Joy: King Trump Demotes Smartest Doctor For Warning Us About Drug, Gets Destroyed

Joy Behar made another crazy allegation against President Donald Trump on Thursday. The 77-year-old co-host of The View said Dr. Rick Bright was “forced out” by the president for warning Americans that the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine was dangerous and was killing those who took it to fight COVID-19. Well, poor Joy gets utterly destroyed for outright lying on live TV. Don’t miss this.

Joy Behar (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

The View continues to provide outright misrepresentations about the COVID crisis and President Donald Trump. The ABC talk show continues to have one goal in mind: destroy Trump at any cost, even if that means reporting lies to their viewers.

Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, and Sunny Hostin spent Tuesday’s broadcast defending Nancy Pelosi’s cringe-worthy appearance with James Corden. With glibness, they told Americans we owe the Speaker “an apology” for bashing her $24,000 dollar sub-zero fridges and $12 dollar a pint ice cream.

While that type of pandering is just annoying, what happened on Thursday is outright dangerous.

“Dr. Rick Bright is claiming he was demoted for raising red flags about the anti-malarial drug, hydroxychloroquine. What is that about?” Whoopi said.

“Well, Dr. Bright was basically demoted for not backing ‘hydro-chloroquine’ which was Trump’s ‘so-called miracle drug,'” Behar said. “Now, studies have shown that this drug has no benefit and actually led to a higher rate of death among coronavirus patients…and even after Dr. Bright was proven right he was still demoted…”

“Cause, cause, basically Trump forces out the smartest most qualified guy,” Behar declared. “Because he doesn’t want or doesn’t agree with the guy who thinks ‘windmills cause cancer.’ So, don’t disagree with Trump. Dr. Trump. Because the king will take off your head if you do.”

“People have to really, really be careful and listen carefully to what these doctors are saying,” Behar added. “Because there is a lot of information coming out of these task force press conferences. It’s very hard to follow sometimes because Trump is lying…”

The truth about Dr. Rick Bright is easily found.

You’d think a network like ABC would make sure the so-called “most influential political show in America” only reported facts and not propaganda coming from unreliable sources.

In a statement Wednesday, Dr. Bright, a vaccine expert at BARDA, said that he believed his demotion came about because he “resisted efforts to fund potentially dangerous drugs promoted by those with political connections.”

He added: “Specifically, and contrary to misguided directives, I limited the broad use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, promoted by the administration as a panacea, but which clearly lack scientific merit.”

However, Politico reported that Dr. Bright’s reassignment had been “more than a year in the making,” though it added that the actual transition itself had been “abrupt.”

Politico also cited sources that said Dr. Bright had actually supported the acquisition of hydroxychloroquine treatments and that BARDA had been too slow to respond to the coronavirus crisis.

Byron York of the Washington Examiner noted that Dr. Bright had hired attorneys Debra Katz and Lisa Banks to represent him. They were the Democrat-paid attorneys for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the key accuser against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh:

Daily Caller reporter Chuck Ross points out about Dr. Bright: “Amazing. And so his lawyers, who are PR pros given their work with Blasey Ford, ran to two *political reporters* at NYT with Bright’s one-sided story.”

“I mean, there’s a reason that Bright didn’t go to [reporter] Dan Diamond (who is great on the health beat) or STAT news, or someone else who follows the beat. He went to Haberman and Michael Shear at NYT for a reason,” he added.

Making matters worse for Joy Behar, the one VA study she is citing as evidence hydroxychloroquine “has no benefit and actually led to a higher rate of death among coronavirus patients,” was found to be highly suspect by medical experts.

“Here’s what an infectious disease doctor tied to a major NYC hospital told me about this study: ‘This is probably the worst of study designs: retrospective analysis, with no stated methods as to how patients were assigned one of three treatment arms,'” tweeted Buck Sexton, who is a former Intel Officer with the CIA.

The View is a reckless and dangerous propaganda TV show of the Democratic Party. 

No scrupulous American can take them seriously. It’s obvious this Dr. Bright is a political operative who is out to discredit and damage President Trump. Joy Behar claims Bright is “the smartest most qualified guy.”

What a joke. There are still very low IQ voters out there who hang on every word the shrews of The View report. If they became ill, they may reject the anti-malarial drug based on this type of reporting by Joy Behar.

We wonder if Joy or Whoopi would decline taking hydroxychloroquine if they got the virus. Something tells us faced with possible death they would abandon their anti-Trump stances and beg doctors to give them anything that may work. It’s funny how hypocrites will react when faced with the Grim Reaper.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.