Pelosi’s Son Was Exec At ‘Ukraine-Based Gas Company,’ Similar To Hunter Biden

Nancy Pelosi was featured in a video promoting a “Ukraine-based gas company” in 2017. In fact, Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of this company and traveled to Ukraine several times. The similarities to Hunter Biden are glaring along with Paul’s history of shady deals. How deep does the Democrat-Ukraine corruption go? Well, we have uncovered all the details. You don’t want to miss this.

Nancy Pelosi & Paul Pelosi Jr. were featured in a video promoting Paul’s “Ukraine-based oil company” in 2017. (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

A new report out reveals that Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi worked as an executive at a gas company with strong ties to Ukraine, similar to Hunter Biden. Paul’s history of being involved in shady business deals has been a problem for the House Speaker.

Paul Pelosi Jr. is one of four children of  Nancy and her husband Paul Pelosi Sr. The Georgetown graduate never really got a grip on having a real career. Instead, much like Hunter Biden, Paul seems to wander from shady deal to shady deal using his last name as his calling card, and the business of choice is investment firms or being an executive for businesses Paul has no experience in.

Back in 2014, Paul Pelosi Jr. was implicated in securities fraud when the company called “Natural Blue Resources Inc.” was charged by the SEC. He was listed as the president of “Natural Blue Resources, Inc.”

“The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged a company cofounded by Paul Pelosi Jr. with fraud on Wednesday after learning that two convicted criminals were running the business,” Free Beacon reports. 

However, with mommy being a political powerhouse in Washington, D.C. Paul Pelosi Jr. seems to come out of the shady deals unscathed. 

Pelosi Jr. somehow did not get charged, when “there is some dispute over Paul Pelosi’s current connection to the company.” The report goes on to state there really wasn’t a dispute over Pelosi Jr.’s “current connection.” He was the president and his partner former New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya and the three other executives of the company were “all charged with federal fraud violations.”

Paul mysteriously got out of that mess, while all his partners were charged and banned from exchanging securities.

In 2016, we find Paul Pelosi Jr. pushing this herbal remedy called “kratom.” The Guardian reported: “Paul Pelosi Jr is a businessman, activist and executive director of the American Kratom Association.” It looks like Pelosi Jr. was once again using his name to be the frontman on a shady business.

In 2017, Paul Pelosi Jr. moves on and gets a gig at the Corporate Governance Initiative (CGI). Epoch Times and National File investigative reporter Patrick Howley picks up the thread from there.

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative [CGI]. Now, unearthed records reveal that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did business in Ukraine – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was featured in one of the company’s promotional videos,” Howley reports on National File. 

Paul Pelosi Jr. traveled to Kiev, Ukraine in July 2017 in his capacity as executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative, a position that he accepted months earlier in February 2017. Pelosi Jr. said that he was in Ukraine to discuss a youth soccer partnership with the government.

As Patrick Howley found, Paul Pelosi Jr. previously held top positions with the energy-sector companies Viscoil Group and NRGLab.

On March 5, 2013, NRGLab New Technology posted two videos on YouTube. One video opened with a clip of Nancy Pelosi discussing energy-efficient technology, followed by a direct-to-camera statement from her son Paul Pelosi Jr., filmed in Washington, D.C. in 2010.

“My name’s Paul Pelosi. Of course, I’m on the board of Viscoil. And Viscoil is here today to talk about accelerating the future. It’s about using cars in a more efficient manner. It’s about utilizing natural resources, whether it be electricity, or gas, or fossil fuels in a more efficient way. And Viscoil is a part of that solution,” Paul Pelosi Jr. said in the video.

“That’s what Viscoil does. It utilizes technology to maximize the use of natural resources, like oil and other resources,” Pelosi Jr. said.

Here’s the video with Nancy helping out Paul with his Viscol Oil gig:

Another video posted the same day by “NRGLab,” which is the sister company of Viscol Oil, places much of their business dealings in Ukraine, Howley claims.

Viscoil Holdings is currently suspended by the California Secretary of State. It was registered in 2009 to a manager named David Strawn in Escondido, California. As of 2010, it listed two managers: Strawn and an individual named Sergey Sorokin based in Moscow, Russia.

Nancy Pelosi led a congressional delegation to Ukraine in 2015 to discuss issues including “energy security.”

So what is Paul Pelosi Jr. doing today? Well, he is knee-deep in another scandal. This time he is listed as the realtor for a San Franciso slum lord who is being sued by the poor residents. Paul Pelosi Jr. appears to be a “jack of all trades” for the ultra-rich who need a frontman, whose only expertise is his mommy’s position in the U.S. government.

This also seems to be the case of Hunter Biden, who also had zero experience in finance or oil companies, yet he was able to land lucrative deals. Oh, what a tangled web they weave when they first practice to deceive.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.