Joy: World Series Lock Him Up Chant Was ‘Beautiful Moment,’ Americans Trash Her

Joy Behar led the celebration on The View after people chanted “lock him up” at the World Series game Sunday night. The chant was meant for President Donald Trump who was in attendance. “It a beautiful moment when we’re using his words against him,” Joy said. Well, poor Joy got a rude awakening as Americans trashed her and her remarks. You’ll love this.

Joy Behar and President Donald Trump (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

On Monday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View,” the co-host discussed some people in the crowd chanting “lock him up” at President Donald Trump during game five of the World Series.

Meghan McCain said, “That’s in the middle of the Washington, D.C. swamp. If he had been in, I don’t know, Diamondbacks game, it might have been a different reaction.”

Whoopi Goldberg immediately cut Meghan for making a good point.

“Just look — I think people are pissed at him. People are legitimately angry at him,” Whoopi said. “It was a whole bunch of folks — black, white, Latino, Asian. It was just a whole bunch of people, and I think people just — they didn’t want to give him very much because, in a way, you’re all correct about what’s going on. People are annoyed with him.”

Joy Behar said, “It a beautiful moment when we’re using his words against him. Let’s face it.”

Sunny Hostin was also in fantasy land about the crowd saying, “The lock him up didn’t come from the suite. Those are the expensive seats. Those came from the upper seats, the seats where I sat in as a kid. Those aren’t the expensive seats. Those are the people’s seats. So I think that you have this fervor coming. I even saw banners, Veterans for Impeachment. People are upset with this president.”

What else would we expect from the D.C. swamp who gave Hillary Clinton 99 percent of their vote?

This is a chant straight out of the swamp, and the ticket prices to go to a World Series game in D.C. were astronomical. Laura Ingraham stated she got two tickets for Game 4 at $2,000 apiece. She also claimed the seats were nothing great. So, no middle-class Americans are able to afford that regardless of what Whoopi and Sunny Hostin desperately want to believe.

Americans also trashed Joy Behar and her ridiculous “beautiful moment” remark. 

“Hearing about this insane Anti-American woman being finally locked up in a mental institution would be Even a more Beautiful Moment,” tweeted Angry Americans United.


“It’s a shame that such a despicable excuse for a human being should have a public stage to spew her venom,” tweeted John W. Wilson.

It will never beat election night 2016, @JoyVBehar. I still rewatch the crying leftists and the angry talking heads. Watching the Young Turks is the most hilarious video on Youtube,” tweeted Liberty Bella.

“A glimpse into another mind destroyed by Trump Derangement Syndrome. Justice will come & her mind will snap in disbelief. And she has earned that,” tweeted “Bev from Texas.”

Joy and her crew actually believe the majority of Americans really hate President Trump. The shrews of The View are like women stranded in the desert. Being so parched and delusional they see things that just aren’t there.

If this World Series game was held anywhere in flyover country, Trump would have been received with thunderous applaud. Everyone with half a brain knows this is true. In fact, it’s a really good indicator that the swamp is so upset. Trump was smiling ear to ear.

The president’s approval rating despite the Democrats’ best efforts is better than Barack Obama’s at this time in his presidency. 

We all also know no one on The View has half a brain. Whether Trump Derangement Syndrome is the cause, or they never were really bright, by far Joy Behar takes the cake out of the entire cast of characters. Joy Behar’s idiocy is only surpassed by her lack of common sense, and when Trump soars to re-election, the 77-year-old will be so shattered she won’t ever recover. So sad to see people so misguided by the mainstream media.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.