Bette Wants Trump Defeated By Beyoncé & F*cked Up By Swarm Of Bees

Bette Midler is terrified at the thought of President Donald Trump coasting to re-election. That’s why Midler fantasized about pop icon Beyoncé Knowles mobilizing her 133 million Instagram followers, known as the “BeyHive,” to defeat Trump. The leftist added: “I also wouldn’t mind if a regular beehive f*cked his sh*t up.” Well, Americans didn’t take too kindly to Midler’s fantasy, and they let her know it. You’ll love this.

Bette Midler and President Donald Trump (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot, YouTube/Screenshot)

Leftist actress and Broadway singer Bette Midler announced her hopes that a “beehive” would fuck up President Donald Trump and fantasized about Beyonce mobilizing to defeat Trump in 2020.

“Beyoncé has 133 million Instagram followers,” Bette Midler said. “More than double the people who voted for Trump. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the BeyHive mobilized to defeat him? I also wouldn’t mind if a regular beehive f*cked his sh*t up.”

It was a bizarre fantasy all around. Beyoncé’s followers are not all voting-age Americans, millions are kids. Millions of them don’t live in the United States. You can also be sure that many thousands are fake accounts and bots.

But one has to wonder if Midler now wants millions of foreigners to vote in America’s 2020 elections? Isn’t she the same Bette Midler who has for years been decrying “foreign interference” in the 2016 election?

Violence is Midler’s constant line of attack. If she doesn’t like your politics, she wants you killed, crippled, or otherwise seriously harmed. For years, the 72-year-old actress has hit Twitter to indulge her violent and blood-soaked fantasies of death.

Midler has, for instance, tweeted hopes for the president’s death many times. To cite just a few examples, in June she tweeted and deleted her fantasy that Trump would be stabbed to death. Last year she hoped to see Donald Trump’s funeral on TV. And also last year she expressed her desire to “hang” Trump and his whole family, perhaps even the then 12-year-old Barron Trump.

Well, Americans are fed up with these ridiculous attacks on their president. 

“Bette Midler, I thought she retired like 50-60 years ago. Is she in a wheelchair now? A Hospice for mentally deranged democrats?” tweeted “Raymond J.”

” l guess the in thing for washed-up Hollywood elite scum is to trash President Trump in order to get Attention,” tweeted Demetrios Pappas.

You’d think @BetteMidler could do something more productive, like help NYC’s homeless or school kids or elderly. But no……So very sad,” tweeted “NJSayWhat.”

@BetteMidler Continues with Her Violent & Blood-Soaked Fantasy of Killing President Trump #BetteDeranged #BetteTheBitch #ViolentFantasy Get a Hobby Bette,” tweeted “Dragon Force One.”

Midler is just one of the Hollywood leftists who is constantly issuing deranged attacks at the president. In the last month, we have seen their vitriol heat-up with celebrities like Rob Reiner, Rosie O’Donnell, Alyssa Milano, and Cher all leveling violent rants directed at Trump.

In fact, by the 2016 standards, the mood of the Trump-haters is far worse than it was right before Election Day. They pinned all their hopes on the Mueller investigation. When that didn’t pan out, they all started screaming about impeachment which isn’t happening.

Although every election is unique, the 2020 race is shaping up to be most like the 1972 presidential election. In 1972, the Democrats lost control of their party and had a lurch to the extreme left thanks to the fringe element taking control.

“All the while, the [1972] Democratic Party became increasingly comfortable embracing hard-left positions—pushed, in large part, by the same forces demanding a change to the nomination process. By the time of the 1972 Democratic National Convention, the party’s platform was perhaps further left than it had ever been, calling for, among other planks, ‘a decent job for every American’ and income supports for those out of work, as well as a universal single-payer health care system,” Politico reports.

Sound familiar? 

The outcome was a radical leftist candidate named George McGovern. He was for legalizing marijuana, legalizing abortion, and granting draft dodgers amnesty. He was known as the candidate of “amnesty, abortion, and acid.”

Right now, political pundits are claiming Elizabeth Warren will be the likely candidate. Warren’s all about far-left policies including government-run healthcare for everyone, reparations, and open borders by de-criminalizing illegal border crossings.

The 1972 election saw George McGovern win only 17 electoral votes. He took his home state of North Dakota and won the swamp of Washington D.C. Richard Nixon, who was running on an “America First” platform and to end the Vietnam War with “Peace and Honor,” won 49 of 50 states and 520 electoral votes.

So, let the Hollywood crowd and the radical Antifa base of the Democrat Party continue to rule. Let them speak out so all Americans can see their deranged plans of a socialist utopia. They will help propel President Trump to re-election in 2020.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.