Streisand: Electoral College Assaults Our Democratic Principles, Gets Destroyed

Barbra Streisand was one of those celebrities who vowed to leave America if Donald Trump got elected, and like all of them, she never did. Instead, Streisand has become a huge critic of our president, and now she is on a crusade to end the Electoral College claiming “it’s an assault on our democratic principles.” Well, poor Babs really got destroyed. You’ll love this.

Barbra Streisand (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Pop icon Barbra Streisand has declared that the Electoral College, a system widely seen as the bedrock of the U.S constitution and its democratic principles, represents an “assault on our democratic principles.”

“Speaking to The Washington Post for an article on what the U.S. Constitution represents to herself as well as other progressive figures such as Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Streisand described the system as ‘antiquated’ and advocated replacing it with a system that allows the winner of the popular vote to win the election,” Breitbart reports.

“The 14th Amendment of our Constitution actualized what many of the Founders wanted, promoting equal protection under the law for all Americans,” Streisand said. “If I could, I would end the antiquated Electoral College. Twice in the last 20 years the popular vote winner was denied the presidency. This is an assault on our democratic principles, where the dictum should hold true: one person, one vote.”

“So, I was in tears,” the 77-year-old singer said of the night of the presidential election. “We walked around kind of numb. I’m still a little bit numb because I can’t believe it happened, since, you know, Hillary got 2.9 million more votes than Trump and she’s not the president, so I don’t know. This antiquated Electoral College doesn’t sit well with me. It’s not fair. I think the people should vote for who the leader is of our country.”

Let’s all remember it’s the Democratic Party which has consistently been caught rigging elections and busing in people on Election Day who have no ID to vote but do anyway. This isn’t something the GOP does. So, did Hillary win by 2.9 million legitimate votes? It’s really hard to say.

The other thing Babs is a little confused on is what type of government we have in America. We are not a “straight democracy,” we are a “representative government” also called a Republic. Why? The Founding Fathers were extremely wary of straight democracies. They knew our country would fall into corruption with one party ruling — but this is what Streisand is advocating for.

Americans destroyed the 77-year-old Trump hater making it clear the Electoral College isn’t going anywhere. 

“Barbara Streisand would be correct if this was England which is where she could go to avoid the electoral college, we are a republic and without the electoral college she and her friends on the coasts would rule, the founders knew that,” tweeted Randy Aleshire.

“People a lot wiser than Streisand thought the electoral college was the fairest system for all States and all citizens to have an equal vote. Thank God they wrote the constitution and not someone as ignorant as Streisand,” tweeted Minnie Clark.

“I love Electoral College (EC) losers. They act like POTUS is the first one to win an election, despite not getting the most votes. Newsflash, if elections were determined differently, candidates would run different campaigns. No chance EC goes away but fun reading all the crying,” tweeted Bart Graffin.

“Funny – the same men who wrote the Constitution included the Electoral College in it – and yet Barbwa thinks she knows what they intended? Doesn’t she know that we are the United STATES of America – a REPUBLIC for which we stand?” tweeted Susan Wood.

This is not the first time that Barbra Streisand, a progressive stalwart who is one of Hollywood’s most fervent anti-Trump critics, has expressed her opposition to the Electoral College. Last year, the Oscar-winner admitted to having been brought to tears by Hillary Clinton’s defeat at the hands of Donald Trump and argued the fact that she got 2.9 million more votes than her Republican counterpart had left her “numb.”

Patriotic Americans would never suggest a change in the Electoral College even if it meant their party would come out winning all the time. This is what divides us from those leftwing losers. They want victory at any cost, and it makes sense. They would love to see America dissolve into an open border plot of land and cease to be a sovereign nation. That’s not happening as long as we have our First and Second Amendment rights intact.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.