Greta Thunberg is the 16-year-old climate change activist who is in the international spotlight this week. Yesterday, an unhinged Greta addressed the United Nations. “You have stolen my dreams, my childhood…People are suffering. People are dying” Greta screamed. “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction…How dare you!” Greta ranted. Well, it’s come out in reports that Greta is allegedly a victim of child abuse, and leftists are ignoring the facts because they are wrapped up in using her as their prop.
Most people have seen the snippet of Greta Thunberg yesterday at the United Nations. The reaction from conservatives has ranged from mocking the 16-year-old to making fun of her rage.
To be honest, we too had some fun with all the Greta memes that are circulating on the internet. Her unhinged manner looked like an act, which it was to some extent thanks to the adults in her life.
Most conservatives all agreed on one question: where are her parents?
However, leftists, especially climate change radicals, are worshipping at the altar of Greta. They fail to see a child who seems to really believe that there will be a “mass extinction event.”
Instead, they claim she is doing the hard work to bring “awareness” to their cause — like sailing on a solar-powered yacht to New York. They see nothing wrong in a child literally believing in the upcoming end of the world.
The truth is much more sinister.
As usual, level-headed conservatives got the pertinent question right. Her parents appear to be abusing this child. How can we say that? Well, we aren’t the only ones saying that. Daily Wire reporter Matt Walsh is making the same allegation in his piece titled: “Greta Is A Victim of Child Abuse.”
Walsh points us to the facts. Thunberg, as the media likes to remind us, is autistic and OCD. This section of a Daily Beast profile gives us a brief outline of her psychological issues:
But thanks to the formal diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome coupled with high-functioning autism and obsessive compulsive disorder, the now-16-year-old Swede has become quite literally the poster child for the generation that will have to deal with the destruction of our planet. Once she started receiving multifaceted treatment, Thunberg was able to channel her anxiety into something we should all be concerned about: the health of the planet and the science behind apocalyptic warnings of its demise.
In October 2018, Thunberg started having anxiety-ridden 3 a.m. nightmares, but unlike before, they were not about her. The recurring nightmares were about the impact of global warming on the planet, according to the book, Scenes From the Heart, she wrote with her parents and sister Beata, who also suffers from many of the same emotional conditions.
This time, instead of holing up in her bedroom as she did before treatment, she decided that her anxiety about the climate needed to become everyone else’s, too. One of the aspects of her complicated diagnosis is obsession. Her family says she just wouldn’t let the idea go that the planet was burning up and there was ample science to prove it.
The Daily Beast recounts all of this like we shouldn’t be concerned. But what we’re being told is that an obsessive, mentally troubled young girl came to believe — mistakenly — that the apocalypse is upon us. Now, what parent would allow their child with mental illness to believe this knowing her OCD will cause her to become totally obsessed with the end of the world?
In fact, treatment would be for her parents to calm her fears, redirect her thoughts, and rigorously control the flow of information she is taking in.
Rather than calm these terrible fears and redirect her in a healthier direction, the adults in her life have only encouraged her paranoia. The media is only too happy to exploit her fear in order to stoke even more fear, creating fear with fear. That is the media’s specialty.
This can only be described as child abuse. Many Americans agree.
“One day, #GretaThunberg will realize that she is a victim of child abuse, not climate change. I genuinely find the video circulating of her to be sad. The Left is stooping to new lows with this blatant example of child exploitation,” tweeted Candace Owens, the founder of the Blexit movement.
One day, #GretaThunberg will realize that she is a victim of child abuse, not climate change.
I genuinely find the video circulating of her to be sad.
The Left is stooping to new lows with this blatant example of child exploitation.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 23, 2019
“It’s time to wake up – to Greta Thunberg being a dupe and source of propaganda…when she says ‘listen to the scientists’ she means ignore all the bad predictions of doom & believe her & the latest faux science now…this is a shameful form of child abuse,” tweeted Tony Shaffer, the New York Times bestselling author.
It's time to wake up – to Greta Thunberg being a dupe and source of propaganda…when she says 'listen to the scientists' she means ignore all the bad predictions of doom & believe her & the latest faux science now…this is a shameful form of child abuse
— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) September 19, 2019
“BREAKING: #GretaThunberg is NOT a hero… She is a child. But MOST of all… She is a victim NOT of climate change, but of crappy parents who would allow her to be a pawn in a political game. Child abuse is a terrible thing…and we are allowing it,” tweeted Graham Allen.
BREAKING:#GretaThunberg is NOT a hero…
She is a child.
But MOST of all…
She is a victim NOT of climate change, but of crappy parents who would allow her to be a pawn in a political game.
Child abuse is a terrible thing…and we are allowing it.
— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) September 23, 2019
“Greta Thunberg’s parents should be locked up for child abuse. They are allowing their kid to be manipulated by sick globalists like George Soros to push a fake climate crisis agenda. Using children as political props like this is straight out of the Nazi handbook of propaganda,” tweeted “Educating Liberals.”
Greta Thunberg’s parents should be locked up for child abuse.
They are allowing their kid to be manipulated by sick globalists like George Soros to push a fake climate crisis agenda.
Using children as political props like this is straight out of the Nazi handbook of propaganda.
— Educating Liberals (@Education4Libs) September 23, 2019
If Greta Thunberg comes off as unhinged, it’s thanks to her parents.
OCD is an illness that can actually be treated with medication. It truly is an issue with the brain. Brain chemistry, activity, and structure are known to underlie the development of OCD, but what causes the abnormalities in the brain are not known.
However, medication is useless if the patient’s external factors are actively working against regaining stability.
Greta’s parents are turning her OCD into a nightmare scenario, along with the climate change nutjobs who refuse to question the adults in her life. This mentally ill child will continue to suffer, possibly for years to come, thanks to the globalists. It’s all about “the end justifies the means.” That’s how the left rolls.