Sarah Mocks Democrats In Fox News Debut: ‘They’re So Stupid’ — Leftists Go Nuts

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is back. The former White House press secretary made her live TV debut Friday morning on Fox & Friends, and already it’s causing the leftists to go nuts. “The things that are coming out of Democrats’ mouths these days, I can’t even process it, they’re so stupid. They want to take our country back so far,” Sanders said. But that’s not all. You don’t want to miss how the Democrats are freaking out after Sarah really opened up.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Nancy Pelosi (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot, YouTube/Screenshot)

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was in rare form this morning during her TV debut as a new contributor to Fox News. She spoke on a wide range of topics including the economy, the Democrats, and how leftists treat her in her private life.

The former White House press secretary has always been a big thorn in the side of the Democrats and their cohorts in the mainstream media, and that’s not changing one bit. Sanders had harsh words for the 2020 Democratic field of candidates.

“The things that are coming out of Democrats’ mouths these days, I can’t even process it, they’re so stupid. They want to take our country back so far,” Sanders said. “It is unbelievable to me that they would want to move our country backward, instead of taking us forward.”

“Any American that is listening to the things that the Democrats are saying, and still supports them, you have to ask them, ‘Why? What do you think is going to be better for you under these people leading our country?’ And I think it can be very scary the path they want to take us down.”

Sarah also weighed in on Trump’s economy. “Look, I think at the end of the day, there’s no question that the president and his administration have turned the country around and put it on the right track,” she said, arguing that “we are doing better under this president than we have in the previous eight years.”

Then, when Steve Doocy brought up getting thrown out of the Red Hen restaurant, Sanders said she still gets nasty remarks, depending on where she is in the country. Sanders said she has had no problems in her native Arkansas, but it’s “hit or miss” in New York City.

“What I always find interesting is, 99 percent of the people that come over to say something negative and to attack you are women,” Sanders added, saying she finds that “very startling” from a “group of people that claim to be the champions of women empowerment.”

“I’m only the third woman and the first mom to ever be the White House press secretary,” she continued, “and yet women attack me relentlessly instead of being proud that we have more women doing those types of jobs.”

Well, immediately the far-left Daily Beast had to weigh-in on Sarah’s debut. They titled their piece: “Sarah Huckabee Sanders Whines ‘Women Attack Me Relentlessly’ in Fox News Contributor Debut.”

They were hoping and praying Sarah Sanders would stay in Arkansas knowing she is a force to be reckoned with when she is in the news cycle. This was echoed by leftists on social media going nuts and who made the most disgusting posts on Sanders as she returns from her summer hiatus.

“Sarah Sanders desperately needs cosmetic surgery. Even if she gets it, she will still be ugly. When ugly inside, ugly outside,” claimed Rivera West, who like most haters lower themselves to personal attacks.

The Daily Beast claimed Sarah made light of Trump’s September jobs report which saw 130,000 new jobs, and where unemployment stayed at the lowest rate in years at 3.7 percent.

“Sanders began by dismissing concerns over the soft September jobs numbers,” Daily Beast reports. Soft jobs numbers? Barack Obama would have been dancing on top of the White House with those figures, and they know it.

Americans were rejoicing at her return, and it was led by President Donald Trump. 

Great interview of Sarah Sanders by @foxandfriends. She is a terrific person with a great future!” tweeted the 45th president, which garnered over 30,000 likes.

“Sarah Sanders was one of the best communication person ever! She told it as it should to those inept Journalists! I couldn’t wait for the dog and pony show the journalists provided! Sad entertainment by socialists!” tweeted “Common Sense Values.”

“I love me some Sarah Sanders!!! She is my warrior!!!” tweeted Brenda Brown.

This is the 37-year-old’s first appearance on Fox News as a contributor, and there is also widespread speculation that Sanders will run for governor of Arkansas. In the meantime, she is reportedly working on a memoir about her time in the Trump administration, slated for release in 2020.

Whatever Sarah Huckabee Sanders decides to do in the future there is no doubt she will continue to rattle the Democrats and their cohorts who hate that a strong, smart, educated woman is so pro-Trump.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.