Herschel Walker: Fly BLM Activists To Countries With No Police — Leftists Freak

NFL legend Herschel Walker has an intriguing suggestion for those Black Lives Matter activists and their allies who are clamoring to “defund the police.” Herschel let them know he is game to meet with airlines to arrange flights for them to countries with no police forces. That’s right, Walker is happy to help them. Well, they immediately freaked out. You’ll love this.

Herschel Walker, “Defund the Police” protest (Photo Credit: YouTUbe/Screenshots)

Herschel Walker has always been a great advocate for police departments and the black community. As the winner of the Heisman Trophy in 1982, Walker became known as the best running back in college history.

He also holds a degree in Criminal Justice, so he knows what he is talking about when it comes to policing. He is a staunch Christian and cites his faith as getting him through life and hard times.

After America’s police officers came under attack, beginning with George Floyd and now the Rayshard Brooks situation in his hometown state of Georgia, Walker has put himself in the limelight to advocate for cops and President Donald Trump.

On Wednesday, the NFL legend put the “defund the police” movement on notice. 

“I have an idea… For all these people who don’t want any police, I’d love to meet with American Airlines, Delta, and Southwest and make a deal to fly them to countries that don’t have police. I want them to be happy!” he tweeted.

Walker tagged CNN, Fox News, Donald Trump, Jr., POTUS, and ESPN just to make sure his message got to the right people:

“Indeed, it might be easier to send these liberals to the Democrat-controlled cities in America that have already neutered their police forces to see how an end to the police might look to residents,” Breitbart’s Warner Todd Huston reports. 

The City of Chicago has practically muzzled its police since the Laquan McDonald shooting in 2014, and for the last few years, the murder rate has soared. During the recent riots in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, riots that Chicago’s mayor did little to stop, the city suffered its bloodiest day in 60 years with 18 murders in a single day.

In Baltimore, another city where police have been put on a leash, the murder rate has also soared. As March dawned, for instance, the city had already experienced 52 murders making it one of the most dangerous cities per capita in America. And with the police practically cowed in the wake of the police-involved death of Freddie Gray in 2015, the sad fact is that 68 percent of the city’s murders went without arrests.

While Walker’s message was met with overwhelming support, there are many radical leftists who support “defund the police” who really freaked out.

One BLM activist complained to Walker that he wasn’t grasping their movement. “Once Again you missing the Point #34. We Want Police that Protect and Serve there Communities. Repeat, Protect and Serve,” they wrote.

“So why do you keep using the word ‘defund’ and then turn around when we tell you the definition saying reform??? Also, the majority of cops are good people don’t tar everyone with the same brush,” tweeted “Mr. Bald.”

Another tweeted to Walker: “I don’t want racist cops killing people without being held accountable. Let’s not take things out of context. If you have brown skin, you should be worried! You could be next.”

“When are they not accountable, and who believes Floyd’s death was deserved? I don’t know anyone who believes he should have died. Even tho he has a long criminal history n narcotics in his system. N 82% of homicides are committed against whites by blacks, so should whites worry?” tweeted Mike Codella in response.

“The defund police moniker is not what people are asking for. What they are asking for is a police force that serves and protects rather than exercising excessive force. More money towards prevention of violence and property crimes,” tweeted another activist denying their true intentions.

“I beg to differ with your tweet they don’t want law enforcement because they want to break the law and not get the consequences from it… So wake up and maybe Herschel will help send you somewhere there’s no cops…. Help him out Herschel!!” responded Bill Gehringer.

The BLM moniker is “Defund the Police” not “Reform the Police.” However, the handlers who have co-opted BLM found out that the vast majority of Americans think they are out of their minds.

So, they had to scramble and put out a different message claiming they really did not mean to “abolish the police,” they just want “reforms.” But make no mistake, that is their goal and has been for a long time. Barack Obama’s foundation has been spearheading a “defund the police” movement for a long time.

Thanks to great advocates like Herschel Walker, Americans know that there are African-Americans who truly care about the police and are on the side of justice. We cannot and will not descend into a nation without law and order.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.