VIDEO: GOP Monitor Allegedly Catches Georgia Recount Worker Switching Votes

Georgia is a hot mess when it comes to the recount. Allegations of voter fraud are running rampant, and a GOP monitor claimed to have caught a recount worker switching votes from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden, three times in three minutes. Was this an honest mistake or deliberate? You don’t want to miss this.

GOP monitor at Georgia recount (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

A GOP monitor who was observing the ballot recount in Georgia said an auditor was caught changing votes from Trump to Biden three times in three minutes. We have no way of determining if this was intentional.

“Now, that’s just while I’m standing there. So does the second checker catch it every time?” Hale Soucie, the monitor asked a Project Veritas undercover reporter.

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe sent a team of undercover journalists to the Georgia recount to record any suspicious activity. It wasn’t long before one of his “insiders” came across some “irregularities.”

“This lady, three times in three minutes—from 2:09 to 2:12—she got three wrong,” Soucie told the Veritas reporter. “Does it get corrected the next time?” he fretted.

The “mistakes” all went one way, favoring Democrat candidate Biden.

Soucie said he had to leave that table to observe election workers at the next, and they were also behaving suspiciously. He said a counter was handing an auditor a ballot, and then the auditor allegedly accepted the vote for Biden without even bothering to check it.

“She’s not even looking at it, she’s putting it in,” Soucie said. “That person is supposed to be auditing it,” he explained.

Soucie said he reported the problem to the Cobb County election officials who told him they would talk to the auditors.

After that, the auditor “got all cutesy,” Soucie claimed, sarcastically putting the ballot up close to her face to examine the ballots when she knew he was watching.

He said when he started walking away, he saw her glaring at him.

“That’s when things started getting real shady—like really tense and crap,” Soucie told the Veritas reporter. He said that no matter where he was standing in the room, she and a couple of others would call their bosses and point at him.

“I haven’t touched anybody, haven’t talked to anybody,” the RNC monitor said defensively. “All I’m doing is writing down and observing and telling what happened.”

Soucie said that he observed several other election workers talking with the auditor and pointing at him. Then, while he was taking a stroll around the room, he said he heard the hostile auditor railing against him.

“I’m paid by the taxpayer and this f—king asshole is coming out and watching me,” she allegedly complained.

Soucie later explained why the situation concerned him. If votes aren’t being counted correctly and the auditors aren’t bothering to check those ballots, then “stuff could be sliding through,” he said.

Republicans have been very unhappy with how Georgia election officials are handling the recount.

Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Patriots, complained on Friday that the state was not allowing enough monitors to observe the process and slammed it as “a fake recount.”

Trump attorney Lin Wood, who became a thorn in leftist’s side for successfully representing Covington Catholic High teen Nicolas Sandmann, is also a resident of Georgia. He blasted the process and is threatening court action.

“The GA Recount is a SHAM. Just spoke with nonpartisan county head of elections. They are ONLY counting votes cast, not checking for validation & not checking signatures. Also there are many ‘perfect bubbles’ on absentee ballot votes. GA state officials are lying to citizens,” Wood posted.

But that’s not all. 

“Hey, Brad @GaSecofState, this tape is further than 6 feet & they refuse to move it so spotters can try to review what is being done. You & @BrianKempGA need to know that we are building the case to expose your lies about the GA recount. It is a sham! Every lie will be revealed,” he added.

Lin Wood is part of Trump’s powerhouse legal team handling these alleged voter fraud cases.

The team led by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and longtime Trump private lawyer Jay Sekulow has been expanded to include former Justice Department officials Victoria Toensing and Sidney Powell, former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova, and trusted campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis.

That’s a group of attorneys no one wants to mess with. It’s definitely a dream team to take on the Democrats, the media, and the swamp. They all have one thing in common: they are American patriots who are outsiders. They also are warriors who see injustice and can’t stand it.

This fight is not over. We do have a Constitutional process to guide us. Ignore the mainstream media, and stay up to date on the truth.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.