Jill’s Ex-Husband Backs Trump: ‘I Was Betrayed By The Bidens,’ Claims Love Story Is A Lie

Bill Stevenson is Jill Biden’s ex-husband, and he is now backing President Donald Trump. Stevenson said he was “betrayed” by Joe and Jill and is tired of keeping their dark secret. In fact, the Delaware bar owner knew Joe Biden well, and he says the story they have told for years about their “fairytale marriage” is one big lie. You don’t want to miss this.

Bill Stevenson, Jill Biden, Joe Biden (Photo Credit: Inside Edition/Screenshot, YouTube/Screenshot)

Joe and Jill Biden have told a story for years about how they met. In fact, both Joe and Jill have written memoirs detailing how they met. Now, according to Jill’s ex-husband, their story is one big lie.

The Bidens claim that it was Joe’s brother who set them up on a “blind date” in 1975.

“I was a senior, and I had been dating guys in jeans and clogs and T-shirts, he came to the door and he had a sport coat and loafers, and I thought, ‘God, this is never going to work, not in a million years,'” Jill Biden told Vogue.

“He was nine years older than I am! But we went out to see ‘A Man and a Woman’ at the movie theater in Philadelphia, and we really hit it off. When we came home … he shook my hand good night … I went upstairs and called my mother at 1:00 a.m. and said, ‘Mom, I finally met a gentleman,'” she added.

The Bidens have told the story time and again in campaign rallies and books and again most recently at the Democrat National Convention. As the story goes, a few years after Joe’s first wife, Neilia Hunter Biden, died, he saw a picture of Jill—a model—on an advertisement in Delaware in March 1975.

The next day, Joe claims his brother Frank—who has also been drawn into corruption concerns surrounding the Biden family—introduced Joe and Jill Biden since Frank knew Jill from college.

Now, Bill Stevenson says that’s all one big lie. 

Inside Edition’s Steven Fabian asked Stevenson if the Bidens’ story of how they met is true.

“It was a blind date. Point blank, is that story true?” Fabian asked Stevenson.

“No, not even a little bit,” Stevenson replied.

Stevenson married Jill when she was 18, six months after they first met on the beach.

“Jill and I met on the beach in Ocean City, New Jersey, in August of 1969. Sure I fell in love with her because I married her six months later,” he said in the interview.

Despite the official 1975 blind date narrative, Fabian said that Stevenson claims he introduced the two of them years earlier—and they knew each other well.

“According to Bill Stevenson, both he and Jill first got to know Joe Biden when Biden was a county councilman in New Castle, Delaware. Stevenson asked for his help in obtaining a liquor license,” Fabian said in the news package.

When Stevenson was asked if he and Jill were friends with Joe Biden, Stevenson told Inside Edition’s Fabian that “oh yeah” and “not only that, I threw a fundraiser for him in August and raised between $2,500 and $3,000. We got married in ’70. I introduced Joe to Jill in ’72. Right before the election in ’72, Jill, Joe, Neilia, and I were in his kitchen. How do you forget that?”

Fabian said, “That would be three years before that now-famous blind date.”

“Stevenson said his first inkling something was up was when Jill refused to go with him to meet Bruce Springsteen, who was booked to appear at the Stone Balloon,” Fabian said.

“She said ‘Joe asked me to keep an eye on the boys.’” Stevenson said. “I just thought in the back of my mind, ‘Hmmm.’”

“Then one day a man came into his bar and asked him to pay damages for a fender bender that involved Jill,” Fabian said.

“He looks at me, and he says, ‘Oh, she wasn’t driving.’ I said, ‘Her beloved Corvette she wasn’t driving?’ He goes, ‘Sen. Biden was driving it,’ and I went, ‘What?’” Stevenson recalled.

“Did you confront Jill at the time and say, ‘What’s going on here?’” Fabian asked.

“Yes I did,” Stevenson replied. “She didn’t say anything. She just looked at me. I said, ‘You gotta go. You gotta go get your own place.’”

Jill Biden and Bill Stevenson were formally divorced in May of 1975.

Fabian also asked Stevenson why he waited until now to tell this story.

“We’re talking about decades and decades ago. This story comes out right before the election; a lot of people are going to ask some questions,” Fabian asked.

“It’s years ago, but guess what? It’s so current right now because he is picking on people about character,” Stevenson replied.

Stevenson also denied that any Republican Party or Trump campaign officials reached out to him to get him to go public with his story.

The Bidens are denying Stevenson’s account, for what it’s worth.

“These claims are fictitious, seemingly to sell and promote a book,” Jill Biden’s spokesperson said according to Inside Edition. “The relationship of Joe and Jill Biden is well documented. Jill Biden separated from her first husband irreconcilably in the fall of 1974 and moved out of their marital home. Joe and Jill Biden had their first date in March of 1975 and they married in June of 1977.”

At the end of the interview package, Inside Edition’s anchor wrapped the segment by noting that Stevenson said he voted for Barack Obama and Biden in 2008 and 2012 but will be voting for Trump this year because of “Trump’s stance on police issues.”

So, should we believe Bill Stevenson? It would appear that his account could be quickly discredited by patrons of his bar from back in the 1970s, and no one has come forward to discredit him.

Why is this so important? Joe Biden has based his entire campaign on morality. He claims Trump is immoral and therefore we need Joe to help heal “the soul of America.” The fact that the Bidens may have lied about their so-called “fairytale marriage” and were allegedly engaged in an adulterous affair means they have no business lecturing the president or Americans on morality at all.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.