Omar Accused Of Dancing On Anniversary Week Of 9/11, Trump Gives Smackdown

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. We are an opinion blog, not a traditional news outlet, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

Rep. Ilhan Omar was allegedly caught on video dancing and partying on the anniversary week of 9/11. The Minnesota Congresswoman is claiming it’s not true and said her life is in danger. That’s when President Donald Trump gave her an epic smackdown which she won’t ever forget. Don’t miss this.

Rep. Ilhan Omar and President Donald Trump (Photo Credit: Omar/Twitter, YouTube/Screenshot)

President Donald Trump called out Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar over her alleged dancing on the week of the anniversary of 9/11 in.

“IIhan Omar, a member of AOC Plus 3, will win us the Great State of Minnesota. The new face of the Democrat Party!” Trump said, quote-tweeting a video from conservative comedian Terrence K. Williams where he reacts to Omar supposedly partying on the week of the 18th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

The president is trolling Omar by claiming she is such a far-left extremist, she is aiding him “bigly” in winning the state of Minnesota’s ten electoral votes in 2020. Of course, right away leftwing media faked outraged after Omar said Trump was “putting her life in  danger.”

“This is from a CBC event we hosted this weekend to celebrate black women in Congress,” Omar said in a tweet. “The President of the United States is continuing to spread lies that put my life at risk. What is Twitter doing to combat this misinformation?”

“The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference took place Sept. 11-15 in Washington. Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, tweeted the video of Omar dancing at one of the CBC events on Sept. 13,” The Washington Post reports. 

Well, maybe Adam Green, Ilhan Omar, and whoever else is taking part in the Congressional Black Caucus should have a little foresight to not hold their “conference” on the week of 9/11? We all know these “conferences” are just an excuse to have one big party.

Omar and her squad might want to pay attention to their actions especially when she has a history of trashing 9/11 by making it all about “some people did something” bemoaning that 9/11 affected her and Muslims by having their civil liberties attacked.

The leftist Trump-hating media went into overdrive. Jake Tapper, who pumped up the Russia conspiracy for over two years, is going nuts. “1/ Anatomy of a smear: progressive activist @AdamGreen posts on Sept 13, at a reception for the Congressional Black Caucus annual legislative conference, video of @IlhanMN dancing,” Tapper tweeted.

Tapper added, “The president of the United States RTs the lie to his 64.4 million followers that she was dancing on the anniversary of 9/11. It’s completely false, it’s a smear, and no doubt it raises security issues.”

One Trump supporter responded to Tapper: “What’s the lie Jake? Video of Omar dancing may have been Tweeted on 9/13, but there is reason to believe it was recorded on 9/11. The CBC event at which it was recorded took place between 9/11 – 9/15, and there was a reception the first night (9/11).

Hey, we are all adults. It is not a lie to say Omar was dancing and partying on the anniversary week of 9/11. It’s a bad look. That’s all. Yet, the leftist media uses their fake outrage machine to inflate that video and Trump stating Omar’s helping him win Minnesota as somehow putting her life in danger?

Rep. Omar has gone on the record with horrendous statements that most people would conclude are far more egregious. Her anti-Semitic rants and anti-Israel backed-policies surely are far more dangerous.

Not some silly video of her dancing. 

“The FAKE NEWS media is ‘explaining’ Joe Biden’s speech mistakes, trying to make him look better than he is. Rep Omar is blaming Trump for the danger she says she is in, because of her dancing and celebrating ‘something’ on 9/11. the DeamonRats & Fake News are the worst!!” tweeted “Soul Ranger.”

For over two years, the mainstream media pumped Americans with the biggest fraud as they aided the deep state in conjuring and spreading the fake Russia-Trump collusion narrative. They told us Robert Mueller would get Trump. When that didn’t happen and the truth was exposed, did they give one apology or print one retraction?

Hell, no. They are now calling for Trump’s impeachment based on the same lies. 

So, excuse us Trump supporters when these same lamestream individuals chastise Trump for just pointing out the facts. Omar was partying on the anniversary week of 9/11. Trump didn’t say she was dancing in celebration of the Twin Towers being destroyed. All is fair in politics, right? Trump is just playing by the same rules as his enemies.

If they don’t like it, maybe they should start treating him with respect, at least for the office he holds, and apologize publicly for every single lie about Trump they have ever endorsed. We won’t hold our breath, and we won’t ever back down or give up. Conservatives learned the hard way that being nice doesn’t win elections, and with the country at stake, we won’t apologize anymore.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.