Brad Pitt: Joe Biden ‘Will Be President For All Americans,’ Gets Rude Awakening

Brad Pitt is embracing Joe Biden in a big way. The leftwing actor just narrated a pro-Biden ad in which he states that the 77-year-old Democrat is the only man who can “unify” the country. “He will be president for all Americans,” the actor claims. Well, that’s when poor Brad got a rude awakening from patriotic Americans. You’ll love this.

Brad Pitt (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Actor Brad Pitt has thrown all the way down for Joe Biden, voicing an ad for the Democratic presidential nominee that aired Saturday night during the World Series. The ad will be carried in different markets until Election Day.

“America is a place for everyone,” Brad Pitt says in the 60-second spot. “Those who chose this country. Those who fought for it. Some Republicans. Some Democrats. And most, just somewhere in between. All looking for the same thing, someone who understands their hopes, their dreams, their pain, to listen.”

“To bring people together. To get up every day and work to make life better for families like yours,” Pitt adds. “To look you in the eye, treat you with respect, and tell you the truth. To work just as hard for those who voted for him as those who didn’t. To be a president for all Americans.”

This thought that Joe Biden is “bipartisan” and a “unifier” is downright ridiculous. Just in the past few days, the cognitively challenged candidate had a meltdown and screamed at Trump supporters calling them “chumps.”

“An irritated Joe Biden lashed out at a group of Trump supporters who tried to crash his campaign appearance in Pennsylvania,” New York Post reports.

“We don’t do things like those chumps out there with the microphones, those Trump guys,” he told supporters ensconced in about 130 cars at a drive-in rally at Bucks County Community College in Newtown.

A San Diego radio station blared the headline: “Biden says he’ll work for all Americans but calls Trump supporters ‘chumps,'” reports The Answer 96.1 FM. “Biden has also earned a reputation for calling names for those he vehemently disagrees with even as he pledges to bring unity to the country.”

So much for Brad Pitt and his narrative that Biden will be a president for all Americans. The elderly Democrat clearly has some anger issues and sees Trump supporters as “chumps.”

That’s why Americans gave Brad Pitt a rude awakening on social media. 


“In a movie, all of them look like heroes nice people, brave, who knows exactly what they have to do in an extreme situation, circumstances BUT in real life are just a bunch of idiots who don’t know on what planet they are. When you have money lose control of reality saying stupidities,” tweeted “mike TG.”

“Hollywood is a great example of mental slavery. They all know that if they don’t take the correct political positions, master will bring out the whip and give their career 20 lashings,” tweeted “The Electric Cowboy.”

“Brad’s guy,” tweeted Twitter user “WhoalfTrue” along with a Biden quote: “I don’t want my children to grow up in a racial jungle.”

“Their fame has consumed them so much that they think they are better than the working class who actually support them, we pay them by buying their movies by going to the movies and yet, they treat us like we should be grateful for their opinions. They are truly delusional!” tweeted Jami Cannatella-Mgn.

The “chumps” and “deplorables” have made themselves known at Biden/Harris rallies. 

“In early October a large number of Latino supporters for Trump in Miami-Dade county Florida surprised the Biden-Harris campaign by swarming a local Kamala Harris event,” Conservative Treehouse reports. “It happened again… and then again… And then by mid-October the organically occurring approach started to catch fire.”

The Deplorables are on the march, and their assembled visibility, the political optics, have destroyed the media narrative. Keep pushing. Be of good cheer and rally to the standard.  We are making with our voice such a sound – that all who oppose our patriotic movement are increasingly desperate.

The Biden staffers are worried. More Trump supporters are showing up at their events than Democrat supporters. This is an organic movement that Washington Examiner reporter Byron York noticed as remarkable.

“It was the biggest political rally no one saw,” York reports. “And gatherings like it have been happening for months in some of the places President Trump needs most to win if he is to be reelected. And, remarkably, the rallies are not the work of the Trump campaign.”

The Democrats would kill to have this type of support. Instead, they have to use big-named celebrities like Brad Pitt to get attention. There is something happening out there in little and big cities across America.

We have never seen this type of political movement just spontaneously sprout up, and the media is ignoring it at their own peril. The Democrats can have Brad Pitt, Cher, Rob Reiner, and Whoopi Goldberg. President Trump has everyday Americans who are out there campaigning like their lives depended on it, and that says it all. There is no price tag you can put on that type of support and loyalty coming directly from the American people across this great nation.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.