Fox News Cuts Away From Trump’s Impeachment Defense, Americans Torch Them

Fox News shockingly cut away from the most important moments in President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense on Monday afternoon. Strangely, MSNBC and CNN did not cut away at all. It started when The Five cut off attorney Pam Bondi as she was exposing Joe and Hunter Biden’s corruption. Fox News even talked over Alan Dershowitz, who hit a grand slam home run. Well, that’s why patriotic Americans totally torched Fox News. Don’t miss this.

Alan Dershowitz, Chris Wallace (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Fox News cut away from President Donald Trump’s defense in his Senate impeachment trial several times on Monday in favor of panel discussions or interviews rather than the live feed of the proceedings.

“Fox spent much of the 5 p.m. EST program hour with its popular panel discussions show, The Five. Later, it cut away during The Story with Martha McCallum for interviews with former Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Ranking Member on the House Judiciary Committee Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), among others,” Breitbart reports. 

Video footage of President Trump’s legal team making their arguments continued to play, but the audio was muted.

Other, mainstream cable news networks — including those openly hostile to President Trump, including MSNBC and CNN — remained with the live video and audio feed from the floor of the U.S. Senate, as they had done during the House Democrat impeachment managers’ opening arguments against the president last week.

CNN media reporter Oliver Darcy tweeted that The Five only cut away while former Florida attorney general Pam Bondi had just finished her presentation about the reasons for the president’s request to Ukraine that it investigate conflicts of interest involving former Vice President Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, and the Burisma company in Ukraine.

However, Fox viewers missed much of the subsequent presentation of Eric Herschmann, who followed up on Bondi’s arguments about the Bidens and Burisma and argued that Democrats’ standard for impeachment would have required that former President Barack Obama be impeached.

But the real kicker was what they did to Alan Dershowitz.

The Harvard law professor was slated as the “clean up hitter” for Trump’s defense. It was his job to make such a compelling argument for dismissing the bogus articles of impeachment, that any Senator would be a fool to vote to remove. Dershowitz is a legend known for his brilliant courtroom speeches. However, Fox News had the audacity to cut away and talk over his presentation.

Americans torched Fox News making it clear it’s time to tune them out for good.  

I’m watching the #ImpeachmentTrial on @MSNBC because @FoxNews, for some reason, has former liberal Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer on to discuss her views instead of hearing @realDonaldTrump‘s own lawyer defend the votes of 63 million Americans,” tweeted Joel Pollock, Editor at Large at Breitbart. 

@seanhannity your network missed so much of a fantastic and important History lessons Shame on @foxnews why r they so anti @potus this was new information not a retread of the same points,” tweeted “DocBarry1.”

Pretty bad when CNN and MSNBC are covering the trial but Fox News isn’t. #ControlledOpposition Fox News Cuts Away from President Trump’s Impeachment Defense,” tweeted Lisa Mei Crowley.

“Update: Fox News also talked over the presentation of former Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz, one of the key arguments in the White House presentation. STUPID!!!” tweeted “My Info.”

@FoxNews There’s a reason we are all starting to switch to @OAN… Fox News Cuts Away from President Trump’s Impeachment Defense,” tweeted “Haber.”

“I have to admit, I also found this incredibly annoying and forced me to switch off,” tweeted “Conservative Game Theory.”

“Why has @foxnews cut away from this [impeachment trial] to show Martha hawking those useless Fox polls that weigh Dems at statistically invalid levels so as to generate headlines!” tweeted Thomas O’Rourke Jr.

Fox News cutting away from Alan Dershowitz was one of the biggest gaffes ever. He trashed the House Managers to their faces. 

“I’m sorry, House managers. You just picked the wrong criteria. You picked the most dangerous possible criteria to serve as a precedent for how we supervise and oversee future presidents,” Dershowitz said.

He stressed: “This is the key point in this impeachment case … purely non-criminal conduct including ‘abuse of power’ and ‘obstruction of Congress’ [the charges against Trump] are outside the range of impeachable offenses.”

He said claims by Democrats like Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who said the House could do what it wanted, were wrong: “It would place Congress above the law. It would place Congress above the Constitution. … would be for Congress to do what it is accusing the president of doing. And no one is above the law.”

At the end of his 90-minute presentation, all patriotic Americans wanted to get up and applaud. We sure did. There was a church-like silence as he spoke, and there is no doubt all senators were mesmerized. No one was leaving their seat. Any senator voting to do anything but end this charade now is exposed as a partisan hack.

The arguments have been made, and as Dershowitz said, we need no witnesses to find President Trump acquitted of these charges. Fox News missed American history in the making.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.