Forget The Gaffes, Joe’s Blatant Lies About 1st Wife’s Death In Crash Are Troubling

Joe Biden claims he deserves to be the next president of the United States. While his campaign downplays his many gaffes, it’s his blatant lies about his first wife’s death in a car crash that are extremely troubling and totally unconscionable. You don’t want to miss this.

Joe Biden (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

The problem with Joe Biden running a third campaign for the presidency, along with being a swamp creature for over 47 years, is his blatant lies. There is nothing sicker than lying about a family tragedy when you are seeking the highest office in the land.

Biden’s gaffes are legendary, but so are his lies.  

“So what if he boasts about his ‘arrest’ in South Africa for supposedly attempting to visit Nelson Mandela, an effort Mandela allegedly later thanked Biden for attempting? Never mind that none of it is true — not the arrest, not the attempted visit and not the thank you from Mandela,” said Larry Elder, a Fox News contributor and radio host.

Many Americans might not know that Biden has a long history of lies and plagiarism. 

“[Biden’s] even been caught lying to voters about his academic record. Biden acknowledged that he had plagiarized during his time at Syracuse University Law School. The law school had him repeat the first-year class, after initially flunking him, for copying at least five pages from a published law review article,” Real Clear Politics reports.

Biden’s 1988 presidential bid ended after he stole a British politician’s life story and made it his own. 

“The most egregious example, as described by Maureen Dowd when it happened, occurred Aug. 23, 1987, during a debate at the Iowa State Fair. Biden had been lifting entire lines of his stock stump speech from Britain’s then-Labor Party leader, Neil Kinnock, who was campaigning for prime minister across the pond,” Real Clear Politics adds.

“He [Biden] lifted Mr. Kinnock’s closing speech with phrases, gestures and lyrical Welsh syntax intact for his own closing speech,” Dowd reported for the New York Times.

As reporters dug deeper, they found more. Biden didn’t just steal Kinnock’s political rhetoric, he appropriated his life story, including a coal mining grandfather. This was worse than it looked: Kinnock’s Welsh grandfather did work in the mines. Biden’s, although he lived in Pennsylvania coal country, sold cars.

However, the former vice-president lying about a personal tragedy takes the cake. 

Biden claimed on two separate occasions that his first wife, Neilia Hunter Biden, and his two daughters were killed by a drunk driver.

“Biden has been alluding to alcohol being involved in the crash for nearly a decade. During a speech in 2001, Biden told an audience at University of Delaware that a drunken driver crashed into his family.” the Newark Post reports. 

In 2001, Biden made a post-9/11 speech in which he told the audience that, given his family’s history of being the victim of a drunk driver, he could empathize with the 9/11 victims and their families.

But the then-Delaware prosecutor, now a judge, who investigated the accident said, “The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver [Dunn], is incorrect.” Furthermore, the tractor-trailer driver had the right of way, and Dunn immediately got out of his truck and tried to render assistance. He was no drunk driver.

The daughter of Mr. Dunn was incensed. She demanded a public apology. But then ole Joe did it again. 

“Let me tell you a little story. I got elected when I was 29, and I got elected November the 7th. And on Dec. 18 of that year, my wife and three kids were Christmas shopping for a Christmas tree,” the presidential candidate said in a 2007 speech.

“A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly, and killed my daughter instantly, and hospitalized my two sons, with what were thought to be at the time permanent, fundamental injuries,” he added.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck. Sadly, it appeared from the police reports that she ran a stop sign.

“Suppose he becomes the next vice president,” said Pamela Hamill, the daughter of the man Joe Biden’s accusing of drunk driving. “Movies could be made about him and books could be written about him, all falsely portraying my father as a drunk driver. We need to set the record straight and clear my father’s name right now before this goes any further.”

Finally, after many requests of a public apology that never came, Biden called Hamill: “He apologized for hurting my family in any way. So we accepted that — and kind of end of story from there.”

However, it’s not the end of the story now that he is running for the presidency once again.

Some would say Biden is a compulsive liar who looks for any way he can to spin his life to get sympathy from Americans. Joe has the audacity to lie about his first wife’s death to garner sympathy from the 9/11 victims and their families. How low is that?

The American people rejected him twice before as being qualified to be president, and for good reason. Well, its high time we reject him, once again.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.