
ESPN To Televise “Social Justice” & Singing Of Black National Anthem – Regret It

ESPN is scheduled to launch the National Football League games and has made a major announcement about the pre-game festivities. The players have said they will protest, and ESPN says they will televise it. But that’s not all. ESPN is proud to announce they will also televise the singing of the “black national anthem,” which will be sung five minutes before kickoff. Well, that’s when Americans gave them all a huge reality check. […]


Milano: ‘The Entire GOP Should Be Tried for Treason’ – She Gets Brutal Smackdown

Alyssa Milano is saying that the “entire GOP should be tried for treason” over the latest hit piece by Democrat huckster Bob Woodward who claimed that President Donald Trump downplayed the dangers of coronavirus to discourage the public from panicking. The Democrats are treating this like a “bombshell” revelation. Well, that’s when the truth came out, and poor Alyssa got a brutal smackdown. You’ll love this. […]


Midler Calls Melania: ‘Illegal Alien’ Who ‘Can’t Speak English’ – Gets Hammered

Bette Midler was like a raving lunatic during Tuesday night’s Republican National Convention. It was the sight of Melania Trump, who carried herself with such grace and elegance, that really sent the aging songstress over the edge. Midler claimed the first lady was an “illegal immigrant” and mocked her accent after Melania delivered her epic address. Instantly, poor Bette got hammered for her remarks. You’ll love this. […]


Alyssa Milano: Hershel Walker’s RNC Speech Was Sad & Phony, Gets Reality Check

Alyssa Milano had the nerve to trash Hershel Walker’s speech at the Republican National Convention Monday night. “As a sports fan, I’m so sad to see Herschel Walker say that Trump is a champion of social justice,” Milano said, implying the president doesn’t care about “social justice.” Well, that’s when poor Alyssa got a reality check she never saw coming. You’ll love this. […]


Alyssa Milano Accused Of ‘Enabling A Raper’ For POTUS, She Has Public Meltdown

Alyssa Milano has been trying for years to put her acting career back on track. The D-list actress attempted to “co-opt” the #MeToo movement as she talked very publically about being sexually abused. Well, a couple of famous abuse survivors aren’t buying Milano’s authenticity and accused her of “enabling a raper” by endorsing Joe Biden. That caused poor Alyssa to have a public meltdown, and it only got worse. You’ll love this. […]


Cher Attempts To ‘Volunteer’ At Post Office To Save Election, Doesn’t End Well

Cher is on fire trying to “save” the election by making sure Joe Biden wins. The 74-year-old pop singer bought into the latest Democrat conspiracy that “mailboxes are being removed by President Donald Trump” so he can win. The scandal has been proven to be a hoax, but that didn’t hinder Cher. She attempted to “volunteer” at her local post office, and that didn’t end well for her. You”ll love this. […]