DNC Caught Redhanded Playing Dirty Trick On Americans To Help Kamala Harris

The Democrat National Convention is so unwatchable that night two viewership was down at least 48 percent from broadcasts of the same night in 2016. So, it wasn’t a total surprise when the DNC had to resort to doing a dirty trick for their VP nominee Kamala Harris. You’re going to love this.

Kamala Harris at night two of DNC convention (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Kamala Harris’ 17-minute snoozefest of a speech was leftwing talking points at its best. The doom and gloom she spewed were overshadowed by someone missing from the Kamala camp: her own father.

“Oh, how I wish she were here tonight,” Ms. Harris said of her mother. “But I know she’s looking down on me from above. I keep thinking about that 25-year-old Indian woman, all of five feet tall, who gave birth to me at Kaiser hospital in Oakland, California.”

Harris’ VP nomination has been rife with allegations that she is an “anchor baby.” While she mentions her mother who passed away, many were wondering where her father was. Why wouldn’t the 81-year-old retired Stanford professor be by her side on the biggest night of her life?

Well, he wasn’t the only thing missing from Kamala’s big night. The DNC had to fake support for Harris. 

After her speech, the DNC panned to a virtual crowd, and at first, it was dead silence. The DNC displayed 30 separate boxes made up of women who were supposed to be some of the vice-presidential nominee’s biggest supporters.

It did not look like they could see her because they did not react.

But then somebody noticed something strange. Three of the women were shown twice. Social media erupted with screenshots:

Fox News screenshot of Kamala Harris supporters after her convention speech

“Participants in Kamala’s DNC speech were as fake as her Indianness,” tweeted Darshan Pathak, who also captured the video:

Trump legal adviser Jenna Ellis posted: “Kamala’s applause live-stream was actually meant to be an accurate representation of 30 Democratic voters in New Jersey.”

“The fall of the DNC is more apparent than ever. Imagine how sad your candidate is that you have to fake an audience,” tweeted “GOJIRA.”

“FAKE FAKE FAKE FLAKES! The Dem Convention used doubles on their Virtual Audience to make it look like Heels Up Harris had more engaged than she did. What a BUST! (oh and it was a yawner too),” tweeted Twitter user “Terri.”

“This is as pathetic as it gets. Surely they could have found 30 New Jersey women to clap for Kamala, right? This just goes to show that the DNC hopes we’re all stupid. In fact, they’re banking on it,” tweeted J.D. Rucker, who is co-founder of the American Conservative Movement.

The DNC convention is such bad television that “America’s Got Talent” bested it in viewership.

“America’s Got Talent” received more views during its scheduled hour on NBC than any other network individually recorded during the second night of the DNC.

The viewership gained by the six main networks the first night of the 2020 DNC was also down by 6 million viewers from the first night of the DNC in 2016, which topped out at 25 million broadcast viewers.

To put in perspective, the 2016 DNC’s star was Hillary Clinton. 

We all know what an attraction ole Hillary is. More people watched the Clinton coronation by the DNC than they did for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This doesn’t bode well for the Democrat ticket, so far.

Of course, the Biden campaign came out with a spin. According to T.J. Ducklo, spokesperson Joe Biden’s campaign, online numbers for night one of the 2020 DNC did set a new record for “digital streams.”

Or so they claim. MSNBC, CNN, NBC, and CBS offered wall to wall coverage. Americans aren’t tuning in. To be honest, the little we did watch was insufferable.

Not very many Americans are pumped up for the swamp creature who spent 47 years in Washington, D.C., and an inauthentic flip-flopping shrew who can’t muster 30 fans for her speech. What does it all mean? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris need dirty tricks to pull off their campaign and convention.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.