Pelosi & Schiff Trash Trump On Foreign Trip, Potential Logan Act Violations

Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff are out of control. The Democrat duo is currently off on a foreign trip to the Middle East where they played dirty by bad-mouthing President Donald Trump. Pelosi and Schiff acted directly against the president by threatening his ongoing delicate foreign policies, and now it looks like they also got busted violating the Logan Act. You don’t want to miss this.

President Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, and Adam Schiff (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chairman Adam Schiff have zero authority to negotiate with a foreign power. At times, the president may authorize others to act on his behalf, however, we are pretty certain Nancy Pelosi and Shifty Schiff aren’t on that list.

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other senior members of Congress held talks in Jordan on Saturday with King Abdullah II and other top Jordanian officials,” Reuters reports. 

Pelosi said in a statement the visit was at “a critical time for the security and stability of the region… With the deepening crisis in Syria after Turkey’s incursion, our delegation has engaged in vital discussions about the impact on regional stability, increased the flow of refugees, and the dangerous opening that has been provided to ISIS, Iran, and Russia.”

The delegation also met Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, Prince Feisal bin Al Hussein, Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, and other senior Jordanian officials.

Pelosi and Schiff bad-mouthed their Commander in Chief’s key negotiations. 

Nancy Pelosi, House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff, and Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday called an agreement between the United States and Turkey on a pause in Ankara’s offensive in northeastern Syria a “sham.”

The agreement “seriously undermines the credibility of America’s foreign policy and sends a dangerous message to our allies and adversaries alike that our word cannot be trusted. President Erdogan has given up nothing, and President Trump has given him everything,” Pelosi and Schumer said in a statement.

Once again, Democrats are shredding the way our government is supposed to function all because of their anger over Trump. Can you imagine the outcry if Republicans got in the way of a Democratic President’s negotiations with foreign leaders and the conduct of overseas diplomacy?

There will come a day when Democrats will regret their actions, but it will be too late.

“Pelosi is now leading a delegation of 9, including Corrupt Adam Schiff, to Jordan to check out Syria. She should find out why Obama drew The Red Line In the Sand, & then did NOTHING, losing Syria & all respect. I did something, 58 missiles. One million died under Obama’s mistake!” tweeted Trump.

“Is Rep. Nancy Pelosi ‘meddling’ in other country’s affairs? Is she a representative of the American people or a foreign ambassador?” asks Wayne Dupree, a conservative radio host.

It sure looks like Speaker Pelosi wrongly believes she has the power to meddle in foreign affairs. That’s a violation of the Logan Act, which is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government’s position.

Americans are livid and let the Democrats know it. 

Chief, why is @SpeakerPelosi even allowed to visit Syria on a single #taxpayer dime? She has done nothing to fix or help our Southern Border for the last three years. She is corrupt, drunk and disgusting #DrainTheDeepStateSwamp Fire the drunk! cc @POTUS @Jim_Jordan,” tweeted Geoff De Weaver. 

“R/T Pelosi and Shift Schiff should be immediately arrested upon return for violations of the Logan Act!” tweeted “Cruz News Live.”

“Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff are overseas meeting with Middle Eastern leadership in Jordan!!! They’re actively trying to undermine President Trump’s peace plan in Syria!! RAISE YOUR HAND IF IT’S TIME TO LOGAN ACT NANCY PELOSI AND ADAM SCHIFF!!!” tweeted Twitter user “Trump USA.”

“How many of you feel Pelosi is undermining Pres. Trump in Jordan after that stunt she pulled in the Oval Office last week?” tweeted Wayne Dupree.

For Pelosi and Schiff, this is just part of their game to impeach Trump. 

This is just another stunt by Pelosi and Schiff to undermine the president hoping to increase the number of Americans in the polls for impeachment. They were bested by Trump last week when Pelosi walked out of the meeting on Syria only to find out Trump had done the impossible by getting Turkey’s president to agree to a ceasefire.

Pelosi believed as did all the leftist media that the president, who sent VP Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Turkey, would leave there empty-handed. Politico described it as “Pence and Pompeo’s impossible mission.”

That’s why Pelosi and Schiff, fueled by their anger, are acting like little kids having a temper tantrum. Unfortunately, having a temper tantrum with delicate foreign affairs in the Middle East is dangerous to the security of the United States.

In fact, they are acting against America’s best interests by stirring up trouble in the Middle East, the epicenter of wars and conflicts. That’s what they want. They would rather see the Middle East blow up thinking it will help get Trump impeached and therefore hurt his chances at re-election.

They’d rather see ISIS regroup and become a new threat. That is how sick these lunatics have become, and they should be met at the airport by the FBI. We can’t allow them to run roughshod when it comes to our national security anymore.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.