Madonna is clearly trying to stay hip and relevant on the heels of the tragic death of George Floyd. The pop singer declared: “F*ck the police!” She also wants all guns banned, even to all law enforcement departments in America. Well, that’s when poor Madge got an epic smackdown that utterly devastated her. You’ll love this.

Left-wing pop icon Madonna on Wednesday lambasted all police in the wake of continued protests in Minneapolis in response to the death of George Floyd.
“Watching this Cop suffocate George Floyd with his knee on his neck, handcuffed and helpless, crying for his life with his face in the street is the most sickening, heartbreaking thing ive seen in a long time. This Officer knew he was being filmed and murdered him with arrogance and Pride. This has to stop!!” Madonna wrote in an Instagram post.
The Like a Virgin songstress then called for a ban on Americans carrying firearms, particularly police officers, until the country can “overcome Racism in America”
“Until we can overcome Racism in America— no one should be allowed to carry a gun. Most of all cops,” Madonna wrote. “God Bless you George Floyd Im so sorry for you and your family. And all the senseless killings that have gone before you. Will it ever end? I pray to GOD it does one day.”
“Until then—F*ck The Police! Yea I said it. I’m not interested in being PC. I’m interested in Justice,” she concluded.
Madonna claims she isn’t “interested in being PC” when she declares “F*ck the police!”
Well, if there is one thing that is extremely “politically correct,” it’s trashing police officers. Madonna wants you to think she is being “cutting edge” when blasting the police goes back to the 1960s and the Black Panther movement.
Madonna’s comments came as buildings in Minneapolis burned through the night as protesters started to riot. Pockets of looting continued Thursday at Minneapolis stores where windows and doors were smashed. Television station KSTP reported some fires at businesses burned with no firefighters on the scene. A liquor store employee displayed a gun as he stood among the debris of broken bottles and beer cans inside the business.
The bulk of the riots are located inside Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district, and she was caught fueling the rioters. While most Americans are totally disgusted by the tragic death of George Floyd, these leftwing activists like Madonna and Omar are using the situation to condemn all police and applaud rioters.
Well, Madonna’s remarks caused Americans to utterly torch her on social media.
“Very mature response to 1 policeman doing something bad, while 1 million cops do something good & courageous every day. You know what I say. F U to Madonna,” tweeted Wayne Allen Root.
Very mature response to 1 policeman doing something bad, while 1 million cops do something good & courageous every day. You know what I say. F U to Madonna.
— Wayne Allyn Root (@RealWayneRoot) May 28, 2020
“Who? Not the singer that gets police escorts to and special protection at her shows? A few bad city cops don’t represent the majority. Most police are great people,” tweeted “Snifty Joe.”
…who? Not the singer that gets police escorts to and special protection at her shows?
A few bad city cops don’t represent the majority. Most police are great people.
Madonna Declares ‘F**k the Police!’ After George Floyd Death
— Snifty Joe (@DelawareSold) May 28, 2020
“So, Madonna & all other Leftists Supported the POLICE arresting ppl for trying to work, peacefully Protest Draconian Lock Downs, NOT Wearing Masks, BUT then hate the POLICE when the Left says its ok. Complete insanity,” tweeted Betty Mowery.
So, Madonna & all other Leftists Supported the POLICE arresting ppl for trying to work, peacefully Protest Draconian Lock Downs, NOT Wearing Masks, BUT then hate the POLICE when the Left says its ok. Complete insanity
— BettyMowery2.0 (@0Bettymowery2) May 28, 2020
“Madonna is a fool! It’s a good thing black people don’t listen to her because she could get someone else killed. It’s time to de-escalate the situation and use it to fix the problems in the black community,” tweeted Mose Richardson Jr.
Madonna is a fool! It’s a good thing black people don’t listen to her because she could get someone else killed. It’s time to de-escalate the situation and use it to fix the problems in the black community.
— Mose Richardson Jr. (@Mose93429191) May 28, 2020
“NOT FK the #Police Arrest the ones that #Murdered #GeorgeFloyd And #Fire those like him !!! The rest are good Guys..We will never be without our guns EVER #2A,” tweeted Debby Shultz.
NOT FK the #Police
Arrest the ones that #Murdered#GeorgeFloyd
And #Fire those like him !!!
The rest are good Guys..
We will never be without our guns
— Debby Shultz⭐⭐⭐ (@DebbyShultz) May 28, 2020
Madonna Declares ‘F**k the Police!‘ After George Floyd Death via @BreitbartNews
STOP ACTING LIKE A DUMBA**— Marlyce Downen (@marlyce11) May 28, 2020
Madonna hitched her wagon to the gun control and anti-Second Amendment movement after the Parkland High School shooting.
In July 2019, Madonna addressed a packed concert, saying America’s greatest problem is a lack of “gun control which is disproportionately affecting marginalized communities.”
Her last song at that 2019 concert was “I Rise.” Images of student gun-control activists showed while Madonna sang the song and Variety reports that the word “resist” also appeared.
On June 26, 2019, People reported Madonna’s explanation that she has ventured into the gun control debate because she “can’t take it anymore.”
Immediately, the leftwing songstress was vilified by victims from Parkland and the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shootings. “This is the same Madonna who– right after the Pulse shooting happened – posted a picture of herself kissing Britney Spears to honor the 49 victims who had just lost their lives,” said Pulse Nightclub survivor Brandon Wolf.
Madonna is all about promoting Madonna at any cost. Now that she is 61-years-old, selling herself as the cool “sex kitten” isn’t working anymore.
Poor Madge, she isn’t aging gracefully, and she is making a mockery of herself by declaring “f*ck the police,” which was made infamous in 1988 by Ice Cube and his “NWA” buddies in a song by the same name.