Biden Supporters Attack MAGA Nuns Who Attended Trump Rally, Patriots Torch Them

Three nuns attended the rally for President Donald Trump over the weekend, and they sure stole the show. The three sisters of the “Children of Mary” could be spotted just behind the Commander in Chief all proudly wearing MAGA masks and holding rosaries and Bibles. Well, leave it to leftwing supporters of Joe Biden to attack them. That’s when American patriots torched them. You’ll love this.

Nuns wearing MAGA masks at Trump rally (Photo Credit: @CortesSteve/Twitter screenshot)

After the three nuns attended a MAGA rally in Circleville, Ohio on Saturday, leftists immediately started attacking them. The president arrived in the city, which is located roughly 25 miles south of the state’s capital, Columbus, to tout American energy independence, jobs, and the return of Big Ten football.

Trump also used the event to further demonstrate the contrast between him and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on the issues.

“Biden has vowed to abolish fracking, right? He says we’re going to not frack anymore,” Trump said, according to The Cincinnati Enquirer.

The president added, “700,000 Ohio jobs would be destroyed.”

Trump also touted the return of football from The Ohio State University, the state’s flagship school, which earlier had taken the field for the first time in the season.

“I know that life in Ohio is not complete without the glory of Ohio State football and other football,” Trump said.

But while Trump delivered remarks celebrating the preservation of life in Ohio to a large crowd, three nuns behind him stole the show and quickly gained fame online.

Each of the women was wearing “Make America Great Again” face masks. Standing directly behind the president, the three women became an online sensation.

However, not everyone online had good things to say about the sisters. Right away, there were those who claimed the nuns “were fake” and just “props” by the Trump campaign.

“Fake nuns at Trump hate rally,” tweeted Biden supporter “SmartAss Honey.”

“Whoops fake nuns at Trump rally @realDonaldTrump next time tell the fake nuns to take their rings off, they don’t get married,” tweeted “Vlh.”

What “SmartAss Honey” and her online cohorts don’t know is some nuns wear wedding rings. In fact, when a sister takes her final vows, she is “wed” to Christ and his Church. Traditionally, a nun wears a wedding band to symbolize her “marriage” or fidelity to the Church.

Democrat political operative Peter Vroom attempted to “dox” the nuns.

“The 3 nuns attending Trump’s rally in Ohio today are from the order of the Children of Mary in Cincinnati, OH. Here’s a comparison of their picture from the rally today without face masks and a picture from their website. I am not using their names,” he tweeted.

Vroom may have not tweeted their names, but he made sure to add the link to their website.

Americans were fed up with the nun bashing. They made it known on social media. 

“And people wonder why you all ‘resist’ Nazis hate the 1st amendment…we see why here…BTW – Peter – are you wearing your Party Brown Shirt and Jackboots or your @JoeBiden Klan hood today to celebrate Sunday service in the Democrat party?” tweeted Tony Schaffer.

“Thank you for making the case that nuns should start arming themselves again,” tweeted “Just L.”

“Good Job Doxing Nuns. I suggest you carry around a Lightning Rod to keep SAFE from God’s Lightening BOLTS,” tweeted “Pat Deplorable Proud.”

“Congrats on posting one of the skeeziest, terrible, soul-rotten tweets in history. Enjoy the ratio,” tweeted “Plimouth.”

“You’re a domestic terrorist,” tweeted “The Red-Headed Libertarian.”

“That’s the lowest of the low trying to dox nuns. They vote & they choose who they vote for. God bless them!” tweeted Barbara Rose Briscoe.

These nuns know they cannot support any candidate who supports abortion, period.

In fact, no Catholic is permitted to support a pro-abortion candidate.

“If a political candidate supported abortion, or any other moral evil, such as assisted suicide and euthanasia, for that matter, it would not be morally permissible for you to vote for that person,” EWTN reports.

President Trump has done more for religious liberty than any president in modern times. When Barack Obama mandated that nuns who run hospitals and clinics must provide contraception and abortions to their employees and provide it at their medical centers, Trump made sure that was overturned.

He ensured that religious Americans and their organizations, such as the Little Sisters of the Poor, would not be forced to choose between violating their religious beliefs by complying with Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate or shutting their doors.

Any Christian who claims it is just fine to support the Democrats needs to check themselves. Make no mistake that the Democrats are moving to outlaw Christian worship. That’s how socialism works. The government must take the place of God Almighty.

That’s why those sisters were proudly seen at a Trump rally. They know only Trump stands between them and the leftwing progressives who are hellbent on destroying religious freedom in America. Vote like your very life depends on it. This election is truly good vs. evil.

Let’s make sure the exact reason the pilgrims sought sanctuary on our shores does not end up just a paragraph in forgotten history books. Let’s make sure America remains one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.