Tara Reade Unleashes New Info, Torches Hillary For Endorsing ‘Sexual Predator’

Tara Reade isn’t backing down in the face of the Democrat elite who have come out to endorse Joe Biden. In fact, the former Biden staffer torched Hillary Clinton for doing a live stream with the former vice-president and failing to ask him about her allegations. “He raped me,” Reade said as she went on to give new information. Don’t miss this.

Tara Reade, Hillary Clinton (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Author Tara Reade condemned former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s endorsement of Joe Biden for president, even as the former Vice President has remained silent about her accusation of sexual assault in 1993.

Reade makes it clear what Joe Biden allegedly did to her was “rape.” 

“I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. I voted for her in the primary. I’m a lifelong Democrat. But yet, what I see now is someone enabling a sexual predator and it was my former boss, Joe Biden, who raped me,” Reade said in a new statement to Fox News.

“Hillary Clinton has a history of enabling powerful men to cover up their sexual predatory behaviors and their inappropriate sexual misconduct,” she added. “We don’t need that for this country. We don’t need that for our new generation coming up that wants institutional rape culture to change.”

“I will not be smeared, dismissed, or ignored. I stand in truth and I will keep speaking out,” she added.

Reade alleges that Biden assaulted her while the two were in the basement of a Capitol Hill building in 1993.

“He was whispering to me and trying to kiss me at the same time, and he was saying, ‘Do you want to go somewhere else?’” Reade recalled in a recent interview with the Associated Press. “I remember wanting to say stop, but I don’t know if I said it out loud or if I just thought it. I was kind of frozen up.”

Reade said she moved away from Biden, who responded surprisingly: “Come on, man, I heard you liked me.”

The Biden campaign has denied the allegation, though the former vice president himself has yet to address the matter.

Earlier Tuesday, Clinton endorsed Biden’s White House run in a virtual town hall event together.

“I am thrilled to be part of your campaign to not only endorse you but to help highlight a lot of the issues that are at stake in this presidential election,” Clinton said. “I want to add my voice to the many who have endorsed you to be our president. Just think of the difference it would make right now if we had a president who not only listened to the science, put facts over fiction, but brought us together.”

The Tara Reade allegations were the elephant in the room at that live stream. No one can take seriously any of these Democrat women who all clamored for Brett Kavanaugh’s head just 18 months ago and who are now all failing to say one word against Joe Biden.

In a Monday interview with Business Insider, Lynda LaCasse, a former neighbor to Reade, said the two discussed her alleged allegation against Biden between 1995 and 1996.

“I remember her saying, here was this person that she was working for and she idolized him,” LaCasse told the news outlet. “And he kind of put her up against a wall. And he put his hand up her skirt and he put his fingers inside her. She felt like she was assaulted, and she really didn’t feel there was anything she could do.”

“She was crying,” LaCasse continued. “She was upset. And the more she talked about it, the more she started crying. I remember saying that she needed to file a police report.”

“I don’t remember all the details,” she added. “I remember the skirt. I remember the fingers. I remember she was devastated.”

In contrast, Christine Blasey-Ford had no witnesses to her allegations that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her. She could not pinpoint a time, a date, or a location for the events she claimed terrorized her for years to come.

Where’s the big #MeToo activist Alyssa Milano, who traveled to Washington D.C. to stare down Brett Kavanaugh in person during his Senate hearings?

Where’s that buffoon, Senator Mazie Hirano, who told men to “shut up and step up,” and who screamed at the GOP Senators on Kavanaugh’s hearings to “do the right thing!”

Where are all the thousands of #MeToo activists who descended on Capitol Hill during the Kavanaugh hearings demanding his nomination be scrapped immediately?

How about those two crazed protesters who cornered GOP Senator Jeff Flake in the elevator and proceeded to yell at him: “I was sexually assaulted, and nobody believed me. I didn’t tell anyone, and you’re telling all women that they don’t matter . . . That’s what you’re telling all of these women. That’s what you’re telling me right now. Look at me when I’m talking to you! You are telling me that my assault doesn’t matter . . . Don’t look away from me. Look at me.”

Where are they all?

Of course these so-called “believe all women” activists are nowhere to be found when it comes to Tara Reade. Those women who came to Christine Blasey-Ford’s defense are fakes, phonies, con artists, and hypocrites, who are only concerned with their leftwing agenda.

They care nothing for the truth, they care nothing for women, and they care nothing for victims of sexual assault. They can’t have it both ways, and any woman who votes for any Democrat is selling herself short. They don’t care about you or your rights. The Democratic Party is not the party of women, but they have exposed themselves as the party who values power above all things.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.