Joe Biden’s handlers finally felt they had no choice but to allow the former vice-president to make an appearance on live TV to deny the sexual assault charges leveled by his former staffer Tara Reade. Biden mumbled incoherently and blurted out the word “intercourse,” and it left people scratching their heads. Then, he was caught in one huge lie to top it off. You don’t want to miss this.

On Thursday night, the Biden campaign told reporters their candidate would be appearing live on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show to deny Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations. Most politicos said MSNBC would make sure it was a soft-ball interview.
Even with the Trump-hating Mika Brzezinski asking the questions, poor Joe stumbled and mumbled and had brain freezes.
“Appearing Friday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, former Vice President Joe Biden had another ‘brain freeze’ moment, repeating himself and trailing off as he claimed he is unaware of any sexual harassment complaint against him from former Senate staffer Tara Reade,” Breitbart reports.
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Are you absolutely certain, are you absolutely positive, there is no record of any complaint by Tara Reade against you?
JOE BIDEN: I am absolutely positive that no one that I’m aware of ever was been… made aware of any complaint a formal complaint… made by or a complaint by Tara Reade against me at the time this allegedly happened 27 years ago or until they I announced for pres—well, I guess it was in April or May of this year.
"No one that I'm aware of ever was been made aware of any complaint a formal complaint made by or a complaint by Tara Reade against me at the time this allegedly happened 27 years ago or until they I announced for presi–well I guess it was in April or May of this year."
Got it?
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) May 1, 2020
Joe Biden was also asked about President Donald Trump’s response to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic during the same interview. In a bizarre exchange as the former Veep was likely nervous about the coming questions concerning Tara Reade, he strangely blurted out the word “intercourse.”
Biden said: “The pandemic is the president has no intercourse whatsoever with the rest of the world on dealing with these things.”
Poor Joe Biden has had the word “intercourse” on his mind this week. Biden first used the term “intercourse” during a Monday interview with CBS4 Miami, when asked if he would restore funding to the World Health Organization, which President Trump halted in response to its actions with China at the start of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.
“You’re going to have travel bans, you’re going to not be able to do, have economic intercourse around the world,” the former vice president said.
The former Veep also had a “deer in the headlights” moment after Mika Brzezinski pressed Biden on his contention that his records at the University of Delaware do not have to be “unsealed” because—according to Joe Biden—Tara Reade’s name is not in those records.
“Are you certain there was nothing about Tara Reade in those records?” asked Brzezinski.
“I am absolutely certain,” Joe responded.
“If so, why not approve a search of her name in those records?” asked Brzezinski.
He can’t answer why he won’t allow a search of those archives of Reade’s name. He stares into the camera looking lost and confused for several seconds. It’s a totally cringe-worthy “deer in the headlights” moment.
Mika Brzezinski presses Joe Biden on opening up his Senate records at the University of Delaware:
"Are you certain there was nothing about Tara Reade in those records?"
"I am absolutely certain."
"If so, why not approve a search of her name in those records?"
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 1, 2020
Biden’s handlers had drilled into his head that his blanket answer to the Reade allegations was to say the only place her allegations would be is in the “National Archives.”
Business Insider reporter Nicole Einbinder fact-checked Biden’s answer and found out he was lying.
“Joe Biden said that Tara Reade’s complaint could only be at the National Archives, at what was then called the Office of Fair Employment Practices. But, a National Archives spokesperson told me that they do not hold records from that office,” tweeted Einbinder.
“Instead, a Senate Historical Office staffer said the Fair Employment Practices records are governed by a Senate resolution mandating that ‘records containing personal privacy, information closed by statute, and records of executive nomination are closed for 50 years,'” Einbinder said.
Instead, a Senate Historical Office staffer said the Fair Employment Practices records are governed by a Senate resolution mandating that "records containing personal privacy, information closed by statute, and records of executive nomination are closed for 50 years."
— Nicole Einbinder (@NicoleEinbinder) May 1, 2020
To say Joe Biden blundered his interview would be a generous statement.
This is the man who is auditioning to be the leader of the free world. If he can’t get through a semi-softball interview, then how could he stand up for 90 minutes and get hammered by questions from reporters as President Trump has done day after day during this pandemic.
Joe Biden should not be hired to manage a 7/11 convenience store, and the Democrats take Americans as fools by propping him up like the film “Weekend at Bernie’s.” We are not amused. Joe Biden is a joke of a candidate, and no person with a conscience can cast their vote for the man who is a walking trainwreck.