***CORRECTION: An earlier version of the article incorrectly suggested that social distancing was not observed by anyone in attendance.***
Fox News aired wall to wall coverage of the funeral for civil rights icon John Lewis, who later in life turned into a partisan Democrat hack. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and all the leftwing political elites were in attendance. That’s why Americans were outraged to see the family sitting “a little closer together” while regular citizens can’t hold services to bury their own loved ones. You’ll love how Americans torched them.

The funeral for civil rights icon John Lewis is yet another example of how Democrats have turned the rest of us into second class citizens.
It is also an example of what they truly believe about the risks associated with the coronavirus.
“Over the past few months, we have read heartbreaking story after heartbreaking story about how the fascist, left-wing government has cruelly, and unnecessarily, either restricted the number of mourners at the funeral of a loved one or denied the right for anyone to attend funerals – including funerals for parents and spouses,” John Nolte reports via Breitbart.
Meanwhile, many of these very same left-wing government officials are not only encouraging, championing, and even joining countless massive Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests.
Take a look at the photos from the funeral for Lewis:
I get it. My dad wasn’t important. So it’s ok to limit his funeral to 10 people tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/9MCAlNrRK4
— brink (@brinkofill) July 30, 2020
Does that tweet not say it all?
“Me, I separate John Lewis the Civil Rights Hero from John Lewis the rabidly partisan and destructive U.S. congressman. His life is a perfect example of how if the hero lives long enough, he becomes the villain,” Nolte adds.
John Lewis the Civil Rights Hero, however, is an undeniable hero. His passing is, of course, something worthy of accolades and attention. That John Lewis changed America for the better. However…
The story of John Lewis is cold comfort to those who have lost not a John Lewis they admired and respected, not a John Lewis they worked with, but a member of their family, someone who was part of their life, maybe even their whole life.
John Lewis the Civil Rights Hero fought for equal rights, for equal protection under the law, for the rule of law… How would John Lewis the Civil Rights Hero feel about everyday Americans being denied the basic human right to attend the funeral of a loved one, while the very same elites in favor of denying those human rights strut their exemption from their own rule on national television?
Nolte is one American who is rightly outraged at the utter hypocrisy.
And like Global Warming, does this not expose what these people know to be the truth? We see those who claim to believe in Global Warming — or Climate Change or whatever they are calling it this week — defiantly behave as though they believe the whole thing is untrue. First off, countless millions of leftists choose to live on the same coasts they assure us will soon be flooded, including the island of Manhattan.
What’s more, Global Warmer-in-Chief Barack Obama dropped millions on a Matha Vineyard estate just a stone’s throw from the same ocean he tells us is going to rise.
And now, here are America’s left-wing elites, many of them in the age group most vulnerable to the coronavirus, gathering for a funeral.
Not only is the hypocrisy and elitism galling, but does this not prove they believe there’s no real risk?
Would these awful people really risk their lives and gather this way (indoors) if they believed they were risking their own lives?
Another American who was raging about the Lewis funeral was Jesse Kelly.
“There is a shockwave coming from the American people over the heartbreaking side effects of the government’s lockdowns, says @JesseKellyDC. How are funerals canceled for everyone EXCEPT the political class? There is a bubbling anger underneath the surface over crap like this!” tweeted The First Nation.
Here’s the full video for you to draw your own conclusion:
If the Democrat elites truly believed there was a serious risk, could they have not found a way to honor Lewis without taking the risk?
Of course, they would. Judge what these people believe by their actions, not words; it is there you will discover the truth of what they truly believe.
And what they truly believe is that they are America’s royalty and that their violent shock troops in Black Lives Matter and Antifa are exempt from the rule of law. Meanwhile, you and I are merely second class citizens who deserve their persecution because we support President Trump and dare to cling bitterly to our Bible and guns.