Meghan Quits ‘Senior’ Royal Family But Wants All The Benefits, Queen Gives Reality Check

Meghan Markle, the D-list actress who married Prince Harry in 2018, has convinced her spouse to make an unexpected move. According to Meghan, she was so “exhausted” by all her work as a “senior member” of the Royal Family at the end of 2019, the duo took a six weeks break. Now, Meghan and Harry have announced they will be abandoning their duties, but they still want all the benefits. Queen Elizabeth is giving them a reality check.

Queen Elizabeth II, Meghan Markle (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot, YouTube/Screenshot)

Meghan Markle is fulfilling all the naysayer’s predictions. Those of us who saw through the rushed wedding, while ditching all her immediate family and all of Markle’s “woke” political moves, said there will come a day when she would self-destruct.

Sadly, she is bringing her husband, Prince Harry, along for the ride. 

There is little doubt that Meghan is the one in charge. So, after the “American Duchess” complained of suffering from “exhaustion” at the end of 2019, from all of her labor-intensive work including appearances at societal events and shopping for all the right clothes, she and Harry embarked on a six weeks break.

Now, after consulting no one, including the Queen, they (Meghan) “decided” to step down as “senior” members of the Royal Family and will divide their time between the UK and North America, and aim to become “financially independent.”

Well, it’s a nice thought. Becoming “financially independent” means you pay your own way—for everything. 

Maybe they could have decided to get “financially independent” prior to the royal wedding. “This is all so smug and gross, considering British taxpayers already spent $3 million on Harry and Meghan’s wedding,” New York Post reports.

They made the announcement on their own new website which proves this was not coming from Buckingham Palace. Making matters worse for the “woke” Duchess, her ill-advised announcement showed utter disdain for the Queen and the Royal Family.

“We have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution,reads the statement.

Like all radical leftists, Meghan loves to use the word “progressive” to give this illusion that what she is doing will be breathing life into “this (tired) institution.” Meghan is so “woke” she has no idea that what makes the British Monarchy beloved by so many is its long legacy as being a bulwark of strength in times of trouble.

Meghan wants to update the Monarchy to become a leftwing political entity promoting all her favorite things like abortion and saving the world from climate change. 

“Despite her experience of living in the limelight in her previous life as a Holywood actress, Meghan has clearly struggled with her own transition from celebrity to the more staid, reserved, and formal life of a British Royal. Speaking in an interview in October 2019, Meghan broke with Royal conventions to talk about her feelings, responding ‘yes’ when asked whether, behind the scenes, she was ‘not really OK,'” Breitbart reports.

“Despite Harry and Meghan’s hardcore views on climate change, the pair have enjoyed a globetrotting lifestyle, and the pair have even expressed an interest in leaving the United Kingdom to live in Africa instead,” Breitbart adds.

The most ridiculous part of the Sussex duo statement is they will still “work to become financially independent while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen.”

They also unveiled this new website called “” which is just an arrogant attempt to scam the public for money. It was created by Meghan’s old pals who helped her with her now-defunct blog called “The Tig.”  The blatant arrogance on this site is summed up best with the duo’s latest media policy.

“UK media are currently entitled to cover their engagements in an impartial manner without control from royal officials. The couple say they now intend to offer access to specially-invited media and dispense news via their own official communications and social media channels,” Daily Mail reports.

Meghan also states they believe this policy will reflect “both their forthcoming independence as members of the Royal Family’ and their wish to ‘reshape and broaden access to their work.”

“What this says is that they want to profit from their title and status, to take freebies without having to declare them, and not have to account for their spending,” wrote one British blogger. “They also want to keep their foot in the door by telling The Queen they are still available for gigs, and because of that she should let them keep Frogmore [where they now reside], and pay for protection wherever they are in the world.”

So, basically, Meghan wants nothing to do with being a member of the Royal Family which is there to serve the British people, but she still wants all the royal perks — like the “Her Royal Highness” title, the residences, the pay, and the police protection.

What else should we expect from a liberal snowflake who has zero appreciation for British tradition or culture? 

The BBC is also reporting that the royal family was not told Harry and Markle were going to make their announcement, writing that they are “disappointed” on Twitter. For Queen Elizabeth to say she is “disappointed” bodes very badly for Meghan’s gamble.

“Discussions with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at an early stage. We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through,” reads the official statement from Buckingham Palace.

Meghan Markle saw a dimwitted prince and thought she could manipulate him and his family to become one of the most powerful and admired women in the world. She tried to hide her true nature as a social climber —the D-list actress who had reached her peak on cable TV.

Markle may have Harry under her spell, but if she thought she was going to scam the 93-year-old British Monarch, who has endured real-world crisis, then she overplayed her hand. Queen Elizabeth is all about honor and duty, and there is no free ride.

Meghan will try like hell to get the public to feel “sorry” for her, but if she thinks the majority of Americans will be welcoming her back with open arms, then she is in for a rude awakening. Not only do Americans not give anyone a title of nobility, but she’ll be remembered as just another gold-digger who tried to shakedown the Brits and failed.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.