Candace Owens: Democrats Caught Using Millions Donated To BLM To Fund Campaigns

Candace Owens is exposing the sick truth about the Black Lives Matter movement and the Democratic Party. Black Lives Matter raked in millions of dollars as the riots continued. The longer the civil unrest took place on the streets, the more cash they received from celebrities and big corporations. Now, we have proof that money went to Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic Party. Don’t miss this.

Nancy Pelosi, Candace Owens (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

It all started when conservative activist Candace Owens asked a simple question, and the answer to that question is sending shockwaves through Capitol Hill.

“According to its website Black Lives Matter, Inc is NOT a charity,” Owens tweeted. “It is a full-fledged corporation that does NOT have any locations. Can anyone tell me then where the hundreds of millions BLM has raised goes? Can anyone tell me in what state BLM was incorporated & by who?”

That tweet went viral and caused interested conservative reporters to take a deep dive into BLM and their donations. According to various reports, celebrities are on the record donating millions.

The Hill reports that Hollywood celebrities Chris Evans, John Cena, Anna Kendrick, John Legend, Leo DiCaprio, and the musician known as “The Weekend” (just to name a few) have all donated what adds up to millions to BLM. However, the really big money is coming from “woke” corporations.

“Iconic American brands, from Facebook to Apple, have pledged financial support for the #BlackLivesMatter movement in response to the death of George Floyd — but many companies have yet to clarify where the money will go and how much they will donate,” NBC News reports.

Amazon and Facebook are both pledging $10 million. So, BLM’s newfound boon, thanks to the riots and mayhem, is adding up to a good chunk of change.

Well, Candace Owens did her homework and found out a pretty shocking revelation. 

“100 million dollar question that leftists are refusing to answer: To what organization do the funds raised on the Black Lives Matter website go? BLM raised 40 million dollars in 48 hours because of George Floyd’s death. But WHO did Act Blue direct that funding to?” the 31-year-old conservative asked.

Owens is referring to BLM’s managing director, Kailee Scales, who got herself into quite a pickle when she could not answer questions about where and how exactly the money received from donations to BLM was being used.

According to the BLM donations page, monies are being directed to ActBlue. 

What is ActBlue? “A web-based platform that’s funneling an unprecedented amount of cash from individual donors to Democratic candidates,” MinnPost reports. 

ActBlue was a huge player during the 2018 midterms. All over the internet, Democrat candidates posted links to ActBlue, and “the organization is listed hundreds of times on Democrat candidates’ campaign finance filings,” adds the MinnPost. 

This is going to be a big fat problem for Joe Biden who has stated he does not support the “Defund the Police” campaign. 

“While the Biden campaign insists it doesn’t support efforts to defund the police, it may happily profit from Black Lives Matter (BLM) efforts, and is complicit in taking money from an organization partnered with those spearheading the dangerous policy that has already taken root in Minneapolis, New York, and Los Angeles,” National Pulse reports. 

After reaching the BLM homepage, which features a “Defund The Police” petition front and center, if a user chooses to donate, they’re rerouted to a site hosted by ActBlue and prompted with the message: “We appreciate your support of the movement and our ongoing fight to end state-sanctioned violence, liberate Black people, and end white supremacy forever.”

The page notes: “By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue’s terms & conditions”and includes a banner “ActBlue Charities is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed under the law” at the bottom of the page.

Joe Biden is a top beneficiary of the ActBlue’s fundraising efforts. As of May 21st, the organization has donated $119,253,857 to the “Biden for President” effort.

Joe Biden may say he is against “Defund the Police,” but at this point, he is now beholden to that movement. All Americans must be aware that if Biden was ever to be elected, Black Lives Matters’ agenda would be front and center in his administration.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.