Dan Bongino Alleges ‘Something Rotten In Pennsylvania,’ Democrats Freak Out

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. We are an opinion blog, not a traditional news outlet, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

Dan Bongino is claiming that there is “something rotten in Pennslyvania.” His allegations involve what Big Tech would call “disputed claims” of election fraud. Democrats freaked out and immediately attacked him. Is Dan right or is Big Tech correct? Don’t miss this.

Dan Bongino (Photo Credit: Rumble/Screenshot)

Dan Bongino says he is a numbers guy. He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. The numbers in Pennsylvania are driving him crazy.

“It’s about what is going on in Pennsylvania,” Bongino said on his podcast. “The numbers just don’t add up. I know Sheera Frankel at the New York Times doesn’t want to ask about the numbers in Pennsylvania, but we’ll continue to do that and do real journalism here while you do your Pravda worshiping boot-licking.”

Sheera Frankel is one of those Democrat cheerleaders who is freaking out. Frankel is claiming via hit pieces in the New York Times that there is absolutely no evidence of voter fraud and that it’s one big conspiracy theory being pushed by “social media super-spreaders” like Dan Bongino, Diamond & Silk, and Mark Levin.

Bongino points to an article by Julie Kelly in American Greatness which outlines what’s “rotten” in Pennslyvania.

Election laws were allegedly violated by the Pennsylvania Democrats. To have a “free and fair” election statewide, all voters must be treated the same.  According to Pennsylvania’s election rules, county election boards were required to “safely keep the ballots in sealed or locked containers” until pre-canvassing legally began at 7 a.m. on Election Day.

Democrats admitted to “curing” ballots before 7 a.m. on Election Day. In fact, Democrat voters were contacted via their cell phones or emails by election officials to come down and fix their ballot. The Democrats admit this in their own court filings.

The Secretary of State in Pennsylvania sent out guidance to election boards, instructing them to ignore the law. According to the Trump campaign lawsuit, there was no even adherence to the law; some counties followed it, while others, namely in Democrat strongholds, did not.

Roughly 2.5 million Pennsylvanians voted absentee in the general election; nearly 2 million of those votes were cast for Joe Biden.

“Rules were changed at the last minute, ballot ‘curing’ guidance inconsistently applied before and after Election Day, and none of the results in other races are in line with a decisive Biden victory,” American Greatness reports.

Take, for example, the fact that Pennsylvania’s incumbent state treasurer—a Democrat—was soundly defeated by a Republican challenger. Democrat Joe Torsella, considered a 2022 U.S. Senate or gubernatorial candidate, lost by nearly 80,000 votes.

Torsella’s loss marks the first time since 1994 that a Republican beat an incumbent Democratic statewide officeholder and caps a brutal election cycle for Pennsylvania Democrats in down-ballot races,” the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported on November 11.

Biden received nearly 224,000 more votes than Torsella; the difference between Donald Trump and Torsella’s Republican opponent was less than 90,000 votes.

A Republican also won Pennsylvania’s auditor general’s race by nearly 200,000 votes. In the state’s 17th Congressional District, Democratic incumbent Conor Lamb barely survived an upset by Republican Sean Parnell in a race most experts rated as a secure Democratic hold.

And in an even bigger shock, Frank Dermody, the Democratic minority leader of the Pennsylvania state legislature, lost the seat he occupied for 30 years to a Republican.

In essence, the GOP candidates trounced the Democrats badly in every important race except the presidency.

“You still don’t find it odd that Pennsylvanians voted statewide for a treasurer and for a Republican candidate for president, and yet the Republican candidate for president, Donald Trump, lost statewide by 80,000 votes?” Bongino said.

“So, you are suggesting to me with a straight face that people turned out in droves to vote for this state treasurer, but not Donald Trump? That that was the rallying cry: ‘let’s take back the state treasurer’ and not ‘let’s make America great again?” Bongino adds.

Pennsylvania’s election is nothing short of a disaster, but that isn’t stopping the state’s Republican senator from urging the president to concede. Lame-duck Pat Toomey congratulated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in a statement issued Saturday night and encouraged the president to “accept” defeat.

Toomey should instead express outrage at his state’s embarrassing handling of this election. Arguments that a full vetting of the debacle, from illegally pre-canvassing ballots to keeping lawful observers far from the process under the guise of “social distancing” dogma, might not make a difference in the outcome of the presidential election are irrelevant.

Americans deserve to know whether the most consequential state in the most consequential presidential race in modern history handled everything on the up-and-up.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.