Activist Threatened GOP Board Members To Certify MI County Vote, Gets Big Reality Check

Left-wing activist Abraham Aiyash decided to berate, smear, bully and even dox the children of two Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers after they could not in good conscience certify the votes in Michigan’s Wayne County. Aiyash’s video went viral, and it looked like he got his wish, but all of a sudden Abraham got a big reality check. You’ll love this.

Michigan leftwing activist Abraham Aiyash (left), “Stop the Steal” protester (right) (Photo Credit: Twitter/Screenshot, Twitter/Screenshot)

Two Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers were berated, smeared as racists, and one even had her children doxxed before the pair reversed course on Tuesday night to certify the vote in Michigan’s most populated county.

“Abraham Aiyash, a Democrat Michigan state representative-elect, spoke of Republican Monica Palmer’s children and named their school as he berated her for being a ‘racist’,” The Federalist reports.

“You, Ms. Monica Palmer from Grosse Pointe Woods, which has a history of racism, are deciding to enable and continue to perpetuate the racist history of this country and I want you to think about what that means for your kids,” Aiyash said, name-dropping the name of their school and talking about the impact her decision would have on their black classmates.

Aiyash claimed his “district was being personally attacked by Palmer’s refusal to certify the election and accused her of suppressing the black vote on purpose,” The Federalist noted.

“You are standing here today, telling folks that black Detroit should not have their votes counted,” said the Democrat. “You are certainly showing that you are a racist. You may say that you are not. You may claim that you are not. But let’s be very clear, your words today, and your actions today made it clear that you are okay with silencing the votes of an 80% African-American city.”

He also posted to Twitter: “Monica Palmer and William Hartmann are still racists. #WayneCounty.”

And on Wednesday, Aiyash claimed he was the victim, doesn’t know what “doxxing” is, and complained he’s being “bullied.”

“Yesterday, after a failed attempt to disenfranchise Detroit voters, folks spread a fake story that I threatened and ‘doxxed’ Monica Palmer,” he said. “Y’all, I didn’t even know what doxxing was. Now the attacks won’t stop! I won’t be bullied into silence though.”

That brings us to Aiyash’s big reality check. 

“Palmer and others noted that some precincts in Wayne County were out of balance, meaning the number of ballots processed were different from the number who signed in,” the Detroit Free Press reported.

Wayne County was ground zero for some of the sworn statements by poll watchers who claimed they saw all kinds of shenanigans. Trump attorney Jenna Ellis said during a press conference on Thursday that 71 percent of the Wayne County vote has “inconsistent data.”

Sadly, after Palmer and Hartmann were bullied, threatened, accused of racism, and even doxxed, they finally gave in and certified the Wayne County vote.

We are talking about over 300,00 votes in question. Then, late Wednesday night Palmer and Hartmann got some support from patriots who were outraged at what happened to them.

That’s when they decided to do the right thing, no matter the consequences.

“In an extraordinary turnabout that foreshadows possible legal action, the two GOP members of Wayne County’s election board signed affidavits Wednesday night alleging they were bullied and misled into approving election results in Michigan’s largest metropolis and do not believe the votes should be certified until serious irregularities in Detroit votes are resolved,” Just the News reports.

The statements by Wayne County Board of Canvassers Chairwoman Monica Palmer and fellow GOP member William C. Hartmann rescinding their votes from a day earlier threw into question whether Michigan’s presidential vote currently favoring Democrat Joe Biden will be certified. They also signaled a possible legal confrontation ahead.

“I voted not to certify, and I still believe this vote should not be certified,” Hartmann said in his affidavits. “Until these questions are addressed, I remain opposed to certification of the Wayne County results.”

Added Palmer in her affidavit: “I rescind my prior vote to certify Wayne County elections.”

Monica Palmer outlines the threats in her affidavit: 

This is the type of attack GOP canvassers and attorneys working for the Trump campaign have had to endure. 

Bullies like Abraham Aiyash are using these Marxist tactics to get their way. This should be appalling to every American regardless of their political party. We must be Americans first. We must protect free and fair elections, and there are many patriots like these two GOP canvassers who are being tested in ways we never thought could happen in America.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.