Fonda: What Trump’s Doing To The World Is Criminal, Charlie Daniels Destroys Her

Jane Fonda is once again trashing President Donald Trump. Fonda appeared on CNN on Saturday and accused Trump of committing criminal actions against the world. She said, “[W]hat he’s doing to the world … is just criminal. It’s just criminal. It’s terrible. But there’s more of us, and we can make a difference.” Charlie Daniels is one celebrity who totally disagrees with Fonda, and he utterly destroyed her. You’ll love this.

Jane Fonda, Charlie Daniels (Photo Credit: Youtube/Screenshots)

In case you missed it, Jane Fonda has been in Washington, D.C. where she is dedicated to becoming a “full-time climate change activist.” Fonda’s appearance on CNN on Saturday came one day after the Oscar-winner led her seventh consecutive climate change protest, which saw actresses Diane Lane and Piper Perabo being detained by police just steps away from the Supreme Court Building.

Of course, Fonda also thinks Trump should be impeached for “his crimes against the climate” besides the bogus charges Adam Schiff’s show trial brought forth. The 81-year-old leftist views a Trump victory in the 2020 election as unacceptable. The on-going impeachment inquiry “might play a role in guaranteeing President Trump’s defeat in the election,” she said earlier this month.

“This man in office will destroy this country,” Fonda said. “So whatever can get him wounded enough to not be reelected, if not removed before the election — that is a good thing.”

“I don’t hate him. I feel sad for him,” Fonda said Saturday on CNN’s The Van Jones Show. “And what he’s doing to the world … is just criminal. It’s just criminal. It’s terrible. But there’s more of us, and we can make a difference.”

“He’s a petroleum president… they are so in bed with the fossil fuel industry that there’s nothing that even Pamela Anderson could get out of Donald Trump,” the global warming activist said.

Fonda was reacting to a clip Jones played of President Trump railing against her for her decades of left-wing activism. “They arrested Jane Fonda. Nothing changes,” Trump said earlier this month during a political rally in Louisiana. “I remember 30-40 years ago … She always has the handcuffs on, oh man, she’s waving to everybody with the handcuffs.”

Indeed, Trump knows there are many Americans who will never forgive Jane Fonda for her blatant disregard for our Vietnam Troops. Fonda cozied up to the enemy, the Viet-Cong by taking publicity photos with them and claiming our troops were committing murder. Fonda contributed to the bad reception those vets received when they came home.

One man who will never forgive Jane Fonda is Charlie Daniels.

The 83-year-old country icon blasted Fonda and other celebrities after they lied and trashed the president’s July 4 celebration. Now, Charlie Daniels is blasting them again for their utter ignorance about this impeachment sham.

“If impeachment goes to Senate and Schiff gets his subpoena it will be interesting to see how much he can squeal like a stuck pig and just how crooked and unfairly he has conducted the House hearings I think the shoe that goes on the other foot is going to be most uncomfortable,” tweeted Daniels.

As most celebrities like Fonda reside in California, Mr. Daniels had some choice observations for them.

“While Mr. Schiff preens for the camera and tries to manufacture evidence, the people of California are forced to step around human feces and used hypodermic needles to walk down the streets of their cities, the middle class is leaving in alarming numbers, the tax burden is chasing businesses out of the state and, with its sanctuary status, it has become a haven for criminals and drug gangs,” Daniels said.

“Well, rave on, Mr. Schiff, do your worst, it will only make your failure even more bitter, and if I may use the words of Mr. Shakespeare to sum up, you are, ‘a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage and is heard no more. Sound and fury signifying nothing,'” Daniels declared.

Daniels then reminded Fonda and her cohorts about true American patriotism.

“Of the people, by the people, for the people,” Daniels began.

“The three operative words ‘of,’ ‘by,’ and ‘for,’ are basically no longer relevant in the governance of this nation and could well be replaced with buy the people, fool the people, betray the people,” Daniels said. “The socialist candidates running for president who promise cradle to grave lives of nanny state perks are not doing so out of concern for the great unwashed or compassion for the huddled masses.”

“No, their only reason is to somehow cobble together enough votes to get them over the finish line in First Place and deal with the impossible promises they are making after they are ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” Daniels said.

“Because they know, although they would never admit it, that the kind of socialist, utopian society they promise is totally impossible, why the green new deal alone would totally bankrupt the nation and make us vulnerable militarily and economically,” Daniels lamented.

“Making the rich pay their ‘fair share’ sounds ideal until you do the math and realize that even if you confiscated the wealth of every billionaire in the nation it could not sustain the social programs being proposed by these liars,” Daniels claimed, which goes to the very heart of Jane Fonda’s so-called climate change agenda.

Daniels wasn’t finished. He totally destroyed Fonda and her co-conspirator’s anti-Trump narrative. 

“The totally false premise of outlawing guns is nothing more than an idealistic, liberal pipe dream,” Daniels said. “In fact, it would do nothing to decrease the violence, it would only disarm law-abiding citizens while not even disturbing the criminals and would open the door for a lucrative black market.”

“You don’t believe it? Well, heroin is illegal, how’s that working out? Fully automatic weapons are illegal and they still turn up regularly in the hands of violent gang members and other assorted thugs. The only thing that even slowed up illegal moonshine production is the common-sense local availability of legal alcoholic beverages,” Daniels declared.

“Prohibition was a miserable bust and only made criminals and crime syndicates rich,” Daniels said. “Do you really believe Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff when they tell us how much it pains them to have to impeach a duly-elected, sitting president?”

“I’m going to throw the BS flag on you two clowns,” Daniels added. “I don’t think it pains you at all, I think it’s the only way you see that you can get Trump out of office. There’s an election in a year and if Trump is such a rotten president the people will have a chance to deny him another term.”

Charlie Daniels is one of the brave celebrities who fully supports President Trump and he makes no bones about it in public, and he is especially relevant to oppose Jane Fonda as they are from the same era. Fonda is 81-years-old, and Daniels is 83.

Yet, Fonda has fully embraced the Hollywood crowd’s lies about Trump when she really has a duty as an elder-actor to be a leader, not a follower. Charlie Daniels’ courage to be a beacon for truth cannot be overstated. He truly is an American legend and patriot who shows us all how to stand up to those who peddle lies hoping to destroy our American way of life. Thank God for Charlie Daniels.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.