Schiff Goes Nuts: Jordan Catches ‘Big Closer’ Lying About Damning Trump Call

State Department official David Holmes has been reported to be Adam Schiff’s “big closer” — his closing witness today that will be the final nail in President Donald Trump’s coffin. Holmes came forward just last week claiming to have overheard a “damning cell phone call” on July 26 between Trump and Ambassador Gordon Sondland. Well, Schiff went nuts when Rep. Jim Jordan crushed Holmes and caught him lying. You’ll love this.

Rep. Jim Jordan, David Holmes, Rep. Adam Schiff (Photo Credit: Youtube/Screenshots)

For those who see this impeachment as just another coup attempt in an ongoing three-year scheme to get rid of the duly elected president, it will come as no surprise that Adam Schiff’s “big closer,” David Holmes, just recalled a damning cell phone call from over 4 months ago.

Making matters worse, Homes claims to have overheard this phone call while in a bar drinking wine. He claims even though the call was not on speakerphone, he could clearly make out it was President Trump and everything he said. Just as Schiff’s impeachment scheme was falling apart, Holmes pops up to say: “Oh yeah, I have the smoking gun evidence.”

Here’s David Holmes’ prior testimony:

While Ambassador Sondland’s phone was not on speakerphone, I could hear President Trump’s voice through the earpiece of the phone. The President’s voice was very loud and recognizable, and Ambassador Sondland held the phone away from his ear for a period of time, primarily because of the loud volume.

I heard Ambassador Sondland greet the President and explain that he was calling from Kyiv. I heard President Trump then clarify that Ambassador Sondland was in Ukraine. Ambassador Sondland replied, yes, he was in Ukraine, and went on to state that President Zelenskyy “loves your ass.” I then heard President Trump ask, “So, he’s gonna do the investigation?” Ambassador Sondland replied that “he’s gonna do it,” adding that President Zelenskyy will do “anything you ask him to.” Even though I did not take notes of these statements, I have a clear recollection that these statements were made.

This first big problem for Schiff and Holmes is Chris “Fredo” Cuomo, who tried an experiment on live TV. Cuomo calls his mom to see if you can overhear a cell call. It backfires, big time:

That brings us to Rep. Jim Jordan who crushed David Holmes during today’s impeachment hearing. 

“Mr. Holmes, why didn’t your boss talk about it?” Jordan asked.

“What’s that, Sir?” Holmes responded.

“Why didn’t your boss bring up the call, the reason you are here today… I mean you are their closing witness. Yet their first witness, Ambassador Taylor didn’t even bring it up. Yet when we deposed you, you said ‘this was a very distinctive experience one of the most remarkable events of my life and immediately after the call I immediately told Deputy Chief of Mission about the call’. Then you said you went on vacation and told several friends and family about the call and you come back on August 6 and tell Ambassador Taylor about the call,” Jordan declared.

He continued:

And then in your deposition statement, and your statement today, you repeatedly mentioned the call and referred to the call in meetings and conversations where the president’s issues about Ukraine was relevant—’I repeatedly referred to the call where issues of the president concerns about Ukraine was relevant’. That sounds like government-speak— like you told everybody—Yet their star witness, their first witness Ambassador Taylor when he came here he related 13 different conversations he had between July 18 when the aid is frozen, to September 11 when it’s released. 13 different conversations and never once mentioning this conversation at all.

July 19, Dr. Hill told Col. Vindman what Taylor and Sondland told them. July 19, Sondland told Taylor about the upcoming Trump-Zelensky call. July 20, Sondland told Taylor what Sondland told Zelensky to tell Trump. July 20, Danalouck tells Zelensky what Zelensky told Danalouck. July 28, Morrison tells Taylor what happened on the Trump Zelensky call. August 16, Volker tells Taylor what Volker told Vindman. August 22, Morrison talks to Taylor. August 29th Yarmak talks to Taylor. September 2, Morrison tells Taylor what Danalouck told Morrison.

Nowhere—nowhere does it state there’s a Holmes tells Taylor what the president of the United States told Sondland,” Jordan declared.

Holmes cut off Jordan, saying, “May I…”

“Yeah, I’ll get to you. I’ll give you a chance here in a second” Jordan responded.

But 13 conversations, 13 conversations, from their star witness—you’re their closing witness—and he can’t remember a call from a guy he works with every single day? Why?” Jordan asked.

Holmes gave a long-winded answer but he could not answer Jordan’s question of why did not any of those who Holmes supposedly told about this remarkable call ever mention it once to anyone. The following are the highlights of that long-winded answer:

“So, immediately when I went back to the embassy after this lunch on the (July) 26, I told my direct supervisor and Chief of Mission, ah, I would have told Ambassador Taylor that afternoon but I then went on my vacation on Saturday… So, we’re going to have a tough road ahead to convince [Trump] that it’s important enough for him to schedule an Oval Office meeting for President Zelensky and release the hold on security assistance. That was the takeaway,” Holmes said.

“Maybe the takeaway was no big deal because [Taylor] already knew,” Jordan said. “He didn’t remember because we already had the transcript… The call happened on July 25, that’s four months ago, the transcript been out for two months, maybe the Ambassador is thinking there’s nothing new here—but then shazaam, last week you come forward with supposed this new information. There is nothing different in there than what we have on the transcript. Maybe that’s why their star witness didn’t bring it up. But they had to have something—so you’re their closing witness. Because you overheard the president talking to Ambassador Sondland.”

“I believe the Ambassador did know when I came back from vacation…” Holmes responded.

“That’s not what I asked. I asked why he didn’t share it with us,” Jordan countered.

That’s when Schiff got nervous and went nuts. He scolded Jordan to “not interrupt the witness” and said to Holmes, “Mr. Jordan’s time has expired but yours has not.” 

Schiff is a dirty deep state rat, but he is no dummy. He knew Jordan had exposed Holmes as a liar. If this call had been widely circulated as Holmes claims, it would have been Schiff’s main piece of evidence months ago.

Holmes wants Americans to believe he took no notes of this event, even though he is a huge note taker. He wants Americans to believe he came forward just last week with this so-called damning phone call but has no explanation of why he waited so long.

Gordon Sondland claims he did have a phone call at that bar, and it sure looks like in the eleventh hour of this impeachment farce, Schiff knew he could make up the contents of that call with a willing Trump-hater like David Holmes.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.