do with her answer to one specific question on the 2020 presidential election. You’ll love this.

Senate Democrats made it clear there is one issue that Amy Coney Barrett must recuse herself from, and that’s anything to do with the 2020 election. Senator Corey Booker was very vocal as he spoke for many of his fellow Democrat senators.
“I think you know my spirit, which is to sit down and meet with people and talk to them. And I’m going to make it very clear. One of the things I want to ask her is will she recuse herself in terms of any election issues that come before us because if she does not recuse herself, I fear that the court will be further delegitimized,” Booker, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is taking things to another level. He is refusing to meet with the SCOTUS nominee.
“I am not going to meet with Judge Barrett. Why would I meet with a nominee of such an illegitimate process and one who is determined to get rid of the Affordable Care Act?” Schumer said.
Well, the mainstream media is confirming Amy Coney Barrett will not recuse herself over matters relating to the 2020 election.
“President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court did not commit to recusing herself from cases related to the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, according to her written responses to a Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire,” Politico reports.
Amy Coney Barrett’s responses, obtained by POLITICO on Tuesday night, also provide a window into the breakneck pace at which the White House operated in the aftermath of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, with Barrett revealing that Trump settled on her as his pick just three days after Ginsburg’s death.
“Barrett’s statements on her standard for recusals are certain to draw fire from Democrats, who have been pressuring Barrett over the issue as Republicans dismiss their arguments as having no basis. More broadly, Democrats have strongly objected to Senate Republicans’ effort to confirm a new Supreme Court justice this close to the election,” Politico adds.
Barrett said she would recuse herself from cases involving her husband, Jesse Barrett, and her sister, Amanda Coney Williams, both of whom are attorneys. Barrett also would recuse herself from cases that include Notre Dame University as a party. Barrett has been a law professor at Notre Dame since 2002.
The 48-year-old nominee also said she would step aside from matters in which she participated while serving in her current role as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit.
This is huge, and Coney Barrett is completely in the right not to recuse herself.
There is a likely scenario where the presidential election will not be decided on Election Night. In fact, that is exactly what the Democrats are shooting for. The Democrats are attempting to flood the country with millions of unsolicited ballots that would be returned via the mail.
They have already filed lawsuits in key battleground states to petition that ballots may be counted up to three to five days after the election.
“Lawyers for the top Republicans in the Pennsylvania state Senate on Monday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stop an order from the state’s highest court allowing mail-in ballots received three days after Election Day to be counted if they are postmarked by November 3,” CBS reports.
“The Supreme Court’s response could decide whether a significant number of ballots are counted in a key battleground state that was decided in 2016 by razor-thin margins,” they add.
This is also an example of a case that Coney Barrett could potentially rule on depending on how quickly she is confirmed. However, the mother of all cases would be something similar to the 2000 election.
In Bush vs. Gore, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Republican candidate, which meant George Bush won the election.
The Supreme Court ruled that the Florida Supreme Court’s decision, calling for a statewide recount, violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This ruling was by a 7–2 vote and was decided on December 8, weeks after the election was held.
This is the nightmare scenario the Democrats are trying to avoid. For their plan to succeed, they need Amy Coney Barrett to recuse herself as she would likely see through their shenanigans, as will other conservative justices.