AOC: Vote Against Impeachment & Live With ‘Stain’ — Rush Destroys Her

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is bullying all GOP Congressmen and any Democrats who aren’t in favor of impeaching President Donald Trump. The 29-year-old former bartender dared Senate Republicans to go on the record and “knowingly vote against impeachment of this president knowing his corruption” so they can “have that stain on their careers the rest of their lives.” Well, poor AOC got really destroyed by Rush Limbaugh. You’ll love this. 

Rush Limbaugh and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot, YouTube/Screenshot)

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out holding impeachment hearings is not something the majority of Americans support. Every poll has reflected not only are Americans not favorable to impeachment but there will be a political price to pay for politicians who support it.

“Once the House impeaches, the House has impeached the president,” Ocasio-Cortez told reporters Tuesday, despite the fact that the House has yet to hold a full impeachment vote, as Democrats fall over 80 votes shorts of a pro-impeachment majority.

Well, she never was the brightest bulb in Washington, D.C.

“If they [Republicans in the Senate] want to fail it, then I want to see every Republican go on the record and knowingly vote against impeachment of this president, knowing his corruption so that they can have that stain on their careers the rest of their lives because this is outrageous to protect the amount of lawlessness,” AOC declared.

It appears that AOC doesn’t care what Americans want. It’s all about what she wants. 

In fact, the New York Congresswoman is so dense to the political landscape she has proven she has no idea how impeachment works.

Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) is vying for a committee vote, laying the groundwork and defining the scope of an impeachment probe. Despite House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) efforts to stall the probe, she claims the party is united.

“I think you should characterize it [the resolution] for what it is,” Pelosi told Fox News. “It’s a continuation of what we have been doing. You know, we all work together on these things.”

Rush Limbaugh destroyed AOC and her impeachment fantasy. 

Limbaugh is so ahead of the game in Washington that he predicted this would happen before Congress went for their summer break. “I want to take you back to August 21st. I made a prediction on this program. I forget the context here, but I remember there was pressure on me to make some kind of big prediction about Congress’ return,” Rush said on yesterday’s broadcast.

On August 21st Limbaugh said, “I’m gonna predict when Congress comes back this fall that Pelosi will be forced to cave. That she will be forced to end her resistance because the entirety of her caucus is going to demand official impeachment…”

“Pelosi will cave when Congress comes back, and the Democrats will complete the trifecta of shooting themselves in the foot and Pelosi will know it the minute she authorizes it, the impeachment of Trump, with one year before the election,” Limbaugh added back in August.

Rush then returned to his broadcast in real-time, saying, “And it is. She did. I mean, the Democrats announced it. They’re now gonna start taking a vote. I remember I made a point (I think it was last week as well) that Nadler’s talking about impeachment and promising, but there has not been an official vote on it in his committee or anywhere in the House. The reason there wasn’t a vote was precisely because Pelosi didn’t want a vote. The reason she didn’t want a vote was the Democrats won the House in 2018 by winning a bunch of districts where Trump prevailed in the presidential race in 2016.”

“So Pelosi, in other words, is not thinking that the people that voted for Trump in 2016 have decided to vote against him in 2020 just because they elected some Democrats to the House. They’re still Trump sympathizers. They’re still Trump voters,” Limbaugh declared.

“She doesn’t want to anger them by having an official vote where these new members of Congress that won in Trump districts go on record voting for the impeachment of Trump. She lost it. The Democrat caucus demanded to do this. They’re gonna do it, and Pelosi is gonna be fretting over this,” Rush concluded.

AOC is unknowingly helping President Trump get re-elected. 

AOC has been one of the defining factors in pushing Nancy Pelosi to do something she knows is disastrous for the Democratic Party, for their potential candidate in 2020, and for any other Democrats who will be seeking election.

The optics of the Democrats wasting time and money on impeachment that has no chance in hell of ever getting through the Senate will anger many Americans. It will anger many “on-the-fence” Democrats into voting for Trump in 2020.

The lasting “stain” will be on AOC and her squad members.

It might just be enough to anger middle-class Americans in the districts Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Presley represent. As they waste American tax dollars on impeachment hearings when they could be focusing on those issues which affect the people they represent.

Could they all be that stupid? The answer is their Trump Derangement Syndrome has warped their minds to the point they can’t help themselves. AOC and the squad are like addicts who need their next hit. Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, and Jerry Nadler are also addicted to bringing Trump down. It doesn’t matter they can’t do it — they’re addicted to it. Now, they are at the end of the road and will pull the plug and blow up their own party’s chances in 2020.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.