MI Democrat Tells Trumpers: ‘Walk Lightly, We Ain’t Playing With You,’ Gets Smackdown

Michigan Rep. Cynthia Johnson, who made waves at the Michigan hearing on election irregularities by attacking witnesses “as liars,” has issued a “warning” to “you Trumpers.” Johnson tells Trump supporters to “walk lightly” and “we ain’t playing with you.” But that’s not all. Johnson also tells soldiers to “make them pay.” Well, that’s when she got an epic smackdown.

Rep. Cynthia Johnson of Michigan (Photo Credit: Facebook/Screenshots)

What fresh hell is this? That’s what you may be asking yourself after watching Democrat Cynthia Johnson’s new three-minute video. You may recall Johnson made headlines for being combative after the Michigan hearing.

She also attacked IT specialist Hima Kolanagireddy as a “liar,” after the Michigan poll watcher gave testimony about the Dominion tabulators and backed up the testimony of Melissa Carone, another IT specialist that was contracted by Dominion to work at the TCF Arena in Detriot.

“You’re allowing people to come in here and lie, and I know they’re lying!” Johnson claimed during the Michigan hearing on December 3.

Fast forward to December 8, and Johnson has a meltdown on Facebook. 

“Always provide proof. Nobody cares what your mouth is saying,” Johnson said. “Provide proof. Hit their asses in the pocketbook.”

Johnson then made a claim that someone in Illinois threatened her via voice mail. That’s when she goes on to attack “Trumpers.”

“So, this is just a warning to you Trumpers,” Johnson declared. “Be careful. Walk lightly. We ain’t playing with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough. And for those of you who are soldiers—you know how to do it. Do it right. Be in order. Make them pay.”

Johnson’s still angry that her butt got kicked in last week’s hearing. That’s why she emphasizes “always provide proof” a few times. It was her contention at the six-hour-long hearing, where poll watchers gave eye-witness testimony, that they were all lying and offered “no proof.”

Eye-witness testimony is considered evidence in a court of law. This is why Johnson is so upset. You don’t get this upset over issues that are ridiculous or lack merit. Deep down, this Michigan Democrat is fully aware that her side looks like scammers and fraudsters to the opposing side.

That’s why Americans took to social media to hammer Johnson. 

Called Michigan State Police at 517-322-1907 and they said they’re aware of this and have had numerous calls and are actively investigating this threat from @RepCAJohnson. This is outrageous,” tweeted Sidney’s Doppelganger. 

“This is a threat to silence the opposing party by violent means. She is on public record calling for violence across state lines. She clearly calls on her ‘soldiers’ and instructs them ‘Make them pay.’ FBI should investigate,” tweeted Mario Cordon.

“Her hate was obvious but this is clear. A legislation this corrupt should be outed out. Why would this beast post something this threatening and get away with it?” tweeted “Kathleen.”

“Isn’t she the one in the hearing that only asked for name, spelling and maiden name of a terrified witness? As though she were gonna DOX?” tweeted “Thinkologist.”

Johnson was also accused of trying to “dox” another Indian immigrant who testified at the hearing. Johnson had an opportunity to ask this brave City of Detroit worker and whistleblower Jessy Jacob a question. Instead of asking a relevant question, she attempted to dox her.

“Detroit city worker Jessy Jacob gives explosive election fraud testimony to Michigan legislature, says she and other poll workers were instructed to backdate ballots, ignore voter ID checks,” reported investigative journalist John Soloman.

Cynthia Johnson is the Maxine Waters of Michigan. She operates through intimidation tactics and misinformation while pandering to low information voters who end up re-electing her.

Johnson was back on the racist bandwagon on Wednesday. In another video posted on Facebook, she calls on “soldiers of Christ” to fight “racism, domestic violence, and misogyny.”

That’s pretty rich coming from a Democrat who is endorsed by Planned Parenthood.

“Soldiers rise, rise!” Johnson declared. “Soldiers of Christ who are for black and brown people who are being mistreated!”

It’s always the race card. Johnson is trying these misdirection tactics hoping her constituents will believe the election challenges in the courts somehow have racist intentions. It’s truly pathetic. This is just another huge reason why we must remain focused on the truth and pray these scammers and fraudsters are fully exposed.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.