The leftwing media is going nuts claiming President Donald Trump is “running away” from the next debate with Joe Biden. The truth is that the Presidential Debate Commission abruptly changed the next Trump-Biden showdown to a “virtual debate.” Trump had to give that a hard pass. That’s when the Biden campaign announced their new plan that will make you head spin. Don’t miss this.

The second presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democrat nominee Joe Biden will now be a virtual contest, not in person. This comes on the heels of Vice-President Mike Pence trouncing Kamala Harris at Wednesday night’s debate.
“I’m not going to do a virtual debate,” the president said.
We have to wholeheartedly agree. This is another case of “the powers that be” stepping in and giving Joe Biden a way to have his hand held by his staffers who will be feeding him talking points.
In fact, Trump campaign adviser Hogan Gidley said on Fox News that they found out via a “tweet” on Thursday morning that the Debate Commission had scrubbed the next debate in favor of a “virtual” one.
“I think the problem with that [virtual plan] is they could cheat in the debate. We know that,” said former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi on Fox News.
A “virtual debate” means Biden can stay in his bunker basement. He does not have to stand on stage under the hot lights that made him look so pale and fragile. The Democrats know they can’t risk Biden having a senior moment.
“President Trump won the first debate despite a terrible and biased moderator in Chris Wallace, and everybody knows it,” the Trump campaign said in a statement. “For the swamp creatures at the Presidential Debate Commission to now rush to Joe Biden’s defense by unilaterally canceling an in-person debate is pathetic. That’s not what debates are about or how they’re done.”
“Here are the facts: President Trump will have posted multiple negative tests prior to the debate, so there is no need for this unilateral declaration,” they added. “The safety of all involved can easily be achieved without canceling a chance for voters to see both candidates go head to head. We’ll pass on this sad excuse to bail out Joe Biden and do a rally instead.”
Immediately, the Biden campaign announced its new plans.
“Joe Biden was prepared to accept the CPD’s proposal for a virtual Town Hall, but the President has refused, as Donald Trump clearly does not want to face questions from the voters about his failures on COVID and the economy. As a result, Joe Biden will find an appropriate place to take questions from voters directly on October 15th, as he has done on several occasions in recent weeks,” the Biden campaign said in a statement.
Oh, Joe Biden is going to host another town hall and take “questions directly from the voters.” Well, that’s rich considering Biden’s last town hall was a total scam event.
In case you missed it, NBC held a Biden town hall on Monday night in Miami. It was promoted as a town hall event with “undecided voters.” Well, they were caught redhanded running a scam to make sure President Trump looked bad, and Biden came off looking great.
The Free Beacon uncovered at least five of the town hall questioners who were not “undecided” and were clearly hardcore supporters of Joe Biden. In fact, three of the five had been on NBC’s sister station MSNBC where they confirmed their status as Biden supporters.
They even got their number one newsman, Lester Holt, to emcee the event to give it the air of total credibility.
Lester Holt introduced marketing executive Ismael Llano and said: “Llano voted for Hillary Clinton four years ago but has voted Republican in the past.” He also introduced lawyer Peter Gonzalez who was labeled a Republican voter who was undecided.
Another “undecided” voter featured in NBC’s town hall was Mateo Gomez. The only problem is all of these “undecided voters” appeared on MSNBC in the last two months boasting about their support of Biden and their sheer hatred of Trump.
The Free Beacon produced proof of this scam in a damning video:
Making matters worse, two other questioners were found to be Biden supporters by a quick Google search. Michelle Cruz Marrero and Cassidy Brown also claimed to be “undecided voters” when a quick search takes you to their social media posts which were all pro-Biden and anti-Trump.
The Free Beacon produced a sampling of Michelle Cruz Marrero and Cassidy Brown’s posts:
So, with this in mind, Biden ducking out of a real debate and replacing it with another town hall should make your head spin.
“The Biden campaign on Thursday rejected a proposal from the Trump campaign to hold a third and final debate between the two men Oct. 29, a week later than originally planned,” The Washington Post reports.
This should outrage all Americans who are owed real presidential debates, not some fake “virtual debate” and definitely not some jaded town hall that will be tightly scripted to ensure Biden is coddled and does not have to answer any tough questions.
Our voices do mean something. If Americans reject this attempt to cheat them out of making an informed decision, the Debate Commission might be swayed to change their minds.
This interference must not stand. Just consider Biden already has the scales tipped in his favor with the mainstream media support, and now they want to rob us of a real debate. Maybe this will be the moment when Americans come together and say “enough is enough.”
If Joe Biden can’t stand on a debate stage three times, then he has no business running for the highest office in the land.