Black ‘Queen’ Berates Passengers on Their White Privilege, Gets Brutal Smackdown

A woman, who identified herself as a “black queen from California,” attacked white passengers on a recent flight. She claimed they needed to “bow down to her blackness” and stop their “white privilege.” After ranting and raving for two minutes, the “black queen” got a brutal smackdown she won’t soon forget. Don’t miss this.

“Black queen from California” disrupts a flight and an officer takes her away. (Photo Credit: Twitter/Screenshots)

On a recent airline flight, a presumed Black Lives Matter supporter berated her fellow passengers on their “white privilege” and proclaimed that she is a “black queen.”

The left has clearly given up on civility. Their new method of operation involves screaming in people’s faces.

“This is only the beginning. Get ready to see a lot more of this, and remember whom is to blame,” tweeted Jon Miller along with the video:

The “black queen” totally embarrassed herself as passengers laughed at her ridiculous ranting.

“You have white privilege and it’s over with,” she said to what appeared to be a flight attendant trying to do her job. “It’s 2020 and you have a mask on. So you’re under the government too, you’re confined, and you don’t have white privilege anymore.”

“I’m a queen. California,” she said as passengers started to giggle. “You so privileged that you gotta get at someone else and tell them ‘you’re not listening,’ well, I don’t have to listen to you!” she added.

“Then, go to the bathroom,” a passenger responded.

“You don’t run me. You go to the bathroom. You shut up and stay in your lane!” the “black queen” said. “You got nothing to do with this little girl.”

“Mam, I need to get to my break room and [inaubilble],” the flight attendant who had an abundance of patience said.

After another minute of crazed ranting, a black security officer stepped in. 

Telling the security officer that she’s a “black queen” and it’s “California,” the security officer wasn’t amused.

He starts to take her away. The “black queen” is being deplaned. She’ll be missing this flight. The passengers erupt in laughter.

“She’s laughing and it’s funny but she didn’t understand and respect the queen when she see one in her face,” she tells the security guard.

“Bow down, b*tch! Cause your eyes are recessive,” the “black queen” adds as the security officer grabs her arm to escort her off the plane.

“I got the dominant gene,” she said. “I got A plus and all of it.”

The laughter continues as she is taken away: 

This is what happens when you have major corporations and professional sports teams backing the Marxist BLM agenda.

We also have an alleged BLM activist apparently shooting two Los Angeles County deputies in Compton, California. The BLM protesters then rushed over to the hospital where the deputies were fighting for their lives.

They blocked the emergency entrance to St. Francis Hospital and started to chant: “Tell their families. We hope the f*cking die!” 

The deputies who were at the hospital had seen and heard enough.

“As deputies issued a dispersal order to the protesters, who were blocking the hospital emergency entrance and exits, one of the male protesters refused to comply and cooperate, according to deputies,” CBS News reports.

“During his arrest, a struggle ensued at which time a female adult ran towards the deputies, ignored repeated commands to stay back as they struggled with the male and interfered with the arrest,” the sheriff’s department tweeted.

“The female adult, who was later identified as a member of the press, did not identify herself as press and later admitted she did not have proper press credentials on her person,” the department further said via Twitter.

This so-called female reporter, who was identified as “KPCC/LAist Correspondent Josie Huang,” watched as the BLM activists ignored police orders to disperse. She also neglected to report on what these BLM protesters were yelling at the deputies.

The Los Angeles Sheriff Department isn’t bowing down to BLM. They refused to kowtow to political correctness and arrested the activists. They also are turning Los Angeles upside down to find the shooter. And they will.

The LA Sheriff’s Department has issued a $100,000 dollar reward to anyone who has information that will lead to the arrest of the alleged shooter. This is the same tactic the department used to capture Freddie Fuivava in 1995, who was caught 10 days after gunning down Los Angeles Deputy Stephen Blair in Lynwood.

Fuivava, a known gang member, was convicted and given the death penalty after his ex-wife reported his whereabouts and collected the reward.

This shooter will be caught, and we bet his motivation is based on the false BLM talking points that the police are out to kill black men. This belief is embraced by the Democrats and their candidate Joe Biden. That’s why Americans will resoundingly reject the Democrats this November.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.