Political Opinion

Joy Behar Goes Nuts Over ‘Trump Firing Heroes Like Vindman,’ Gets Torched

Joy Behar is really angry that President Donald Trump is firing Obama-holdovers and is “cleaning house” by purging his White House staff of any known leakers and traitors. The red-headed blowhard was especially upset over the removal of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman who she claimed is a “true patriot.” Behar said, “[Trump] fires heroes like Vindman and rewards criminals.” Well, poor Joy immediately got torched. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Brazile: ‘Roger Stone Go To F*cking Jail — Roast in Hell,’ Trump Makes Her Pay

Donna Brazile, the Fox News contributor, went on a profane tirade over the utterly unjust Mueller team’s prosecution of Roger Stone. “Go to f*ckin’ jail. Go to jail, go to hell. I hope he roasts in hell!” Brazile exclaimed. Stone, like Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, was brought up on bogus charges and has been given an excessive prison sentence. Well, poor Donna didn’t know what hit her as the president made her pay. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Ford Calls Trump ‘Son of a B*tch’ While Promoting New Disney Movie, Regrets It

Harrison Ford is in hot water after promoting his new Disney flick. The movie, based on the 1903 classic book “Call of the Wild,” is something Disney is trying to market to “families,” and that translates into supporters of President Donald Trump. So when Ford appeared on Jimmy Kimmel this week and called the president “a son of a b*tch,” he was quickly made to regret it. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Trump Ends Rally Early To Honor Fallen Heroes: ‘Widow Was Inconsolable’

Monday night’s rally in New Hampshire was rocking with tens of thousands in attendance. President Donald Trump was on fire and gave his best rendition of the poem “The Snake.” However, he ended the rally a little early. Trump didn’t want any fanfare as he somberly took off to honor two of our fallen heroes—as one widow was “inconsolable” and reminded him of the true cost of war. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Trump Gives Swamp Rats & Deep State Traitors Like Whistleblower ‘Really Bad News’

President Donald Trump is shocking the swamp rats and the deep state traitors who have worked for over three years to oust him any way they can. In fact, the president just fired 70 Obama-holdovers, but now it appears he was just getting warmed up. That’s right, Trump is now naming names of who’s next, and getting fired is the least of their worries. You don’t want to miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Trump Fires 70 Obama-Holdovers, Schumer Demands Investigations & Gets Torched

President Donald Trump is on a roll draining the swamp. Last week it was Lt. Col. Alexander Vindamn who was escorted out of the White House, and Trump followed that up by firing 70 more Obama-holdovers. Well, that is freaking out the Democrats. Chuck Schumer went nuts calling on all “74 inspector generals” to launch “investigations” into the mass firing. Well, that’s when poor Chucky got torched. You’ll love this. […]

Political Opinion

Reiner Gets Blasted, Claims Dems Have to ‘Punch’ Trump in the Nose & Call Him Fat

Rob Reiner is terrified. The actor who is best known as “Meathead” is so scared the president will win re-election that he lost his mind in a recent interview. Reiner went on a tirade about how the Democrats must “punch” Trump in the nose and call him “fat.” Poor Rob was so out of control he instantly got blasted for his violent rhetoric. But that’s not all. You don’t want to miss this. […]

Political Opinion

Bidens Took $1.8 Billion Dollars To Wage Secret Ukraine ‘Proxy War’

A new report called the “missing piece to the Ukraine scandal” has uncovered what appears to be the rest of the story of why the deep state was so hot to frame President Donald Trump with the Ukraine hoax. The report shows how Joe Biden lobbied for $1.8 billion taxpayer dollars to be delivered to PrivatBank in Ukraine which was owned by the CEO of Burisma. It appears the money was used to wage a secret “proxy” war that Barack Obama sanctioned. Don’t miss this. […]

Political Opinion

VIDEO: Leftist Threatens To ‘Slash Trump’s Throat & Every Republican’ – Regrets It

The Democrats and their cohorts want Americans to believe it’s supporters of President Donald Trump who are out of control and violent. They claim Trump supports are dangerous “white nationalists” who are akin to Nazis. Well, the truth is there is a real danger from those on the left like this crazed man who was caught on video by “Students for Trump.” He was threatening to “slash Trump’s throat and every Republican.” He was made to regret it. Don’t miss this. […]