The National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball had an eye-opening weekend after they launched their seasons. Week two turned out to be a disaster in more ways than one after players continue to “take a knee” and support Black Lives Matter. In fact, kneeling during the national anthem along with all of the BLM nonsense must stop or it’s game over. You’ll love this.

After months of the country being in lockdown due to the coronavirus, reporters were betting the first games to be played in the NBA and MLB would score big points in the ratings. The first week wasn’t too impressive.
According to, neither league did well.
As for the opening games, Outkick reported that the return of the NBA on TNT saw the following numbers:
Lakers-Clippers: 3.4 million
Pelicans-Jazz: 2.1 million
ESPN’s MLB return numbers were also underwhelming:
Yankees-Nationals: 4.0 million
Dodgers-Giants: 2.8 million
Week two turned out to be a ratings disaster.
During those opening games, Americans watched as players “took a knee.” With both baseball and basketball draped in all sorts of Black Lives Matter and social justice symbolism for their opening games, a substantially smaller number of fans watched the rest of the week’s games. Week two proved the American people will tune out when they “take a knee” and promote BLM.
Outkick’s Ryan Glasspiegel added more ratings numbers on Twitter.
“To be fair since I compared MLB vs NBA return night 1, here is night 2,” (July 24) he wrote, adding:
MLB (last Friday, ESPN)
Mets-Braves (4p) – 922K
Brewers-Cubs(7p) – 1.0M
Angels-As (10p) – 797KNBA (last night ESPN) (July 31)
Celtics-Bucks (6:30p) – 1.3M
Mavs-Rockets (9p)- 1.7M
The Athletic’s Ethan Strauss also noted that the numbers continued to fall off for Major League Baseball: “MLB really fell off after opening day. In general, both leagues aren’t getting the audience one might expect from a nation that’s been deprived of entertainment for months,” he tweeted.
MLB really fell off after opening day. In general, both leagues aren't getting the audience one might expect from a nation that's been deprived of entertainment for months
— Ethan Strauss (@SherwoodStrauss) August 2, 2020
For good measure, Strauss also pointed out that baseball can’t blame the coronavirus. The virus didn’t stop people from watching Tom Brady golf with Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson back in May.
“You could chalk sagging interest up to pandemic conditions, but 5.8 million tuned in to watch Tom Brady hit golf shots into the woods,” Strauss noted.
You could chalk sagging interest up to pandemic conditions, but 5.8 million tuned in to watch Tom Brady hit golf shots into the woods
— Ethan Strauss (@SherwoodStrauss) August 2, 2020
Indeed, the charity golf match earned record TV ratings in May.
Dubbed “The Match II,” the game featuring Tom Brady, Phil Mickelson, Peyton Manning, and Tiger Woods peaked at an amazing 6.3 million viewers and raised more than $20 million for charity.
Americans weighed in on the ratings disaster for the NBA and MLB.
“SO IF AMERICA IS WOKE AND HATES TRUMP, WHY ARE CNN, NBA AND MLB RATINGS IN THE TOILET? – Ratings Crash for NBA, MLB After Protest-Filled Debuts,” tweeted Bill Mitchell.
SO IF AMERICA IS WOKE AND HATES TRUMP, WHY ARE CNN, NBA AND MLB RATINGS IN THE TOILET? – Ratings Crash for NBA, MLB After Protest-Filled Debuts via @BreitbartNews
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) August 2, 2020
“Get Woke Go Broke- we don’t need multi-millionaire, China loving, narcissistic athletes to lecture us! Ratings Crash for NBA, MLB After Protest-Filled Debuts,” tweeted “GrrrGraphics Cartoons.”
Get Woke Go Broke- we don't need multi millionaire, China loving, narcissistic athletes to lecture us! Ratings Crash for NBA, MLB After Protest-Filled Debuts
— GrrrGraphics Cartoons (@GrrrGraphics) August 2, 2020
“Dear Millionaire-Marxist, Chinese Basketball League, Ha ha ha ha ha…. [repeat],” tweeted Joe Dan Gorman.
Dear Millionaire-Marxist, Chinese Basketball League,
Ha ha ha ha ha….
[repeat]— Joe Dan Gorman, Intellectual Froglegs (@JoeDanMedia) August 3, 2020
“Yet we’re to believe the nation is on Biden’s side, and supports the BLM culture war. Apparently not. More people watched Tom Brady and Tiger Woods play golf. Think about that,” tweeted “Rosie’s Crashing Ratings.”
Yet we're to believe the nation is on Biden's side, and supports the BLM culture war.
Apparently not. More people watched Tom Brady and Tiger Woods play golf. Think about that.
— Rosie's Crashing Ratings (@DarnelSugarfoo) August 3, 2020
“Here’s the ratings of all the sports. Wow! We did a great job. Not watching anymore if they believe in this group that calls themselves BLM. Well, are the players really that stupid? I guess they are it looks like. I haven’t and everyoneiknowhaventchanged,” tweeted Kitty Hawk.
Here's the ratings of all the sports. Wow! We did a great job. Not watching anymore of they believe in this group that calls themselves BLM. well are the players really that stupid? I guess they're it looks like. I haven't and everyoneiknowhaventchanged.
— Kitty Hawk 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲👣👣👣 (@kittyHawk1960) August 3, 2020
“It serves them right! America goes to sports to GET AWAY from politics. We don’t want to hear what you believe. JUST PLAY BALL, for cryin out loud!” tweeted Arch Kennedy.
It serves them right! America goes to sports to GET AWAY from politics.
We don't want to hear what you believe. JUST PLAY BALL, for cryin out loud!#MLB #NBA
— Arch Kennedy (@ArchKennedy) August 2, 2020
Americans haven’t changed their minds from two years ago when the NFL suffered a ratings and ticket plummet thanks to the disrespectful anthem kneeling.
“Just because the majority of us feel bad that George Floyd was killed doesn’t mean that we believe our sports and entertainment should be hijacked by a Marxist cop-hating/anti-American group,” radio host Wayne Dupree said. “We have a system and process for the Floyd family to go through, and we certainly pray they get justice, but that doesn’t mean that our entire country should be burned to the ground or turned upside down because of it.
Liberals were taking a victory lap over what they called “the big ratings grab” for MLB ad NBA. They said the “silent majority” didn’t exist and Americans cared about supporting and promoting the “Black Lives Matter” movement.
Then, week two happened in the NBA and MLB. Now, they are realizing there is a silent majority who are not on board with their BLM message. Not only does this bode badly for the pro athletes and the owners, but it also is really bad news for Joe Biden’s campaign.