Kimmel Caught On Live TV Airing Misleading Video To Bash VP Pence, Gets Torched

Jimmy Kimmel duped the American people with a “misleading” video edit of Vice-President Mike Pence. After an eagle-eyed reporter found the original clip of the event, Kimmel was exposed as a liar and panderer who is out to manipulate Americans into believing the Trump administration is doing a bad job. Poor Jimmy got torched in ways he never saw coming. You’ll love this.

Jimmy Kimmel (Photo Credit: Screenshot/ABC/CSPAN)

ABC’s Left-wing late-night host Jimmy Kimmel is getting torched for airing a deceptively edited video implying that Vice President Mike Pence was faking his recent effort to help a health care facility.

“In addition to social media backlash, journalists at NBC News and Buzzfeed News called out Kimmel for putting out ‘misleading’ and ‘selective’ video, adding that the original C-SPAN footage disproves his claim,” Breitbart reports. 

Vice President Pence was seen on Thursday delivering boxes of personal protection equipment to a healthcare facility in Alexandria, Virginia. At the end of the version that aired on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the vice president is heard saying, “Well, can I carry the empty ones? Just for the camera?”

Kimmel then chimed in: “Mike Pence pretending to carry empty boxes of PPE’s into a hospital is the perfect metaphor for who he is and what he’s doing — a big box of nothing delivering another box of nothing.”

But the longer C-SPAN version of the video tells a different story than the one Kimmel was spinning. In the original footage, Pence appears to make his remark as a joke before closing a van door and leaving the empty boxes for someone else to carry.

NBC News investigative reporter Emmanuelle Saliba tweeted: “I went back to the original @cspan footage and sounds like @VP was making a joke about the empty boxes. He doesn’t carry those last boxes. He shuts the van doors and turns to speak CEO of @fedresources.”

Kimmel’s deceptively edited video went viral after it aired late Thursday thanks in large part to a tweet by a Democrat pollster named Matt McDermott who wrote, “Mike Pence caught on hot mic delivering empty boxes of PPE for a PR stunt.”

Democrats were sharing the video even after it was discovered it was a total lie and scam by Kimmel. That’s why so many patriots had to speak out.

Americans blasted Kimmel on social media as just another lying Democrat mouthpiece. 

Former Clinton advisor and confidant, James Carville, posted the Kimmel video saying: “I see Mike Pence is full of sh*t as usual…”

Ella Hill Smythe responded to Carville, posting: “This video was deceptively edited and is a total lie. For someone who is supposedly so smart, you can be incredibly stupid.”

“Another piece of globalist trash. May he and his pals all lose their platforms to spread this garbage,” tweeted Twitter user “Trumpster.”

“Jimmy Kimmel Busted for ‘Misleading‘ Video Edit to Bash Mike Pence He and just about EVERY OTHER late-night talk show host seem to be of the same mindset. Lie, Cheat, and Mislead. Anything to help the Democrats WIN,” tweeted Herman Vogel.

“Serial Liar Jimmy Kimmel Bust for Telling Another Whopper,” tweeted Lucy Luvs.

“Sorry, #JimmyKimmel but the only thing bouncing on a trampoline these days is your credibility,” tweeted “Big Lou.”


“@JimmyKimmelLive You are what’s wrong w America!! You are TRASH!” tweeted Twitter user “Chris.”

Jimmy Kimmel has often used his perch at Disney-owned ABC to mock President Trump as well as members of his administration and family. Now, the ABC funnyman aired a deceptive video on something as serious as the COVID crisis.

Kimmel’s program is doing so poorly, he and every other cable late-night show lost the rating war to Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld.

“Ratings for The Greg Gutfeld Show are doing something pretty notable right now,” Yahoo reports. “It airs once per week on Saturdays at 10 p.m. ET, but it’s outpacing broadcasts with quadruple its episodes. In April, it was the top late-night show in broadcast and cable, bringing in an average of 2.862 million total viewers across four episodes, according to Nielsen rating data.”

Jimmy Kimmel is the perfect example of a Hollywood celebrity using the pandemic to trash the very people who have done a helluva job keeping us safe. Kimmel just can’t stop bashing the Trump administration and proves telling lies is OK by him as long as it gets the job done.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.