
Stevie Nicks Talks Leaving Earth For Space If Trump Wins, Patriots Torch Her

Rocker Stevie Nicks, who was the lead singer of Fleetwood Mac, is contemplating leaving the United States if President Donald Trump wins re-election, saying that she is considering an extraterrestrial existence. “And I’m thinking: Oh, space. Maybe I can talk Elon Musk into giving us a jet,” she said. Nicks sees America as “undeniably racist.” She is a huge supporter of Black Lives Matter. Well, poor Stevie got torched by patriotic Americans. You’ll love this. […]


Oprah: Nazi Germany Copied America’s Racial ‘Caste System,’ Gets Brutal Reality Check

Oprah Winfrey is once again playing the race card claiming Nazi Germany rose to power thanks to our “caste system.” Oprah claims America has a “caste system” based on race. If you were born a person of color, you had no chance to succeed in America, according to her. Well, that’s when the billionaire TV mogul got a brutal reality check. You’ll love this. […]


Chrissy Teigen Stages Hospital ‘Photo Op’ During Miscarriage — Fans Torch Her

Chrissy Teigen suffered a miscarriage on Wednesday night. The former model and wife of John Legend was reportedly about halfway through her third pregnancy. However, what is making headlines is the strange “photo-op” Teigen posted on social media. In fact, even her fans are torching Teigen and wondering what she was thinking. Don’t miss this. […]


Bette Midler Tells Biden ‘Kick Trump In The Nuts’ At 1st Debate, Gets Torched

Bette Midler is feeling really good about Joe Biden’s upcoming debate on Tuesday night. In fact, the 74-year-old leftwing actress gave the former vice president some advice. “You will be going toe to toe with a stupid, but wily street fighter,” Midler said. “My advice is kick him in the nuts! And then do it again for the 200,000 people he murdered!” Well, that’s when poor Bette got torched by patriotic Americans. You’ll love this. […]


John Legend: If Trump Wins, Americans Must Consider Leaving US — Gets Torched

Musician John Legend and his ex-model wife Chrissy Teigen have announced a new spin to the celebrity class vow from 2016 to leave America if Donald Trump won. Now, Legend has upped the ante by saying all Americans must consider leaving the United States if Trump wins in 2020. Well, that’s when they got torched by patriotic Americans. You’ll love this. […]


Cher: If Trump Wins We’ll Never See Another Election By The People, Gets Blasted

Cher is once again totally unhinged about the upcoming election, and she is feeding into a new leftwing conspiracy theory. “If Trump wins…we’ll never see another election by the people,” she ranted. Cher believes the president is out to “steal” the election and would end elections “by the people.” Well, poor Cher didn’t know what hit her as Americans gave her a huge reality check. You’ll love this. […]


‘Grow Some Balls & Ovaries!’: Fonda Frantic Over SCOTUS Seat, Gets Smackdown

Actress and leftwing activist Jane Fonda is frantic over the Republicans moving forward to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court. “We have to rise up and not allow them to do it,” Fonda declared. “If Mitch McConnell can do it, let’s grow some balls and ovaries. Oh, my God.” Well, that’s why poor Jane got an epic smackdown she never saw coming. You’ll love this. […]

Cops & Criminals

Steelers Player Says He Was Duped By NFL & BLM To Wear Name Of ‘Police Victim’

The National Football League made no bones about joining with Black Lives Matter to bring “social justice” awareness to the nation. NFL teams were given names of “police shooting victims” to display on their helmets, and that’s when one player on the Pittsburgh Steelers refused to do it. Another claims he was duped and said the so-called victim was no victim at all. You’ll love this. […]


NFL Gets Reality Check From Fans During ‘Social Justice’ Moment Of Silence

On Thursday night, the National Football League launched its grand return to primetime. However, it was the fans who were making the headlines after the NFL orchestrated a “social justice” show of unity they described as “a moment of silence dedicated to the ongoing fight for equality in our country.” Some of the 17,000 fans the NFL had in attendance gave them a huge reality check. You’ll love this. […]