Tlaib At Abortion Rally: ‘You Shouldn’t Want To Have Sex With Me!’ — Regrets It

Rep. Rashida Tlaib took part in a big pro-abortion rally on Wednesday along with Senator Chuck Schumer. Seemingly out of control on the Supreme Court steps, the Michigan Congresswoman screamed: “You shouldn’t want to have sex with me!” Well, that’s when it went all wrong for poor Rashida. She immediately was made to regret her ridiculous remarks. Don’t miss this.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

In case you missed it, Senator Chuck Schumer made headlines on Wednesday for threatening Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch.

The Senate Minority Leader was caught ranting: “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you — if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Rep. Rashida Tlaib showed up at the same rally with activists who support abortion up to nine months gestation, and she was caught going on an unhinged rant.

“Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), delivered a particularly loud sermon during which she condemned undisclosed individuals for being ‘obsessed’ with her body, and recounted her pro-abortion clapbacks from her time as a Michigan lawmaker,” Daily Wire reports.

Tlaib was is in rare form. Nothing gets the “FemaNazis” going crazy like killing unborn babies and claiming it’s their “right.” 

However, Rep. Tlaib took it a step further. In her twisted mind, abortions have something to do with those “obsessed” with her body and those “wanting to have sex” with her. That’s right, folks. We can’t make this stuff up.

“This past year, I realized — my, my, my are they obsessed with our bodies, how we talk, how we look, what we stand for — I mean this type of policing of our bodies is so interconnected to all the social justice movements all around the country,” Tlaib ranted.

“You know I, in the legislature, in the Michigan legislature for six-year, used to say to people, ‘Yo yo, you know what? You’re so freakin obsessed with what I decide to do with my body, maybe you shouldn’t even want to have sex with me,’ or with you, or with any woman!” Tlaib declared as she gestured toward the cheering crowd.

Well, Americans made sure Rashida got the message her unhinged rant about her body and sex was most disturbing. 

“This disgusting speech is a perfect example of an insecure woman screaming her brains out and using vulgarity because she thinks this is how ‘strong women’ act,” tweeted radio host Wayne DuPree.

“Rashida Tlaib Rallies Abortion Activists: They ‘Shouldn’t Even Want To Have Sex With Me!’ – Don’t worry Tlaib, I would rather stick Junior in a beehive, or a fire ant nest or a trash compactor, or a meat slicer, or a 50-ton press or a fire kiln…” tweeted JRinTheUSA.

@RashidaTlaib thinks men would actually WANT to have sex with her. Things I would rather do: -Get a root canal from Stevie Wonder -Let Michael J Fox give me a vasectomy -Spend 10 hours listening to razor wire and chalkboards in a blender -Let Kevin Spacey babysit my kids,” tweeted “Celebrity Advisory Board.”

First bi-partisan thing she’s ever said: @RashidaTlaib Rallies Abortion Activists: They ‘Shouldn’t Even Want To Have Sex With Me!’” tweeted Vicki McKenna.

“Rashida Tlaib says re pro-life men, ‘Maybe you shouldn’t want to have sex with me.’ She’s right. The REAL men across America should refuse to have sex with a girlfriend or wife who is pro-choice. They have denied you any choice as a father so just don’t go there,” tweeted “Cat Cat 73.”

Ummm…@RashidaTlaib ‘Yo yo, you know what? You’re so freakin obsessed with what I decide to do with my body, maybe you shouldn’t even want to have sex with me.’ Have you looked in the mirror lately- don’t think you’ll have anyone disagree with you there…” tweeted “Andre.”

The pro-abortion rally in front of the Supreme Court had to do with a Louisana law that these leftwing nutjobs want to see overturned.

Tlaib and her cohorts have challenged a Louisiana law that requires clinics to obtain hospital admitting privileges in case of a botched abortion. Now, why would these “FemiNazis” be so opposed to saving a woman’s life? A botched abortion is life-threatening, and the current law makes sure women can get to a hospital without any problems.

The truth is these radicalized abortion advocates would rather have a woman die than admit “routine abortions” can go wrong, and yes, you can die. That’s why Rashida and her pals are so incensed over this case. It exposes the fact that there is nothing routine about ripping a baby out of the mother’s womb.

All Democrats in Congress are pro-abortion. They are now the party of death. Isn’t that another good reason to never vote for a Democrat ever again?

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.