Chrissy Teigen suffered a miscarriage on Wednesday night. The former model and wife of John Legend was reportedly about halfway through her third pregnancy. However, what is making headlines is the strange “photo-op” Teigen posted on social media. In fact, even her fans are torching Teigen and wondering what she was thinking. Don’t miss this.

Chrissy Teigen took to social media during her miscarriage at Cedar-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. The 34-year-old mother of two and her musician husband have been very vocal about their support of abortion and Planned Parenthood.
Teigen and Legend have often taken to their social media accounts to support Planned Parenthood, and they are not shy about claiming Trump and his supporters are backward hillbillies for being anti-abortion.
So, it seems a tad bit hypocritical now that in her social media posts, Teigen claims she is so sad that her son, who the couple named “Jack,” did not make it. According to the pro-abortion crowd, “Jack” is not a baby. If he was, then how in the world could the Hollywood couple support a procedure that sucks other “Jacks” out of the womb?
Back in 2019, Teigen was so upset over what she called “Alabama’s draconian abortion bill.”
“I looked at John [Legend] the other day and I said… ‘Everything that’s happening in Alabama and women’s rights being stripped away, you wonder, what can you do? Like what can I say?'” Teigen said.
Teigen explained she likes to connect directly with people who are being affected in Alabama and make our donations that way. Her husband expressed his support of boycotting states that were enacting laws to protect unborn babies.
“Particularly when these studios are hiring people and bringing people to the state and saying, ‘Come work with us here in this state,’ but if you get pregnant there you’re going to be treated like a second-class citizen,” Legend said.
He added: “I don’t know that it will definitely work, but I know that money talks.”
Teigen staged a photo-op during her miscarriage.
“We are shocked and in the kind of deep pain you only hear about, the kind of pain we’ve never felt before. We were never able to stop the bleeding and give our baby the fluids he needed, despite bags and bags of blood transfusions. It just wasn’t enough,” Teigen wrote.
“We never decide on our babies’ names until the last possible moment after they’re born, just before we leave the hospital,” she added. “But we, for some reason, had started to call this little guy in my belly Jack. So he will always be Jack to us. Jack worked so hard to be a part of our little family, and he will be, forever.”
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) October 1, 2020
Many of Teigen’s fans and those who are pro-life torched her on social media.
“First thing I want to say is that I’m very, very sorry for your loss. Literally can’t imagine what it must be like. But there’s something very twisted about our social scenario right now for people to be posting professional-looking pictures of a moment like this,” tweeted “N Aguento Mais.”
First thing I want to say is that I’m very, very sorry for your loss. Literally can’t imagine what it must be like. But there’s something very twisted about our social scenario right now for people to be posting professional-looking pictures of a moment like this—
— n aguento mais (@layunii4) October 1, 2020
“It’s just a clump of cells,” tweeted Twitter user “Chef.”
Its just a clump of cells
— Chef (@ChefMik96058721) October 1, 2020
“Who decided man this is a great time for a photo???” tweeted Alberto Esparza.
Who decided man this is a great time for a photo???
— Alberto Esparza (@xdawg2k2) October 1, 2020
“A miscarriage is a horrible event to those trying to have a child, but why would you take, and then publish, a photograph of the moment of realization that a new life is now gone and the emotional pain that goes with it?” tweeted Mark Sockwell.
A miscarriage is a horrible event to those trying to have a child, but why would you take, and then publish, a photograph of the moment of realization that a new life is now gone and the emotional pain that goes with it?
— Mark Sockwell (@SockwellMark) October 1, 2020
“Allie – you don’t find it offputting by making this public and essentially doing a ‘miscarriage photoshoot,'” tweeted Alicia Cohen.
Allie – you don't find it offputting by making this public and essentially doing a "misscarraige photoshoot"
— Alicia Cohen (@aliciarosecohen) October 1, 2020
“Are celebrities that lost in their social media worlds that they have to take a photo of everything? I’d be comforting my wife, distraught myself, not taking photos. That would be the last thing on my mind. Obviously I’m really sorry this has happened, so don’t come at me people,” tweeted Jack Boughen.
Are celebrities that lost in their social media worlds that they have to take a photo of everything? I'd be comforting my wife, distraught myself, not taking photos. That would be the last thing on my mind. Obviously I'm really sorry this has happened, so don't come at me people.
— Jack Boughen (@JackBoughen) October 1, 2020
“Ohhh I just don’t know how to react.. I feel sad for your loss but I also feel weird seeing the photo op and as many pointed out nurse in the background, filter, trying to make a perfect picture ?” tweeted “RV.”
Ohhh I just don't know how to react.. I feel sad for your loss but I also feel weird seeing the photo op and as many pointed out nurse in the background, filter, trying to make a perfect picture ?
— RV (@aaarveeee) October 1, 2020
“Chrissy Teigen had a miscarriage, and somehow these celebrities/feminists who claim to be ‘pro-choice’ SUDDENLY care about the life of unborn babies,” tweeted CJ.
He added: “Hopefully now she’ll think twice before voting for Biden.”
Hopefully now she'll think twice before voting for Biden.
— CJ (@riskyrhymez) October 1, 2020
“I hate to be that guy but everyone please keep in mind they are just clumps of cells until birth,” tweeted Tyler Bebee.
I hate to be that guy but everyone please keep in mind they are just clumps of cells until birth.
— Tyler Bebee (@DabosDab) October 1, 2020
Even Kamala Harris sent her condolences to Teigen, which is rich considering the vice-presidential nominee supports abortions up to nine months. So did Hillary Clinton, MSNBC’s Joy Reid, and Alyssa Milano, all huge supporters of abortion.
That’s liberal logic for you. When a woman demands an abortion, it’s just a clump of cells. But when it’s a Hollywood leftwinger who has a miscarriage, it’s a baby that should be grieved. It makes your head spin how they twist “the science” when it suits them.